The Rejected Mate
chapter 20 : advice

(A/N : I want to let you guys know that I'm in no way perfect, my grammar isn't the best one out there and what you guys would like. just remember that this is my first story and than I'm an amateur writer)

Sunlight streams in through the open window, bringing in fresh air. I tilt my head to the side with my eyes closed. I could feel the heat of the sun of my face, a smile graces my face as I feel good after a long time.

I've spend most of the day hauled up in the pack library, sitting on the window seat near the large window which overlooked the pack grounds. I could clearly see the toddlers running around playing with each other without a worry about their surrounding and elders spending their time with their mates or a friend chit-chating, I eyes slowly trail towards where all the pack warriors and teenagers are training shirtless, with sweat dripping down their muscled body, My eyes slowly move towards the front where the higher ranks stood practicing which meant the Alpha, Beta and Delta, The higher ranks either practiced or corrected the stance of the trainees, teaching them the right way to fight for survival, to protect the pack in time of a rogue attack or incase anyone declares war.

My eyes instantly draws into the shirtless figure at the very front, his muscle structure well defined, well built curves often glisten under the sunlight, moving stealthily as they spar with a pack warrior. Dancing on the balls of their feet ad they dodge the punch their partner just delivered.

As if feeling my burning stare he halts his actions and moves his captivating gaze upward catching my eyes, we stare at each other, seeming lost. The warrior takes this as a chance to punch him on his jaw, which succeeds in taking his eyes off of mine, his jaw clenches in anger. No one sees what's coming next as he moves fastly, too fast for anyone to comprehend delivers a right hook to his opponents nose breaking it effectively, the snapping of the bone could be heard clearly heard till here, everyone stops their training and stare at their Alpha in awe.

He snaps his gaze from the slumped figure of the warrior onto mine, his intense gaze making me look away.

thinking about a certain someone with a pair of captivating grey eyes.

My heart still beats faster when I think about him, I would never know why I do, even after we rejected each other all those years ago.

A clearing of throat makes me startle out of my reverie, I jump in shock which makes me drop the book I was holding in my hand as I stand up abruptly. I turn my head towards the entrance of the library and my eyes meet that of calm grey ones.

I look at the person standing in front of me, he looked like he was in his early thirties rather than fifty with toned muscle structure. He was someone I always looked upto rather than my own father. He set an example for us, he was a fierce leader, with pragmatical but with a down to earth kind of nature. Fighting the enemies without the fear of losing his own life for the pack, effectively leading us into becoming one of the greatest pack in the whole world with his strategic was of thinking.

He looked like an older version of his son, more mature and calm. They both would be even misunderstood as brothers if someone where to see them together. Damien looked just like his father, not that I've seen his mother since she passed away before even I joined the pack at fourteen.

"Alpha" I bow my head in submission, showing him respect as a Leader, which makes a small smile to graze his facial features.

"Call me Calvin”

He steps further into the library, taking a place at the office chair and table that no one used. He sits quietly, examining his surrounding. I've heard the pack members talking among themselves about how he had been requested by an Alpha in the Far south to train his pack a few months ago.

We sit silently, not making any small talk. It wasn't awkward by any means infact I felt more calm than I was before his arrival, I concentrate on the book in my hands, the occasional turning of the page was the only sound to be heard through out the library.

"You're his mate"

It wasn't a question.

That statement made me halt in my actions, shock layers my face like a blanket. How could he know about me being his sons mate? Did Damien tell him?

All these questions circles inside my head as I struggle to find an answer, I finally decide to deny his statement.

"I- no, how could I be his mate? He was mated to Em-" I start to say, trying not to show any form of suspicion, I manage to compose myself.

"You very well as everyone knows that they weren't mate, Serenity. The way they acted even though they claimed themselves to be in “love with each other wasn't how mated couples act.” He states and my mouth opens in shock.

"How?" I manage to croak out in shock, was he part witch too?

He smiles knowingly.

"You think I don't know my son? I've seen him grow from a pup to him becoming a fearless Alpha. He was never happy with her, and his actions changed extremely after you left the pack when their marriage was announced to the pack, it doesn't take a genius to connect the dots, and find out that you're his mate" he says as a matter of fact, he talks as if he has knew this all along

"I was his mate, but we both have rejected each other for good, and I have a boyfriend now" I state calmly.

"And does this boyfriend of yours makes you feel what you can with your mate?" He asks with an amused smile. It was almost like he knew the truth, about how I really felt confused about my feelings for his son

"Yes, we- we're really good. I love him" I reply to his enquiry.

"Are you sure?" He raises an eyebrow in question

I sigh in defeat. My body slumping with tiredness.

"No" I whisper in a low voice as I look down.

He gets up from his seated position and comes over my slumped figure, placing a hand on my shoulder, making me feel calm with his presence.

"I know it's hard, he wasn't always like this. He was a carefree and smart pup, but his mothers death changed him. He became closed off, didn't act like his age. Sometimes I blame myself for the change her death caused him, I was so busy healing my wounds that I forgot about him" sadness laced his voice as he speaks about his son and dead mate.

"I'm sorry” I say, feeling bad that he had to go through so much. He shakes his head.

"Don't be, it wasn't your fault”

"Al-" he gives me a disapproving look, and I correct myself "Calvin,Can I ask you how your mate died?" I ask him skeptically not knowing if it was a touchy subject or not.

"I don't think it is my story to tell, he was present when they killed her, he was just eight-year old back then" he says with a clenched jaw.

My wolf whimpers imagining an eight-old Damien going through so much pain at such a young age.

Calvin stands up from his seated position "it isn't easy to have a mate like Damien. know that there is a reason behind his actions, he is afraid that he would loose someone he loves again and that makes him have a wall around his heart, so he couldn't have to feel the pain he felt when his mother died. Forgiveness is the best form of love. It takes a strong person to say sorry and an even stronger person to Forgive. Which I know you're" he finishes his word with a smile.

I nod at him, just trying to process all the new information I got to know today about my mate. Calvin walks towards the door, probably to meet up with the elders or his son. I was lost in my thought, thinking if there was a reason behind him rejecting me? Is there any hope for us? "Serenity" Calvin calls my name when he opens the door to the library.

"Please don't give up on him" with that said he leaves the library, once again leaving me on my own. He sounded like he was pleading.

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