His Rogue Omega: Chapter 32.


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The woman sitting in front of me is giving me serious strict parent vibes, her red cloak keeps sl*pping off her thin shoulders and her grey hair is tied back in a tight bun. The half moon glasses help her see what on the paper she’s scribbling on while also being able to look at me over them.

“Now Eva, this is just the start of the investigation. You will be presented with the findings in due course.” Elder Iris’s voice is nasally and drawn out, the kind that makes you scrunch your nose up as it assaults your ears. I look over at Cas and he just gives me a small nod in reassurance. “Your last name please?”

“Smith, I go by Eva Smith.” I try to speak clearly but I’m having a hard. time speaking confidently in front of this woman.

“That is not your given name though? And I understand you have gone by Zoe in the past?” I nod my head at her but she just keeps her dark brown eyes on me, clearly she wants actual words.

“No it’s not my given name, I’m not sure of my family name.” Elder Iris makes a grimace with her mouth as she shows her distaste at not knowing my family.

“And the name Zoe?” Cas clears his throat and sits up a little straighter.

“What does that have to do with this Elder Iris?” I’m glad Cas has stepped in, I’m not sure how to tell an Elder that I had to pretend to be



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someone else to kidnap an Alpha’s daughter.

“Alpha Castiel, I will remind you that your presence here is not required. You are being allowed to sit in as a precautionary measure,” Elder Iris casts her eyes at me again. “Should your pet rogue get out of hand.” I cast my eyes down in shame, she was there the day Sookie provoked me into shifting for the first time so naturally she thinks I have no control.

“Can you tell me which Pack you were banished from before becoming a rogue?” I look at Cas and he just looks back at me blank.

“I don’t understand the question.” I’m not sure if she’s asking about Swiftmane or the Pack I was taken from as a child.

“I think I spoke quite clearly but let me rephrase, which Pack were you born into?” I start to pick at my hands nervously, my Pack of birth is a sore subject with me.

“I don’t know.” Elder Iris makes a weird gesture with her face before looking down and writing on the paper in front of her quickly.

“And the name of your recognised Alpha?” I shrug my shoulders as Elder Iris spears me with a hard stare. “Use your words Miss Smith.”

“I don’t know.” Again she starts scribbling on her paper, “I was kidnapped at a young age. I don’t know anything about my birth family or Pack, I’m sorry if that displeases you.” Cas reaches across to me and puts some pressure on my arm, it’s the universal gesture for ‘calm down’.

“Do you have any proof of this kidnapping? A missing persons report or a report to an Elder or local Alpha?” cas clears his throat as he lets. go of my hand, he leans forward in the chair clearly agitated at being on the wrong side of his own desk.


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“She doesn’t know where she came from so how can she know if these reports were made?” Elder Iris makes a look of disgust before writing on her paper and looking at Cas with an angry look..

“This is your last warning, another outburst and I will have you removed from this office. Right now I am just collecting the facts so I can report back to the Elders council.” Her tone leaves little room for argument but Cas just keeps staring at her like he wishes she would burst into flames.

“Now, tell me about this human you allowed to beat you.” I’m stunned into silence and I just look at my knees, I can’t believe she just asked me that as if it means nothing.

“I didn’t allow anything.” My voice is barely above a whisper as I feel the sweat start to collect on the back of my n*eck.

“I have a witness who claims you said, ‘I’m right where I’m supposed to be’. In reference to being with the human?” I look to my side and Cast shrugs clearly not knowing who this supposed witness is. I remember saying those words but they were to Cas when we were alone on a dark dirt road.

“I was confused, I thought I was where I was meant to be but I was wrong.” It’s difficult to admit but after just a few weeks with Cas I’ve come to realise it’s true, I might not feel like I belong here but I do. know I’m not supposed to be with Jeremy.

“And did you tell him about shifters? About what we are?” She’s quickly writing notes as she fires off her next question.

“No.” I speak clearly, knowing that it’s important they know I didn’t spill the one rule James gave me before leaving the bus station.

“Did he give any indication of knowing about shifters?” I shake my head no as Elder Iris goes silent and starts to scribble on her paper. She

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must have filled at least three pages since we sat down and she hasn’t even asked me all that much.

“Alright, that’s all I need. Alpha Castiel, Miss Smith, the Elder’s will be in touch in due course. It’s best for everyone if you stay here in Everfur for now, running off could look bad.” She tucks the papers she’s been writing on into her brown briefcase and stands from the desk, “now if you can escort me to my car I will be on my way.”

“Rowan is just outside, he will take you up.” Elder Iris waits for a second but when it’s clear Cas is not going to stand up and see her out she just sighs and shuffles past us and out of the office without another word.

For a while Cas just sits in the chair next to me silent as he taps his chin, I squirm in my chair uncomfortable with the amount of time it’s been since either of us talked.

‘He’s thinking, give him time.’ I can feel Ghost pacing in the back of my mind, it’s odd to think I squashed her down for so long because now I can’t imagine not having her pacing around my head.

“That was odd right? All those questions and how she acted with me?” If I can’t ask Cas surely Ghost will know if it was normal or not, as I speak with Ghost I watch Cas get up

from his chair and walk around. his desk. It takes him a minute to readjust his desk chair before he starts to type on his open laptop.

‘I don’t know but it can’t be good, Storm is anxious I can feel it.’ Ghost’ s answer doesn’t exactly leave me feeling reassured.

“What does she mean by staying in Everfur and running off looking bad?” Cas stops typing and looks over at me with concerned eyes.

“I’m sorry what Angel?” I smile at Cas, he was clearly elsewhere when

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I asked the question.

“Are you alright?” I can see the worry marking his face, whatever just happened clearly has him on edge.

“Not really, Jeremy knows about shifters, about you.” I lean back in my chair as the impact of his words reaches me.

“They think I told the one secret none of us should tell?” Cas nods his head, “how bad is this?”

“For most it’s a death sentence but you’re the fated mate to an Alpha so they can’t just kill you.” My head starts to whirl as he keeps speaking. “at most they find proof you told and they give you a slap on the wrist and we have to pay a heavy fine. At best they have no proof and this goes away.

“I didn’t tell him Cas, I swear it.” Cas smiles at me but it doesn’t reach his eyes, “and we aren’t mated, I assume as a rogue they will just have me killed?”

“If it comes to it I will mate you to save you but I want to try and fight this first. I don’t want to force you into a mating, I want you to mate me because you want it.” I just nod my head, I don’t know how to tell him that I can already feel Ghost packing her bags so we can run. I have no intention of tying myself to another male no matter how safe that male is making me feel.


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