“Aaaaarrregggg damnit, its already been seven months and that Ceaser guy hasn’t come yet” Theresa complained as she lay face up on top of an abandoned rusty car

“What is that suppose to mean” asked Tanya who stared at Tom as he dis his regular morning exercises

“I need some action T I need suspense, just like that time with Victor” she replied gritting her teeth

“You know we were just lucky right phewww” Tom said as he stood up and dusted his palms

“There is no such thing as luck in this world, its either you’re a survivor or you are prey” said Theresa turning to face Tom

He smiled

“I don’t know if its just me but I can smell the rain”

Theresa smiled “Indeed I guess I’m not the only one”

“Woah woah guys no!” yelled Tanya throwing her hands in the air “we are suppose to be running from this Ceaser guy not waiting for him to find us”

“Ohw is that so?” grinned Theresa

“Yes it is so”

“Then why are you training and practicing your shooting?” said Tom raising his eyebrow at her

“Bingo!!” yelled Theresa jumping off the car

“I thought we were going to run but, it seems since i’m stuck with you guys…..I might as well be ready for anything” she replied

“I wonder what this Ceaser guy is like mmmmmmmm” said Theresa

“I’d rather we don’t find out” commented Tanya with a worried look on her face

The times had changed. By now only the strong were still alive. The whole country had become overrun by zombies. Even other countries had been invaded, it was unavoidable. The virus kept spreading. It was only a matter of time before the whole world fell victim. Tom, Theresa and Tanya had taken the advice they were given but unfortunately nowhere was safe.

Tanya slowly drove the van allowing the others to look around for anywhere they could find food. It was becoming increasingly difficult to find food, it was either it had expired or someone had got to it first. Even fuel had become very scarce so Tom and Theresa’s bikes were mostly empty.

“I really feel sorry for people with eating disorders right now” Theresa said laying back in her seat

Her stomach grumbled

“Hunger is but just an illusion, a true Jedai is not swayed by such trivial experiences” Tom immitated Obi One Kanobi from Star wars

Theresa held up a middle finger in response

“Don’t worry master Jedai when we find food I and the Pado one shall eat and not disturb you with trivial matters” Tanya intruded

“It shall all be decided by the light saber, my fellow knight” he replied

“Stop making things up there aren’t any knights in star wars” said Theresa

Tom’s darted his eyes outside

“I guess the hunger is getting to your head” teased Theresa

“I’ll have you know-“ Tom was cut of by the sound of explosion from the distance

The atmosphere in the car completely switched. Theresa became more attentive and began darting her eyes from one point to another and so did the rest. Tanya drove the van out of the road and into the bushes. Everyone grabbed a gun and lifted their windows leavening only a space big enough for a gun mouth to fit. Silence prevailed in that area, they waited for any sign of attack

Fuck, I hope its not this Ceaser guy because his timing could not be an worse Theresa thought as she felt her strength slowly drain from hunger

“Tanya, do you see anything?” Tom whispered

“No not at all” she replied “and Therry?”


Realizing there was no immediate danger they all slumped back into their seats. Just as they caught their breath something slammed against their van startling them. Tanya signaled for Tom to go outside while they covered him. He opened his door and dropped his shoe in order to check if it would be attacked but there was nothing. The bang had come from the other side of the car so he leaned a mirror down to see if someone was there and on the ground lay a body motionless. He got out and went round the car, what he saw made a chill go down his spine. Everyone else came out and horror filled their eyes. There in front if them lay a young woman around Theresa’s age and on her back with deep wounds a named was carved. It said Ceaser.

Ton felt anger swell up inside him how can another human do this to another

A low groan pulled him out of his thoughts

“She’s alive” Theresa said

“Get her inside the car” instructed Tom and they did so “lets get out here, its not safe”

Tanya stepped on the wheel and they took off into the distance.

“Where did our prey go to?” a deep voice asked

“I think we found our guys boss and to top it off they took our prey with them” replied a grotes looking man with unnaturally pale skin

“Wonderful” the boss whistled “boys, we are going to pay our little daredevil a visit!!” he announced and ten men with similarly pale skin cheered

He was much bigger than the rest and his skin was more grey than just pale

“Ceaser by what I’ve heard, he might be a boy but his crew is not to be taken lightly” advised Gustavo, Ceaser’s right hand man

“That is exactly why the two of us came along, its been a while since we have had to do things ourselves” smiled Ceaser

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