The Ultimate Husband
Chapter 5673

Chapter 5673 Whew! At the same time, Chester and the rest let out a sigh of relief.

That was close. If a fight had broken out with Master Magaera and his men, there would be nothing but trouble to come. Thank goodness the Heaven Emperor sided with Darryl.

Just then, Master Magaera ordered his thousands of men to retreat from the Begonia Residences under Aurin's orders.

Following that, Darryl was sent into the main hall.

Aurin sat at the head seat in the room, with Darryl right next to him.

Chester and the rest stood to the side.

Despite knowing that Darryl was the Royal Master, they did not dare to be I any less respectful as if he was the Heaven Emperor himself.

Master Magaera stood at the doorway, his face filled with embarrassment as he fidgeted awkwardly.

Aurin brought out a beautiful jade box and passed it to Darryl with a smile.

""Master, I sensed that your divine power took a huge blow. I carry a few Heavenly Marrow Golden Elixir Pills with me wherever I go. I'll leave them with you so you can restore your energy." Darryl was overwhelmed with emotion.

He had been worrying over how to recover his powers, and Aurin had

offered the pills in time.

Since Master Magaera was watching, Darryl did not show too much emotion.

He replied quietly with a nod.

"Alright." Aurin was thrilled at the sight of Darryl accepting his gift.

The next second, a thought seemed to come to Aurin as he looked up at Master Magaera standing at the door to say, ""You sent over news that Antigonus escaped just a few days ago, Magaera. What was that about?" Master Magaera scrambled to bow at the question as he responded, "Antigonus was indeed captured by the Heaven Watchers, but he was too sly.

He escaped after usurping the Profound Heavenly General's divine

power. I tried to stop him at the Hidden Hero Sect, but he still managed to get away." el Aurin's brows furrowed at Master Magaera's response. As long as the Archfiend remained uncaptured, the Godly Region's safety would still be at risk.

Darryl piped up in a serious tone from the side, "Your Highness, it's not just about Antigonus now. Your brother, Prince Auten, is also a part of this." Darryl then spent the next few minutes describing what had happened with Prince Auten in detail.

What? All at once, both Aurin and Master Magaera were in shock.

Prince Auten went to the Nine

Continents on his own, wreaking havoc upon innocent lives and taking the form of another...

Amidst his shock, Master Magaera frowned to himself.

Prince Auten's ultimate goal in everything he did was to snatch the title of Heaven Emperor for himself, which might not be a bad thing for Master Magaera.

After all, Aurin constantly sided with Darryl, and he clearly had it out for Master Magaera. Why not help Auten instead of cowering under him all day? Just as Master Magaera was deep in thought, Aurin spoke up slowly.

""Magaera! You heard what Darryl said.

Waste no time, and hunt down Auten and Antigonus at once. Got it?"

"Yes!" Master Magaera called out, despite the indignance in his chest.

Aurin nodded at his response, continuing to speak. "Report to the Royal Master if you have any findings, and remember, don't set out by yourself." What? Master Magaera stopped short, growing even more displeased. Why did he, a great Divine Master, constantly have to report to Darryl? Seeing him hesitate, Aurin frowned.

"What's wrong? Is something the problem? The Royal Master knows the Nine Continents well, and he'll be a huge help to you in taking down Auten and Antigonus." I

Master Magaera took a deep breath, holding back his anger as he nodded.

"You're absolutely right, Your Highness. I'll be sure to work well alongside the Royal Master." Master Magaera was annoyed but did not dare to say anything to Aurin.

There Aurin was, ordering him around as he pleased once he became Heaven Emperor. Master Magaera swore to himself there and then that he would torture Aurin to no end once Auten took the crown from him.

All while thinking so, Master Magaera turned respectfully to say, "Is there anything else, Your Highness?" Aurin waved a hand. "No, no. You shouldn't waste any time. Get to work immediately."

"Yes, Your Highness!" Master Magaera called out in response, turning to leave the main hall. aad

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