The Mafia King: To Insanity
The Mafia King: Chapter 6

Vincenzo drove me back to my apartment; the ride back was quiet. I thanked him again and got out of his car. He kept his head forward and drove off, completely ignoring the entire way and now. I sighed looking at him through his car window, about to say something, he quickly sped off. I watched his car slowly fade away before deciding to forget everything and go inside. 

I walk back into the apartment shaken up but surprisingly calm, yes, I was petrified but knowing Vincenzo is around brought a wave of serenity. I felt safe. I can take care of myself I don’t need him, and his ego trying to overpower me anyway. Although for once it was nice to be protected instead of being the one to protect.

My ringtone snaps me back to reality. Sam is calling shit, I completely forgot about him, that’s not a good sign. ‘Hello?’ I answered the phone, ‘Hey Belle you ready for tonight, we are going to a fancy Italian restaurant so dress fancy. I’ll pick you up at 8’ he spoke excitedly.

‘I would have been happy with a quiet ice cream date or even just lounging around an apartment and watching the big bang theory’ I truly was not in the mood for anything tonight, I wanted to cancel the whole date but knew it was too late.

‘Come on Belle, we’ll have plenty of time for that. Don’t keep me waiting I’ll see you soon’ Hanging up the phone I check the time, 3 o’clock I have a good five hours to get ready. ‘Maria want to go shopping?’ I call out. Poking her head in the door frame like a three-year-old child looking at me with puppy dog eyes. ‘Do you mean that? don’t toy with me’ she warned me.

I burst out laughing at the sight of her ‘Go get dressed idiota, let’s go.’ This girl suddenly possessed by the flash speeds off to her room to change out of her pjs.

‘I need a simple dress for tonight’ I warned her so she wouldn’t go overboard and make me wear a ballgown. ‘Hmm okay leave it to me, you just shut up and try on what I tell you no b-‘ I cut her off ‘But-‘ Maria pinched my lips together making me silent and eyed me like a madwoman. ‘No buts’ she finished her conditions, and with that, we went into every single store in the mall. My feet are so sore I feel like they’re going to just curse me and snap off.

‘Maria, we have been in every store if you don’t like something in here, I’m not going’ I whined just wanting to go home and then to this date so it can be over and done with, ‘Stop whining. Get in’ She pointed to the entrance of the store.

After rummaging through the isles Maria finally finds a dress to her liking.

It was a Black mini silk dress, the fabric hung low on my chest area but didn’t expose me too much. It was soft to the touch and hugged my body perfectly. Outlining my curves and making my butt look perfect and perky.

Finally purchasing the dress and some jewellery to match. We went home. Maria was jumping around the house like a child getting told they were going to Disneyland. ‘Maria calm down!’ I shouted, trying to settle her down. 

‘Shut up and sit down, I have a lot of work to do’ she pushed me down on the chair after insulting me, ‘Maria were twins’ I called out offended, ‘I was always the better-looking twin’ she flipped her hair back with such sass.

Looking at her I point my finger ‘No more coffee for you’ I shake my head watching her caffeine high, ‘Wha- whyyy’ she whined like a baby, I shook my head ‘you’re going to come crashing down so quick’ I pointed out knowing she was going to sleep early today. She kept staring at me with puppy dog eyes, I sighed and facepalmed this was going to be a long night.

Two hours later and I’m ready. I analysed myself in the mirror. The off white complimented my complexion, I looked down at the ring I had on. I took it off and placed four silver rings on instead. The intercom buzzed. ‘Isabella it’s me I’m waiting outside ready when you are.’

He isn’t going to come to the door. I- okay then. Reaching his car, he looks at me like a puppy looking at a bone. Uncomfortably I rubbed my elbow. ‘You look stunning Bella’

‘You clean up good yourself.’ That was somewhat a lie, I felt so overdressed. He was in simple black pants and a grey T-shirt. We finally arrived at the restaurant after an awkward silence in the car. He opened the door for me and linked our hands. We walked up the stairs and went to the man to give him our names. Assuming he made a reservation.

As Sam was talking to the man, I took a second to analyse the restaurant.

The restaurant was breathtaking, it screamed expensive and elegant. The wall was covered in red hand-painted patterns, while the edges of the walls were gold. In the middle of the room was a Crimson King maple tree. Red velvet chairs, the table pearl white with gold decor.

I was in awe about everything. Finally, taking our seats ‘You like it?’ I giggle ‘Seriously? look at this place it’s beautiful’ I admired the building. ‘Just like you Isabella’ I look away from his gaze feeling myself cringe slightly, I continued looking around taking it in.

‘Ahem, so what are you going to order?’ I ask him to try to change the subject, He scans the menu ‘Ah the Chicken Scallopini with chicken mushroom sauce’ Just the mere sound of that made my stomach growl, I looked over my menu ‘I have never been so stuck on anything in my life’ I joked.

