His Rogue Omega: Chapter 33.


‘She’s going to run, how can she not after that sh it show.’ I punch the bridge of my nose as Storm tells me what I already know. Eva went into the bedroom about ten minutes ago but I’ve got the office door open in case she decides to bolt.

‘If she runs now the Elders will put out the order without

any further investigation. What do you suggest I do?’ I’m man enough to admit that I feel out of my depth, I know I should have all my ducks in a row as Alpha but honestly it feels like everything keeps piling on at the


‘At least the Elder is out of our fur for now. Maybe show Eva some fun outside of the Pack?’ Storm is right, all Eva has seen is the inside of the Pack house and the garden. I don’t even think she’s actively spoken to anyone who isn’t me, Selena or Rowan. She might not be as trapped as she was with Jeremy but I’m keeping her just as sheltered, she needs to see that being in a Pack isn’t all rules and boundaries.

“Cas? You down there?” Hearing Selena shout down from the top of the stairs I get up from my desk and walk into the small lounge area.

“What’s up?” I ask as I stick my head around the bannister, Selena is in a tight red dress that looks incredible against her tan skin.

“Me and Rowan are going to Roxie’s and thought you and Eva might like to come?” I raise an eyebrow at her, “well not to the back obviously but for some drinks, dancing and fun. She needs to let her


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hair down, Cas.”

“Are you in my head?” Selena just tilts her head to the side making her blonde hair tumble down her arm, “never mind, I assume you have

something for her to wear?”

“Of course, you won’t regret this I promise.” She starts to come down the stairs in some rather dangerous looking heels so I meet her halfway and help her down. “You get sorted and I’ll help Eva get ready.” I notice she has a garment bag over her arm that looks like it’s holding more than one outfit.

“It’s already eight, what time are you planning on leaving? I don’t want to be out all night.” I ask as I look at my watch once we reach the bottom of the stairs.

“Calm down grandpa, go get ready and we’ll meet you at the car.” I just shake my head as I lead her towards the bedroom door, I don’t bother knocking, instead I just open it and see a wide eyed Eva sitting on the bed drying her hair.

“Oh good, you already showered.” Selena pushes her way into the bedroom, “get sorted Cas, I have work to do.”

“What’s going on?” Eva asks as she puts the towel across her knee to hide her bare legs, from what I can tell she’s just in a t-shirt and panties, I guess we disturbed her while getting ready for bed.

“We are going out, Cas go shower. You stink of wolf and sweat.” I can’t seem to move as my eyes stay on Eva, I’m willing her to move the towel and give me a sneak peak but I know it won’t happen. “Earth to Cas?” I blink my eyes rapidly and head for the bathroom.

“Come on, you can come with me. All my good stuff is upstairs.” 1 don’t listen to see if Eva responds to Selena, I quickly close the bathroom door behind me. Leaning my back against the door I look

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down at my hard c ock pressing against my jeans, just that one glance and I’m hard as a rock. I’m expecting there to be zipper marks along my shaft when I take my jeans off.

‘Best clean the pipes before she grinds all over you on the dance floor.” I bark out a laugh at Storm as I pull my shirt over my head and toe off my boots.

‘I’ll be impressed if she doesn’t sit there staring at her hands all night.” It’s not a dig at Eva, it’s just a statement of fact, she’s shy and barely speaks. Sure she has been opening up more and more the last day or two but I think that has more to do with her wolf than her.

I make quick work of the shower, deciding to forgo the needed wa nk and just have the cold water calm my libido. I know I might regret that later but right now I want to be near Eva because I know she must be freaking out at Selena dressing her up. Once I’m washed and dried I step into the bedroom completely n*ked, no point in hiding when I know the room is empty.

“Well hello Alpha.” I could slap myself for not smelling Sookie before she spoke, I know it’s because my mind is filled with everything Eva.

“What are you doing here, Sookie?” She’s laid across the bed in nothing but a red g-string, I can see the bones of her hips sticking out as she holds herself up on one hand. I don’t have a problem being n*ked around Pack mates but this feels wrong so I quickly head to my drawers and pull on a pair of boxers.

“Well with Eva gone I thought me and you could talk about this mating thing again.” She rolls onto her back and using her feet as leverage she lifts her hips off the bed doing a slow seductive attempt of f ucking the


‘Get her out of here before I kill her.’ Storm is not happy about Sookie

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 33.

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rolling around n*ked in the same bed Eva sleeps in.

“Leave Sookie, I’ve told you multiple times now. Me and you will not be mates, we still have to talk about what you did to Eva the other day.” I cross my arms over my bare chest so she can see I have zero interest in her, my coc k outline can be seen in my boxers as it’s as flaccid as ever.

“Oh but I just helped right? The Elders will see she’s dangerous and get her out of your hair, you don’t need her baby.” Having heard enough I walk over to the bed and grab her arm, for a second her eyes light up thinking I’m giving in but instead I just drag her from the bed.

“You ever come in here again without permission, you will spend some time in the cells.” I snarl as I open the bedroom door, my grip on her is tight and she whimpers against the pain. “Me and you will not be mates, not now, not ever. Have some self respect or leave this Pack.” I throw her out of the bedroom and close the door before she even lands on the floor. I ignore the sounds of her shouting as I finish getting dressed in some black jeans, a black t-shirt that fits nicely over my muscles and some clean boots.

After messing with my hair for a few minutes in the mirror I open the bedroom door to an empty lounge. Hopefully Sookie leaving means she has finally heard me, I don’t want to banish a female from the Pack and force her to be a rogue but I will if this continues. After checking the office door is locked I pocket my keys and head up the stairs, the lounge is empty but I can hear chatting coming from the hall.

“Please tell me you had something to do with Sookie crying and running around wearing nothing but a piece of string?” I completely ignore Selena as she wipes her eyes, it seems she found the whole thing so funny she’s crying with laughter. I barely give her a second look though as my eyes land on Eva, she’s wearing skin tight black

His Rogue Omega Chapter 33

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jeans that seem to be glued to her b*dy. They show every curve she has as does the red top that seems to criss-cross at the front giving her chest a caged in look, while flowing I can still see she’s rocking one hell of a figure underneath.

“You ready?” Rowan asks me as he claps me on the back.

“Beautiful.” I whisper as Eva looks at me with her pale blue eyes that now have a smokey blackness to them. Her cheeks flame as I walk over to her and place a hand at the small of her back and lead her out of the front door.

“Oh this is going to be fun, come on babe.” I hear Selena say behind me, I’m about to ask Rowan who is driving when a cab pulls up in front of the Pack house. I don’t question it, I just open the door and let Eva slide in before me, once inside the cab I’m pressed fully against her. We are connected from our feet all the way up to our shoulders, it’s the most I’ve ever touched her and Storm is going crazy at the


“You alright?” I ask her as Rowan gives the cabbie directions from up front, Eva just nods her head as Selena climbs in beside me and closes. the door.

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