The Rejected Mate
chapter 19 : ally



I watch her as she sleeps peacefully, her chocolate curls sprawled on the pillow. She was really beautiful even if she thought otherwise. I know she might not like what I'm going to do tonight, she would be hurt when she comes to know about it but I had to do it.

My phone vibrates in my hand, I tear my eyes away from her sleeping figure to see 'Caden’s’ name flashing across my screen. I answer him right away.

"You needed me Alpha?"He asks straight away, well knowing him he's someone who never beats around the bush, he was a serious type of guy who only let loose among the ones he loved and cared about.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me by my name Cade" I exclaim for probably the hundredth time but his stubborn ass never does, which infuriates me to another level. He claims that I'm still his Alpha even if he left the pack long ago.

"You know that's never going to happen" he replies and I sigh, there is no way I can argue with this guy.

"Listen, I need your help with something” I tell him and I know he’s listening to me as the rustling on the other end comes to a halt.

"What is it?" He asks and I contemplate what I'm going to do for a last time, I think what effect it would have on her, and finally decide to just fuck it and go through with it.

"I want you to accompany me to Roman's” I say and I could feel him tensing up at the familiar name.

"What, are you out of your mind? You are really meeting with that bastard after what he did to your m-" he yells and I cut him off with a hard voice "Yes, I'm sure about it" I say and look at the sleeping figure on the bed.

He sighs and remains silent for a few moments and finally speaks about.

"Okay" he says

"I'll meet you on the way" I say and don't let him reply and hung up on him.

He had a reason to question my actions but his words brought an onslaught of horrible memories to run through my mind like a broken record, a part of my past I tried so hard to forget. I sigh and run a hand down my face.

I move towards her sleeping figure and place a kiss on her forehead, she instantly snuggles deeper into the blanket I had covered her with, so that she doesn't gets cold. I smile at her innocence and turn around and leave her room.

I had shifted and had been running in my wolf form for a few minutes, I had crossed the pack borders with some difficulty as the night patrol has heightened, which was a good thing. Since Caden is a rogue, which means that he lives in the no-man's territory , and if he shifts it wouldn't take him long to meet me halfway to Roman's.

My paws thud on the forest floor, silence surrounds the whole forest as its midnight. The time when the predators prey in silence. My wolf comes to a halt when I come across a brown wolf, a bit smaller than mine, and I instantly recognize him as Caden's wolf, Noah.

We meet up, and he bows his head in respect and I shake my wolf head in silence. "Alpha" Noah says through mind link and My wolf Dom immediately acknowledges him as a friend.

"We should continue running in our wolf form" I mind link him and he nods his head.

We take off, it was a good thing that there was we didn't have to cross any pack territories, we run in our wolf form for about an hour when we come across the the rogue territory on which the rogues and Roman live.

Instantly the air shifts, it becomes much colder. It felt like death hung in the air.

Me and Caden instanlty tense up, Alphas always have a strong hatred towards Rogues as they're creatures who didn't care about anyone rather than about themselves and killed anyone for their own survival and benefit.

Dom instantly perks up when we smell a rogue in the nearby vicinity and not even a second later, an average sized charcoal grey wolf comes into our line of vision

It snarls at us, its yellow teeth on display as drool drips down its chin in a disgusting manner. Caden’s wolf instantly steps before mine and snarls, his start canines showing as to protect me as he considers me his Alpha, and the rogue as a possible threat.

"Stand down, mutt” a new but familiar voice joins us, and I instantly recognize it as Roman, my wolf snarls in my head, I wanted to separate his head from his body and end the misery he has caused us all. I feel something I haven't felt in a long time, Bloodlust.

“Caden” I mind link him, telling him to stand down and his wolf looks at me in an incredulous way, but I shrug it off and bring my attention back to Roman who is in his Human form.

I instantly back away and Caden follows my action, we shift into our human form and instantly wear the change of clothes we had brought with ourselves.

I walk towards Roman's figure with my head held high. I see more rogues present now than when we left to change, all in their wolf form except for Roman. They all had the deadly, lifeless look in their eyes, they looked hollow.

"Well well well..what is the big bad Alpha doing in the my territory?!" he asks with humor but I could see the curiosity in his eyes. Roman was a man of power, ruthless than most but then I know someone else who could match his level of strength and darkness.

The first time I came to know about him being her biological father, I was stunned and furious for the most part, only a few things made me shocked nowadays but this revelation definitely did. Roman looked nothing like her, which I'm thankful for, and also come to the conclusion that she might look like her mother, who she never got to meet.

Roman's features were hard and set like stone, while she had an innocence to her that made her pure and admirable to the eyes.

The only thing they shared was their eye color, Hazel brown. While hers were soft and loving, his was hard and unforgiving. A long scar ran down his face from his forehead to his cheek, it looked like a scar caused from silver.

"I'm here to be your Ally, I want to remove the competition to achieve what is mine” I tell him, and all the other rogues growl in disapproval, Caden turns to look at me in disappointment and disbelief, which hurt but I had to do what I had to.

I see a thoughtful expression crossing Roman's features which tells me that he is contemplating my offer. He most probably knew what I was talking about. I wanted to remove the only person who could win her over, so I could keep Serenity to myself, without the threat of losing her every walking hour of the day.

Roman looks into my eyes, wanting to know if I'm lying or trying to trick him but I don't any emotions to be shown on my face and remain impassive. He continues to stare at me for a few moments.

He nods his head and says "Okay" and brings his hand forward to shake mine and I instanlty know he wanted to know if I would hesitate but I don't instead I place mine in his, we shake each others hand in a tight grip and seal the deal.

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