
I woke the third time to a light knock at the door.

I quickly took inventory. My headache had lessened significantly, and the dizziness had mostly subsided. I was warm and I felt safe.

Cracking my eyes open, I realized I was still in Ivar’s arms, and the sun was just starting to peek in through the small opening in the curtains. The soft light told me it was early in the morning.

As I lifted my head, the door opened slightly to reveal Dr. Martin, glancing in the room.

“I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

I stretched and moved to sit up. Ivar tensed, clearly reluctant to let me go. I patted his arm and he grumbled before releasing me.

“No, that’s okay,” I said with as much a smile as I could muster.

“I just wanted to check in,” she said as Ivar sat up before getting out of bed behind me.

“Did you stay the night?” I asked, still somewhat disoriented.

She nodded, slowly, glancing at Ivar.

“I’ve been giving you fluids and drawing blood to monitor the level of wolfsbane still in your system,” Dr. Martin explained.

“Oh. Okay,” I said, not aware I had slept so deeply. “Is that what you’re doing now?”

She nodded, again. “I was going to do one last check to make sure things were still heading in the right direction.”

“Okay,” I said, shifting to the edge of the bed. “Actually, I need to use the restroom first.”

Both the doctor and Ivar escorted me despite my protests. Fortunately, they left me to take care of business on my own and I heard them move back to the bedroom. Their muffled conversation carried through the closed door.

Has she used the restroom before now?

Yes, she went once already.

That’s good. Maybe her kidneys are finally coming back online then.

It doesn’t look like her visible injuries have healed much overnight.

No, I was going to have Trinity see what she can do today.

Good. Have any of her werewolf senses seemed to improve? Her smell or hearing?

“I can hear you now,” I informed them as I finished up.

Both made their way back to the bathroom door and were standing there when I opened it.

“Sorry, Alpha,” Dr. Martin bowed her head. “You gave us all a scare. I didn’t want to immediately pester you with questions.”

“It’s fine.” I waved her off as I washed my hands. “I understand. I would like the IV out and something for my headache.”

I didn’t have the energy to be polite. My head started pounding the moment I stood up and with it came nausea. It felt like the worst hangover of my life.

“I’m sorry, Alpha.” The doctor shook her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea at the moment. The wolfsbane all but shut down your kidneys. Trinity was able to heal them to some extent, but she can’t pull the poison out of your blood. Your body has had to process it. We’ve given you a lot of fluid to help, but I’m worried about adding anything for pain just yet. Unless you want me to give you something sedating, but I’m not sure -”

“It’s fine,” I cut her off. “I can manage. Can we take out the IV? I don’t like having to drag it around.”

She pursed her lips.

“Only on the condition you drink lots of water,” she said, hesitantly. “If you don’t, I’ll need to keep giving you intravenous fluids.”

“Fine,” I said, trying to keep from sounding annoyed.

I sat on the edge of the bed again, completely exhausted just from the short walk. Ivar joined me and wrapped a protective arm around my waist. The doctor completed her tasks before taking her leave.

I slumped against Ivar’s shoulder as soon as the door closed.

“I’m wiped,” I sighed.

Ivar scooped me up easily and sat with his back against the headboard again. This time he placed me between his legs so that my back leaned against his front and gently massaged my shoulders.

“Mmm. That’s the stuff,” I murmured.

“I wish you would follow the doctor’s advice,” Ivar said, quietly.

I sank further into him.

“I’m okay,” I insisted. “It just takes a little longer to heal.”

“Mhmm,” he hummed but didn’t argue further.

I stared at his long legs caging me in. Every bit of him was powerfully perfect. I could feel the muscles in his chest and abdomen as he breathed behind me. The thought that I almost lost any chance to be with him had me turning in his arms.

He frowned as I met his gaze, but I just cupped his strong jaw in my hands. His short beard tickled my fingers.

“Thanks for coming to get me,” I said, softly. “I knew you would.”

“I almost didn’t make it,” he murmured, regret and disgust lacing his words as he glanced away.

I pulled him back until he finally looked into my eyes once again.

“You did,” I told him. “I wouldn’t have made it if you didn’t.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t answer when you called,” he apologized.

“I figured if you could have, you would’ve,” I shrugged, trying to brush it off.

He shook his head and looked like there was more he wanted to say.

“I understand it’s a secret,” I said, gently. “Hopefully someday you can tell me.”

“I will,” he said with conviction.

I nodded in return.

“Are there any other big secrets you can share in the meantime to hold me over?” I asked, trying to lighten the tone.

“Dragons are real."

My jaw fell open. “What?”

“There’s not very many left and obviously they keep a low profile,” he explained, grinning ever so slightly.

“How?” I asked. “Where?”

“There’s a few places. The big ones are mostly in the arctic now, but there’s a couple still in Asia. As for how, it takes a lot of coercion and intimidation of several government agencies.”

