News screamed as Charlotte tightened her grip on his foot. He could slowly feel his knee dislocating. Silence filled the place and the atmosphere became gloomy.

“Don’t even think about it missy” Charlotte said after noticing Theresa about to act “or his leg is history”

They glared at each other, Charlotte smiled. Samantha froze with confusion; she didn’t know what to do. By the way Charlotte had attacked them head on with no weapon showed she meant business, so she wasn’t bluffing. There was a stale mate as each side waited to see who would attack first. Theresa contemplated on what approach to take but all her thoughts ended in News dying. She looked at News, he nodded almost as though agreeing to what she was thinking. Charlotte caught on fast to what they were planning.

“Oh so that’s how its going to be ey” she commented

“What is it?” Samantha asked looking at Theresa then at News.

She immediately caught on and as she was about to yell for Theresa to not fire. Charlotte tightened her grip breaking News’ foot completely. There was sound of breaking bones accompanied by a shriek of pain. A look of pure rage appeared on Theresa’s face and she let out a hail of bullets at that very moment, tearing into Charlotte’s hand reaching the bone before she ran out of ammo. The woman screamed in pain and leaped towards her like a lion pouncing on its prey. There was no way of evading this attack, Charlotte was just too fast. Just as she was about to land on she was pulled back chocking in mid air. Her massive body slammed the ground with a thud, dust rising into the air. Theresa’s eyes widened as she tried to piece together what had happened. A few meters was News holding onto a chain that was coiled around Theresa’s neck.

“Run!!” he yelled

Samantha turned and started to run but when she looked back she saw Theresa still standing.

“Theresa come on!!” she yelled for her to come but Theresa remained still

To someone in the situation they were in those words and that moment were golden. Such miracles only happened in movies. All that meant nothing to Theresa at this moment because instead fo those words coming as salvation they came as an insult. A memory of a recent incident that occurred immediately filled her mind when she heard them. IAs she stood there Charlotte was fighting to get the chain off with the only functional hand she had left. She suddenly stopped struggling and reached for her tartered arm. She pulled off a chunk of flesh from it and stuffed it into her mouth.

Forgive me Ceaser she thought and swallowed the chunk

She began shaking like someone who was having a seizure then went still.

“Samantha” Theresa said after being silent for such a long time

“Is she de dead?” asked Samantha looking at Charlotte’s still body

“Run” said Theresa looking at her

Samantha’s heart skipped a beat seeing the grim look on Theresa’s face. It was so dark Samantha wasn’t even sure if it was the girl they were with earlier.

It is in their final moments that people show you who they truly are Takashi’s voice flashed in Samantha’s memories

Without questioning anything she turned and ran. Theresa reloaded her gun, Samantha’s foot steps could still be heard and when they finally went silent Charlotte spoke.

“You’ll regret not running” she said in a guttural voice

Behind her lay News lifeless, he had finally reached his limit. His eyes wide open he was staring in Theresa’s direction. Charlotte stood up her appearance was different. She ripped out what remained of her left hand. Her body had become more muscular and green veins were visible all over her skin and her eyes had turned an ink black like the demons in movies. She slowly removed the chain and threw it to the ground.

“Any last words” she said and Theresa responded by corking her gun

Charlotte took off towards her and Theresa did likewise. Her huge feet made thuds on the ground while Theresa’s feet were barely audible. Aiming her guns she let it rip, Charlotte swayed to the right reaching for Theresa but felt a sharp pain behind her left foot which numbed it. It forced her down back to where the bullets were headed, her left eye was met with a rain of them before she rolled on the ground.

“Aaaaaah” she mourned and reached for the back of her foot, it was a sword

She immediately realised how much trouble she was in if she remained down. She looked around and as suspected Takashi was about to slash her neck. She pulled out the sword and blocked his, countering him with a leg sweep. He tripped and as he fell she swung her sword to slash him but it was shot out of her hands.

“Don’t even think about it” Theresa said, Takashi quickly rolled away from Charlotte and stood up

“That was close” he said

Charlotte ran her hand through the soil raising dust into the air. Theresa fired at where she was but little did she know how much she had missed. The moment she realised it, it was too late Charlotte was already next to her, She felt like she was hit by a heavy object which sent her flying and rolling on the ground. Before her body stopped rolling she saw a huge figure coming towards her, ignoring the pain she pushed herself and rolled back and stood up. A massive fist slammed where she had been leaving a fist print. As though Charlotte had teleported another fist was already approaching her face when she jumped out of reach and heard wood splatter. The dust finally settled and what she saw sent a chill down her spine. The tree had been destroyed so much it bent over. Charlotte growled as she lifted her gaze to Theresa.

I don’t think I can dodge this one she thought feeling her body slowly giving out.

“Too slow” she said

Charlotte turned to her and roared a deep beastly roar. Theresa reached for her back pocket and took out a grenade.

Well at least if I go out we go down together, I’m sorry Tom…..I couldn’t live tears began to flow down her eyes

Charlotte took off charging towards. It was like time slowed down for her

I thought they say when you are about to die all your memories would rewind till the day you were born, uh I guess it was a lie

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