The Rotting Flesh Book 2: Deadman’s Wonderland
Chapter 1: Welcome to Wonderland

Panting and gasping for air, the pair ran downhill with their lives on the line. Behind them were screams and whistles of excitement. It was hunting season for those bastards and you had only two choices either you stand and die fighting or you run and die trying. Tears trailed back on Lucas’ cheeks as he realized how close their lives were to ending. They had been running for a most of the night and his body was slowly giving up. His speed suddenly dropped and he fell behind.

“Hey come on” Travis his friend said trying to get him to run faster

Lucas’ eyes were bloodshot with the endless crying, fear and exhaustion. He could barely utter a proper sentence.

“Le leave, m me” he gasped for air

“No that is not happening” Travis refused

How did things get to this thought Travis as he looked at his friend who could barely move

His body was more adept to these long runs since its all he had done all his life. Before the apocalypse he was a long distance runner and during the apocalypse all he did was run from the living and undead. Lucas on the other hand was one of those who were lucky enough to stay in a military camp after the apocalypse. Soon after their camp got raided by Ceaser things took a turn for the worst.

The sound of gunshots filled the air, the wind making it impossible to detect where they originated from. However Travis and Lucas knew exactly where they were coming from. Travis decided to stop and give Lucas a few seconds to breathe, he needed them too.

“How are they able to keep track of us in this vast forest” said Travis realizing how Ceaser’s guys kept locating them

When the hunt began they were ten of them and one by one they dropped. Nomatter where they tried to hide they would always be found almost like they had hidden cameras to detect them. The sound of guns fire getting closer to them jolted him out of his thoughts back to reality

“Damnit, okay Luce lets go” Travis said helping him up

His eyes darted from one point to another making sure they won’t miss anything. Lucas got up and they took off downhill. Even though their bodies were exhausted, the descent made it much easier on their joints since it propelled them downward.

The river, just a few more meters and we jump thought Travis as he looked forward

He was hoping to hit a river soon and throw jump in then let mother nature decide their fate.

Lucas’s vision slowly began to blur, his body was close to shutdown. Even his running was zig zaggy. Travis noticed and gave him a light slap to bring him back. There was no room for passing out, he had to push past his limits. It was a temporary measure though. After fighting to push past his limits Lucas finally tumbled to the ground.

“Go” he said looking up at his friend whose eyes were filled with terror

“Come on Lucce just a few more meters look the river i can see it” Travis begged pointing in the river’s direction “please man” his knees trembled from exhaustion

“I I can’t,……….. just” he gasped for air “go”

“No stand up” Travis said stubbornly as he pulled Lucas up

Just as Lucas stood and was about to give it one more try, he felt Travis’ grip tighten. He turned back to see what was the problem and an ear piercing shriek escaped his lips.

“I got one!!” a loud voice yelled from a distance “bulls eye”

All the exhaustion and fatigue vanished in a blink of an eye. The pain he felt in his joints and muscles went numb. Lucas’ eyes widened and everything moved as though time and slowed down. His friend still stood arched facing downwards with a stream of blood flowing out his lips. He had been impaled by a spear. Lucas’ tried to speak but his voice vanished.

“Lucce r, rr” Travis coughed blood “run” he mastered just a few words

His ears were deafened by a continuous piercing sound. He could feel his senses slowly dulling, one by one.

Is this what it feels like to die, its cold and lonely. Forgive me Lucce i failed to stay with you until the end

As his vision blurred, with the last of his strength he shoved his frozen traumatized friend downhill. Lucas fell backwards and tried to find something to grab as not to fall but it was all in vain. His body already destroyed he was not strong enough to stop the fall so all he could do was watch. His body was already in so much pain he felt nothing from the continuous falling. As he fell he watched his friend get much further from his reach.

Forgive me Travis he finally hit the river

Travis’ vision kept becoming more and more blurry, as Lucas hit the water and he was sure Lucce was safe, he breathed out once more and everything went black.

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