The Ultimate Husband
Chapter 5674

Chapter 5674 Whew! Just as he left, Aurin took a deep breath before turning to Darryl with a smile.

"He's finally gone. Gosh, it's exhausting having to act all proper when I talk to him." As he spoke, Aurin addressed Chester and the rest. "There's no need to stand, all of you. Sit, all of you can Site Aurin was joyous and polite, unlike the cold and authoritative monarch he was moments ago.

Darryl could not help but laugh at the sight. Aurin was still the same, whether or not he was Heaven Emperor.


Chester, Debra, and the rest exchanged glances at the sight, finding the situation amusing as well.

Who would have thought that the Heaven Emperor would be such a character? Despite so, no one dared to sit still. After all, the Heaven Emperor was the ruler of all realms.

Sensing the crowd's hesitation, Darryl waved a hand as he smiled. "Chester, Dax! The Emperor himself has said there's no need for you to stand. Come on, sit down, the lot of you." It was only then that everyone slowly sat down.

Aurin could not help but whine at Darryl. "Master, do you know how bored I've been without you? There's

no one around to research formations or play chess with. All I do now is handle the region's affairs." Darryl flashed a pained smile as he replied, "I've taught you all I can, you know. You're the Heaven Emperor now. You can't be thinking of slacking off all the time! Don't worry. I'll come back to the Godly Region for a visit once I'm done with Antigonus and Auten." "Alright, Master. I'll be waiting for the good news." Aurin no longer looked displeased as he flashed a smile.

After talking for a bit longer, Aurin got I up slowly to look longingly at Darryl.

"I've got to go now, Master. You know I can't leave the Godly Region for too long as Heaven Emperor."

I oe v He had initially planned to check on Master Magaera's progress, but bumping into and reuniting with Darryl was a pleasant and rewarding surprise that he was more than glad about.

Alright! Darryl flashed a smile as he nodded before getting up with the rest to send Aurin to the main hall.

A few minutes later, Aurin returned to the Godly Region on the rainbow cloud with the protection of his elite guards.

Dax stared at the dissipating clouds as he mumbled to himself repeatedly, "Motherf*cker... F*ck me..." Darryl could not help but chuckle upon hearing him. "What are you freaking

out about, Dax?" Chester and the rest stared at Dax in mild confusion as well. i Dax scratched his head as he mumbled, "I've seen all kinds of sh*t in my years, but I never thought I'd be having a conversation with the bloody Heaven Emperor in the same room. Hell, I must be dreaming." As he spoke, Dax raised a hand to slap his own cheeks repeatedly.

Darryl and the rest could not help but burst out into laughter upon seeing Dax act that way.

Just as they were talking and laughing among themselves, a pupil hurried forward before bowing to Darryl.

"Brother Darryl, Miss Veron from the Lange family is here outside the main

gate to see you." Miss Veron? Darryl stopped short. According to his memory, there had been one Veron Lange of the Hidden Hero Sect, and coincidentally another with the exact same name from the Lange family.

Ambrose's smile vanished as he said with furrowed brows, "What's she doing here?" Ambrose was honestly a little annoyed at the mere thought of Veron. Had it not been for her ministrations, Heather would not have left in a fit of anger, nor would she have gotten captured by the Sea Dragon Palace and nearly lost her life.

At the same time, an unreadable expression passed over the faces of

Chester and the rest. They, too, did not have the best impression of the Lange high lady.

However, Chester was an amicable man. He returned to his senses and saie to Darryl, ""She came all this way.

We might as well hear her out." Darryl smiled. "It must have to do with the Lange household and the Wudang Sect." Following that, he said to the pupil, "Bring her in." "Yes." The pupil hurried off and returned with Veron in no time in the main hall.

Darryl could not help but marvel to himself when he saw Veron. The Lange family truly raised a beautiful daughter, only second to Circe back in

I the day.

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