“Do they talk?” I asked, still amazed. “Have you met them?”

“They have a weird telepathic-like talking ability when they’re in their dragon forms and yes I’ve met a few over the years-”

“What do you mean dragon forms?” I cut him off.

“Oh, well they can take the form of humans, but they don’t like to. It’s not the same as it is for werewolves. We are both human and wolf - like two separate entities,” he explained. “They just appear human. They don’t have a human side. And they hate doing it, so it’s only for specific reasons that they will.”

“My mind is blown.”

“Wait until you meet one,” he said, nodding. “But remember it’s a secret. I’ll deny it if asked.”

I giggled.

“Sure. You got it, buddy,” I agreed.

Silence once again fell between us as Ivar reached up and gently ran his thumb over what I knew was a dark bruise on my face.

“I’m okay,” I told him as a frown crept over his features.

He nodded, but his expression darkened further.

Instead of arguing, I leaned in and brushed my lips against his. His hands trailed around me at the contact, one cupping the back of my neck. I deepened the kiss, testing his lips with my tongue. He parted slightly before suddenly pulling away, and hugging me against his chest.

“What the hell, Ivar?” I asked, immediately annoyed. “I told you I’m fine.”

He chuckled.

“Little wolf, I can’t resist you if we start that,” he said. “I didn’t think you would want an audience.”

“An audience?” I questioned. “What do you mean?”

“Can you not hear them?” He asked, gently. “Listen.”

I hadn’t been paying attention to my surroundings knowing I was safe in my own home with the werewolf king. I stilled and tuned in to my werewolf senses.

“Who's all here?” I asked after a moment.

“There’s a lot of people who care about you.” He shrugged. “Your family - including the Reddings - , your beta and his wife, the doctor, your entire council, those two bodyguards, Emerick -“

“You let Emerick stay?” I interrupted.

He nodded but grimaced.

“I think he and I have come to an understanding,” he said. “Or at least I understand that he means a lot to you.”

“He’s a good friend,” I agreed. “To me and to Luke.”

He grunted in response.

“I guess I should go be a gracious host, huh?” I said after a moment.

“You’re fine where you are, little wolf,” he whispered.

I smiled at his familiar words. I looked between us, still straddling the gorgeous, warrior king. I gave him another slow, intimate kiss and gripped his shoulders. His hands roamed lower to cup my cheeks, and I smiled against his lips before pushing away.

He frowned while I stood, but didn’t resist.

“Don’t look so grumpy, Your Majesty,” I teased, still steadying myself using the edge of the bed. “You’re the one who pointed out we have guests.”

“More like squatters,” he grumbled, following me to the door.

I made my way to the stairs and Ivar stayed close. His unease was evident, but he refrained from picking me up again.

Suddenly, Luke’s door flew open and he bounded towards me.

“Mom!” he cried, embracing me tightly.

“Hey, Lukey,” I said, gently. “I heard you took a long run.”

He pulled away, his face serious.

“What the fuck were you thinking?” he demanded.

Gone was the fresh-faced kid of a few days prior. Before me stood a pissed-off, future alpha. I noticed how he now towered over me. His strong jaw was set and his aura radiated power. It swirled in eyes as his wolf flashed just below the surface.

I was not to be easily intimidated.

“In my house, you will watch your language,” I him letting my own wolf show, and he glanced away uncomfortably. I squeezed his arm affectionately as I continued, “I’m sorry, Luke. I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just doing what I thought I had to.”

He nodded before silently drawing me into another tight hug.

“Thank you for coming to get me,” I said against his chest.

“Always,” he whispered.

When he pulled away, I gave him a small smile. “I hear we have company.”

“Yeah it’s kind of a full house,” Luke said, glancing towards the stairs.

“And yard,” Ivar added behind me.

“Well, I hope one of you went for groceries,” I muttered and I made my way towards the staircase.

I heard murmuring from downstairs where the occupants had started waking up. Cassie skidded to a halt before me as I descended.

“Sam! Are you okay? I mean of course you’re not but oh my goddess! I’m so glad you’re here and mostly unhurt. I can’t even imagine -“

“Cassie, honey, I’m okay,” I giggled.

She looped her arm through mine and we continued into the living room where I saw blankets and air mattresses strewn about.

“How many people stayed the night?” I asked, bewildered.

“I mean, pretty much everyone,” Cassie chirped. “We were all so worried. Your parents, Stephen, William, and Serena all stayed at the guest house. The rest of us kind of camped out.”

I looked around the room, in awe of the show of support. All five council members and their mates were sprawled on the floor. Jonathan and his mate Micah sat in the armchairs with coffee. Jackson looked more relaxed than I’d ever seen him, reclining on the couch. Michael stood putting his arm around Cassie, while Dr. Martin carried a steaming cup of tea from the kitchen.

Tears pricked my eyes as I felt love for my pack wash over me.

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