“Its been awfully quiet hasn’t it?” Theresa commented seeing how peaceful things had been so far

“Such comments tend to bring bad luck” said the Takashi

“Ah hahaha very funny, don’t tell me you are frightened by silly superstition” replied Theresa rolling her eyes “what do you think News?”

“Well” he cleared his throat “I think i speak for most of us, I’m hungry” he changed the topic

“Lets go hunting maybe we can find some good humans still lurking out there” joked Theresa

“For someone we just met you sure do talk a lot” frowned Samantha

“At least I’m not making the air stuffy for everyone here” Theresa threw a come back

“Guys guys please, this isn’t the time or place to be going against each other. The enemy is out there not here” explained News

“Women” commented chinese dude and News giggled

The sun had set, the day had gone by quiet with no incidences. Everyone was all jumpy and super alert at at the beginning of the day but as time passed they slowly relaxed.

“Aaaaahhhh wooooow” Theresa yawned “I think its way past my bed time, none of those bastards is coming here” she said leaning back on a tree

“I have the feeling we haven’t seen the last of those monsters. If there is something i have learned in all my years of fighting is, its always calmest before the storm” Takashi commented while playing around with a small marble

He kept putting it in and out between his fingers, in a zig zag pattern.

“Takashi is everything alright” asked News noticing how unnatural he was acting

“No something isn’t right here” he lifted his gaze to a spot deep in the dark behind News

Theresa’s slowly relaxing body immediately waker. After hearing what he said she began to also feel an uneasiness like someone was watching them, silence prevailed. Only the sound of wind and leaves shuffling due to the breeze was heard. It was like the was no living thing in that area. The group kept making eye contact with each other. Even though no one said a word they all knew exactly what was going on. Theresa had already reached for her weapons and so did the others.

This presence they all thought simultaneously its him

Without warning Takashi sprung up pulling out his two swords. What followed was loud clanging sound of two metals hitting against each other. He swung to the right deflecting the object that was thrown at them. It went and sunk into a nearby tree. It was a massive sharp iron one hand axe.

Almost like they had all been waiting for that signal. They pounced into ready stances Theresa already aiming with her two automatics, News gripped a black shotgun while Samantha pulled an AK47. After Theresa had told them about her encounter with Ceaser and Gustavo, News and Samantha decided to reconsider their choice of weapons. Only Takashi decided to remain with his swords. As they stood there awaiting whoever it was to appear they were caught of guard by hands clapping. A slow clap similar to how a clock ticks. The leaves shuffled and from them emerged a huge figure. All their minds reached one conclusion.


“Ohw darlings unfortunately the big man could not make it today” said a female voice

She walked close until the light from the campfire illuminated her face, it was Charlotte.

“Quick reflexes I’m impressed, if you weren’t food I’d bed you” she smiled at Chinese dude

Theresa’s finger was already slightly pressing the trigger waiting for an sketchy moves. Her heart was already racing but she was fighting so hard for the fear to not show either on her face or through her trembling.

Damnit its not him, calm down

“Stop right there if you know whats good for you” said Takashi

“Don’t make me laugh, you have ten seconds to drop all your weapons and die quietly or perish painfully” said Charlotte veins already filling her skin

There was silence as both sides waited for the first move. Nomatter how they looked at it surrendering was not an option. It was either they win or die trying. So seeing how there was only one way to end this, Theresa pulled the trigger marking the beginning of the fight. Her bullets rained in Charlotte’s direction and hit her causing a green substance to ooze out of the wounds.

Almost as though she had teleported she moved from her position to where they were in the blink of an eye. Even though she was fast, it seemed she was not too fast for Takashi’s eyes. The time when she got there he welcomed her with multiple slashed at the side of the abdomen leaving deep cuts. She roared in pain and knelt down on one knee. As he was about to land another hit, she slammed him with the back of her hand sending him flying into the bushes as the other held on to the bleeding wound. News took advantage of her being on the ground and clicked his gun but before he could fire she grabbed it and threw him and Samantha who was already firing. His body slammed her sending her on her back.

“Shit” said Theresa as she quickly darted backwards guns pointed at Charlotte

Charlotte lifted up her gaze in Theresa’s direction and was met with a lit of bullets. She screamed then moved out of her line of fire. Just like back when they were attacked by Gustavo she vanished from her sight and appeared next to Theresa.

Shit she spotted Charlotte already next to her

It was too late to react, nomatter how much she tried to dodge the hit was going to land. As Theresa jumped backwards trying to avoid the inevitable punch, her saviour came to the rescue. Takashi’s sword flew past her jabbing Charlotte in her eye. The giant roared and fell to the ground.

“Damnit, fuck. My face” she said and pulled out the sword

Her skin became more pale and her voice changed “I’m going to kill you all” she said in a deep beastly voice

“Get down!!” News yelled taking aim

Samantha rolled down and he took his shot but it missed and just grazed Charlotte’s cheek. She glared at him

“Shit” he stood up and took off in the opposite direction

She roared and charged after him.

Damnit, this is bad Theresa thought as she dusted herself

Things had started out alright, the night night was quiet and they were all about to get comfy when she showed up.

“How the fuck did she know exactly where we were?” she said joking downhill where Charlotte had gone chasing News

“I don’t know but its good we set traps” replied Takashi “pick up the pace” he sprinted away

“Fuck” Theresa ran trying to keep up with him regardless of her aching body

She limped downhill.

“You fucken insects!!” Charlotte yelled as chains curled around her tightly

“Thought those were the only chains we had” News said sarcastically

“Who are you!?” asked Samantha pointing an AK47 at her

Charlotte grinned

“Whats so funny?” asked Sofia placing her finger on the trigger but Charlotte didn’t reply

“Guys rig her and lets leave, who knows how many of these bastards are out here” said Theresa looking around

News opened a black leather bag and pulled out ten grenades attached to belt. He cautiously approached Charlotte who was too calm for someone about to be blown up. As he got closer he could feel the atmosphere getting heavier.

Theresa frowned as she watched and her facial expression slowly loosened


“News run!” she yelled and rained bullets at Charlotte

Without warning the chains binding her snapped. News was caught by the leg.

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