“Damnit shit, how do those guys keep finding us” complained Thomas as he leaned against a tree to avoid gunfire

“There are cameras in this place, I think” replied the man who he ended up with when he got separated from Theresa and Tanya

The man would shoot then duck to avoid being hit. Bullets flew everywhere from every direction. Theresa and Tanya had been separated from them after some bastard blew himself up.

“I doubt you’d do much damage with just a baseball bat” commented the man with Tom as he noticed the only weapon he had was a bat

“Trust me” Tom smiled and gripped the bad “Samantha here can do wonders” he added and began to advance towards the enemy using the trees as shields

When he felt he had gone close enough he took out a grenade from within his jacket and threw it to the guy with him.

“Woah hey you wanna kill me” yelled the guy backing away

“I didn’t remove the pin, now remove the pin and throw it at me” he instructed

He assumed the basing stance awaiting the grenade to come. It was thrown in his direction and he swung. Slamming it as hard as he could it went and knocked out one of the hunters who was standing erect in the jeep that had been pursuing them.

“What the fuck, he’s fighting using base balls” said the driver laughing

“Look again!” yelled Tom and the driver turned to see what it was

His eyes widened “shit, its a grenade get!!”

The green ball exploded before the men could even react not leaving anything or anyone around it in one piece. The explosion attracted the attention of the others who were busy fighting for their lives

“Shit these damn bastards so relentless” Theresa complained as she fired at the hunters pursuing them

Tanya tightly held the handles and rode the bike to the best of her abilities, it was a speed chase. After the separation Theresa’s bike had been shot in the tank and nearly got them killed.

“Damnit how big is this place?” asked Tanya as she noticed how they had been riding for a while now but had not reached even a wall

The men following them were also on bikes and they were coming strong. Two broke off and rode on both sides of the girls.

Shit we are out numbered thought Tanya as she noticed their bikes close in from both sides

Theresa’s fire was mainly focused on the rear because thats where most of them were located. Seeing how dyer their situation was she realized taking the clear plains was a big mistake which might cost them big time.

“Damnit only if I was as good as Tom” complained Tanya

“Listen I have a plan!” yelled Theresa as she also assessed the situation


“I’m going to jump”

“Are you crazy?!” disagreed Tanya

“Its only option we got,” said Theresa

If I don’t do this we are going to die sooner than later she narrowed her eyes searching for an opening

“Noo we are not doing that” argued Tanya

“See you on the other side” she smiled and hoped off the bike

Her target was to highjack one of the bikes in the rear. It was a do or die situation because if she missed the target she would definitely die.

Tanya’s heart skipped a beat when she felt the weight on the bike reduce. Her bike swerved a few side ways causing her to ultimately crush. The fall scrapped some skin off her knees and it sent a rush of pain through her body.

Damnit “fuck” she swore as she looked at her open wounds

As she was still focused on the pain the sound of bikes and gunfire brought her back to reality. A few bullets hit too close to home causing her to duck behind a tree.

My bag she thought looking around

Her eyes ran from one area to the other as she looked for the bike. After a few seconds of searching she spotted the bike but the bag was further away.


She peeked to see where the bikers were and a bullet a spot on the tree close to her face.

Damnit Theresa! You can’t prove yourself if you die she thought

“One, Two, Three!” she took off towards the sniper bag coming so close to getting shot

Gripping the bag she threw herself out of sight and behind a tree. Quickly assembling her gun and loading it she listened for the bike engines.

There! she appeared and aimed

She breathed in and with one pull she took out the front wheel of the first bike sending the biker crushing to his death.

She loaded another bullet and aimed at the second biker who was coming from the left. He saw what was coming and began to sway his bike left and right, appearing and hiding behind trees. She pulled the trigger but the bullet missed only to hit a tree, the man cracked a smile and cranked his handles. His bike sped up.

Under the circumstances there was no time to reload another bullet because the rest were in the bag. She either had to dodge or run. She looked around for a tree to duck behind but the only one was too far from where she was. She tried to stand but fell back down, her knees weren't allowing her.


The sound of the engine got closer and witj each second the more hopeless her situation became.

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