The Transfer
Chapter 52 - Heated

Liam licked his lips as he dunked the plate into the soapy dish water. He scrubbed the plate and then handed it to me. I use the dish towel to dry the plate and then placed it back in the cupboard. Jenny was humming a song from the dining table. She was reading over the human newspaper whilst Ezra was playing a puzzle game on his iPad.

I took another plate from Liam and dried it before putting it away. Liam flickered his eyes to me again and then held my gaze when I looked back at him. I raised my eyebrows at him and he winked.

"The bedroom is ours after this," Liam told me hotly. I widened my eyes at him and felt a tingling sensation in my belly.

"Then hurry up,” I told him cheekily. Liam smirked and continued washing the dishes. We worked a little faster and then wiped down the bench.

"Liam, have you found out when that meeting is yet?" Ezra asked as we were about to leave. I held back a groan. I just wanted to spend some time alone with Liam while I had the chance.

Cass and Leon had apparently been messing around with each other all day so Liam's room would be perfect, because that meant no one would want to go past Leon's room. Especially Lucas.

"Yeah, two days from now. We'll be heading up to Terialta for the day. I organised with Beckett for us to stay the night also," Liam replied. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"You spoke to Beckett?" I asked him, shocked. Liam nodded at me. "Was he nice to you?"

Liam laughed and nodded at me. I frowned at him. That was strange. I would have expected Beckett to be somewhat difficult.

"He was, but none of the others were,” Liam replied. Ezra and I both nodded at this. That sounded better.

"Well, that's good. Can't wait,” Ezra said. He eyed Liam and I carefully. "You two going somewhere?" I smiled at him and nodded. Liam tensed a little. "We're going to go hang out with Lila, Brayleigh and the others. They're all back at their cabin.”

Lying to Ezra was easy, but making it convincing was hard. I hoped that Ezra forgot about Cass and Leon being occupied with each other. He would know for sure that we'd all avoid the house if they were busy with each other.

Little did he know.

Ezra looked to Jenny who had a subtle smirk on her lips. She didn't look up at Liam and I and it was obvious she knew what we were up to.

"Alright. Have fun. Be back for dinner if you're staying late,” Jenny said, still not looking up. Her smirk only grew as I grinned at her and then turned with Liam.

We raced out the house before they could call us back. I giggled with Liam as he slung an arm around my waist.

"I've been waiting to get a moment alone with you all day,” Liam mumbled to me as we walked. I smirked and nodded as I leant into him. His chest rumbled.

"Me too. It kind of sucks having nowhere private to go, huh?" I said to him, my cheeks heating up at my own words. I sounded like I was talking about us doing something other than us making out. Liam rumbled and pulled me closer. "You're too good, sugar.”

We neared the cabin and stepped inside. Lila was asleep in the living room as we passed. No one else was around and I knew that Lucas was out with Quo and Kade, more than likely getting up to trouble.

We were good to go for a while.

I felt giddy as Liam tugged me down the hallway. We passed Leon's room and I heard giggles. I smirked and shook my head as we walked into Liam's room.

"I cleaned my room just for you," Liam told me as he shut the door. I giggled and nodded at him.

"I can't say the same. My bedroom is a damn mess," I told him as I laughed. Liam rolled his eyes playfully as he walked over to the window and shut the blinds.

I opened my mouth to speak but words didn't come out. I realised that it was a little awkward. I said nothing and rubbed my neck as I looked at the ground. What next?

I looked at Liam, who's eyes were darting around the room. It got even more awkward when we started to hear light bumps coming from Leon's room. I widened my eyes slightly and looked away from Liam fast.

The bumps were frequent and I knew exactly what it was. Leon and Cass.

I looked at Liam again and we made eye contact. I awkwardly sucked in a deep breath and looked away fast again. There was a louder thump this time and then I heard faint giggles and deep laughter.

"They do that a lot, don't they?" I asked Liam. He laughed awkwardly and nodded.

I had no idea why I was so awkward. Talking about it moments ago was fine.

Liam came forwards suddenly. I was finally ready for him to kiss me. I had missed him and his touch over the past week. I was sure he felt the same.

Liam got to me and as I went to kiss him, he tried to hug me. He head butted me hard in the nose.

I yelped loudly and jumped away from him, laughing nervously as I held my nose. Liam's eyes widened as he gaped at me. "I'm s—sorry! I was trying to hug you!"

I laughed some more as I felt his embarrassment. That was the biggest miscommunication I had ever witnessed.

"I was trying to kiss you!" I laughed out. Liam started laughing too and then motioned for me to come forwards.

I didn't hesitate. I acted fast and went towards him. Liam cupped my cheek and held one hand to my waist as he pulled me close and closed the gap between us.

He kissed me gently at first, but then he deepened the kiss and kissed me harder. I sighed against his mouth as the tingles I had so badly missed finally returned. His touch sent sparks all up my body and left me wanting more.

He pushed me back until I slammed hard into the wall. I didn't care at how loud the thud was or if I had hit my head. I kissed Liam back passionately. I let my hands roam, in his hair, on his shoulders and then unbuckling his jeans.

He breathed hard against my mouth as I tugged him closer to me by the waistband of his jeans. He moved fast and tried to move down my pants while I did the same with his.

The bond was pulling and tugging at the both of us. My beast was whining in the back of my mind. She wanted to finally have our male all to ourselves.

She wanted his mark on our neck and she wanted ours on his. But I knew it still wasn't time.

Plus, I wanted to do it when there weren't other people in the cabin.

Liam picked me up, not once breaking the kiss. He kept me close and carried me over to the bed where he dropped me on the mattress and then pulled away my pants. He kicked off his jeans and then kissed me again.

I felt warm all over. His beast was reaching out to mine, caressing me, his scent and desire washing over me in cascades.

Liam pushed me back and held my hands above my head. He was more eager and gentle than usual and I liked it. But I preferred when he was rough and fast. It made the bond spark more.

I arched my back into him and parted my legs for Liam. He kissed me deeper, his tongue slipping into my mouth. He caressed me gently, one of his hands trailing down my body, gently rubbing the skin of my bare inner thigh.

I wanted more of Liam and I didn't more how to get it without going all the way. I tugged his shirt, signalling that I wanted it off. Liam acted fast, obeying my wishes as he tugged his shirt off with one hand.

"If mine comes off, so does yours," Liam growled out against my lips. I nodded eagerly as he lifted my shirt over my head and tossed it away. He licked his lips as he stared down at my breasts covered in a bra; something he never usually found when we got heated.

Liam started kissing me again. He didn't skip a beat. He reached under my back and unclipped my bra with one hand and then pulled it off. He tossed it across the room, not caring where it landed. His hands fondled me gently, his fingers grazing my skin softly and delicately. His kisses moved away and I knew exactly where they were going.

I was breathing fast. Panting for air. I knew I was pushing it by letting Liam go so far with me, but I didn't care. I wanted him badly and he knew it.

His tongue licked my cleavage slowly and I sighed out. I grabbed a fistful of Liam's hair, feeling his stiffness against my leg. His kisses turned to playful sucking as he took my nipple in his mouth and worked wonders.

I moaned softly and shut my eyes. My legs felt like jelly and I felt vulnerable and small underneath him. But I felt safe with Liam. I felt like I could trust him

"Liam," I said softly, a whimper following. It was supposed to be a warning but it sounded nothing like one. Liam didn't stop, and I felt his hands move to a place they'd never been before. His fingers played with the fabric of my panties, teasing and playing with me. He knew what he was doing.

I panted hard as I clenched Liam's hair in my hands. He moaned softly and ground his pelvis against me. I whimpered again and I looked down at him. He was staring at his fingers that were playing with my underwear.

My eyes fluttered when he slipped his hand into my panties and grazed my centre. I gasped and threw my head back. I hadn't known that he could make me feel the way he was making me feel.

I was exploding with pleasure and sparks all over my body. My head was spinning and I felt like I was floating on a cloud as Liam's fingers rubbed softly.

He started kissing me again, his hand pressing harder against me. I whimpered and pulled him close. He kissed down my jaw and down my neck, sucking and nibbling at my skin.

"Liam!" I gasped his name when he slipped his fingers inside me. He curled them and the slowly moved them in and out. I arched my back even more and bit my lip.

I exploded again. I felt like a firework, bursting. I felt

Liam all over me and I felt his passion for me. It burned hot as did the pull. Liam's fingers were quick. He knew what he was doing and I was more than glad.

"Holy fuck! Everyone god damn time!" I heard a scream from behind us and I widened my eyes as Liam dropped his body over mine to cover my half naked body. He grabbed me with both hands and cursed loudly.

"Lucas! Fucking hell! What are you doing in here?" Liam shouted. I glanced past Liam's shoulders. Lucas had his eyes covered. He was definitely in trouble.

"I was looking for your old football!" Lucas yelled out. Liam growled and looked behind him. He grabbed the blanket and pulled it over my body as he got up and pulled on his jeans again. Lucas opened his eyes and shrieked as he saw Liam walking towards him.

"Don't kill me!" Lucas cried out as I heard him running down the hallway. I sighed and rubbed my head.

That was close. Too close. I was too damn close to letting Liam have me. I almost gave in. But it wasn't time yet. The universe was giving us signs by having Lucas walk in on us.

Minutes later, Liam walked back into the room. He slammed the door shut and shook his head angrily.

"What the fuck is that kid's problem? Doesn't he know what privacy is?" Liam yelled. I looked at him with a slight smirk. He shook his head as he sat on the end of the bed.

"Don't stress, babe," I told him as I leaned forwards. I kissed his neck softly and he turned around to face me again.

"I don't know how I keep myself away from you," Liam shook his head as he kissed my forehead. I smiled at him.

"I'm glad that you don't."

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