‘May I suggest the Chicken Parmesan Casserole?’ I looked up at our waiter. ‘That sounds delicious, yes please.’ I smile up at him. ‘And for you sir?’ ‘The Chicken Scallopini with mushroom sauce.’

Sam ordered red wine for the table and the man went off to put our orders in. ‘Isabella, can I ask you something?’ he asked seriously, humming a yes, I nodded my head and looked at him anxiously. ‘Why did you break up with me?’ he breaths out, A lump formed in my throat, I don’t want anyone to know about the abuse and trauma I went through. 

I don’t want people walking on eggshells with me nor do I want people to pity me. When people find out about a bad, hard, or traumatising upbringing you’re no longer looked at for who you are now, you’re looked at for what you went through. You go from being a person to being the trauma itself. 

‘That abused girl’

‘I uh w-‘ I tried to come up with an excuse before the restaurant suddenly became pin-drop silent. The waiters and waitresses rushed, people, moving around to make room for whoever just walked in. The man and his posse stopped in front of a table eyeing a few men currently sitting on it.

With one swift motion of his finger, they cleared the table and left. My body heating up, I shrugged trying to brush off the feeling. After they settled down everyone hurried back to work.

‘He must be some big shot’ Sam stated. ‘I wonder who he is?’ I questioned, trying to change the subject. ‘Oh my god, Sam, I heard you have a daughter? When did that happen?’ I asked curiously.

Trying my absolute best to change the subject, he looks at me with happy eyes ‘Oh yea, her name is Belle she’s a beauty. After we broke up, I moved to LA and met my now Ex-wife, she’s amazing but together we were toxic. We share custody though and are pretty good friends’

Taking a sip of wine, did he seriously name her after me? Yikes. ‘That’s really cute, that you guys can stay civil for her sake’ he nodded his head. He reached his hand out grabbing my own, he traced small circles with his thumb on the back of my hand. I smiled looking at him, Sam was different and as bad as this sounds not a good different, he was safe. Predictable and he cared too much about what people said and thought about him. Sam goes to speak up before the buzzing of my phone cuts him off. I look at my phone seeing a blocked number. 

‘Sorry’ I apologised answering the phone. ‘Hello?’ 

‘Get your hand away from him, before I tear off his arm Isabella’ I scanned the restaurant looking for him, but I couldn’t find him anywhere. ‘I-‘ Cutting me off, his voice is deep his Italian accent once again becoming stronger. ‘3…2…”

I quickly pulled my hand out of Sam’s grasp my heart beating rapidly, still trying to find him. Finally, my eyes landed on a smirking cocky Italian staring right at me. ‘Good girl’ he hummed before hanging up the phone abruptly. 

‘You, okay?’ Sam questioned looking at me concerned, I tore my eyes away from Vincenzo and refocused on Sam. ‘Huh?’ I questioned still in a haze. ‘Oh, yeah I’m okay wrong number’ I laughed playing it off. Mid laugh I quickly take another sip of my wine. This is going to be a long night. 

‘What about you? What are you doing nowadays are you still working as an um you know’ he trailed off looking at me cautiously. Going out he never ‘approved’ of me being a stripper, but I had no other means of income, and in all honesty, I didn’t care. I never asked for his approval, and it never bothered me that he didn’t like my work. It’s my life and I get to choose what I do with my body.

‘a stripper? yup,’ I say finishing his sentence for him as I proceed to take a gulp of the wine. Indeed, a long night. I need to get wasted for this conversation. ‘Don’t you find it degrading?’ He blurted out.

Looking at him frustrated I let out a giggle, ‘You know what Sam? No, no I don’t. I find it empowering. It’s my body I can do what I please with it when I feel uncomfortable, I will stop but on my own merit. If you don’t like my line of work. I am more than happy to call an Uber and walk out now.’

‘That’s not what I meant it’s just there are men everywhere eyeing you like an object it’s slu-‘ I put my hand out cutting him off ‘Don’t finish that sentence.’

‘Slutty’ he finishes anyway. Reminding me of one of the other reasons why I dumped him. I grabbed his wine glass and threw it in his face. ‘You asked why I dumped you?’ I shouted gaining everyone’s attention. ‘Because of your entitled spoilt overcompensating personality’. I scoffed getting ready to walk off. Looking at him one last time, ‘Fuck you. You and your small dick can go to hell’ I spat as I grabbed my purse and walked to the bathroom.


After spending thirty minutes in the bathroom, I composed myself and walked out but in a matter of literal seconds, I’m pinned up against the door. I gasped shocked, before finally recognising who it was who had my body pinned up against a wall.

My body instantly heated up. ‘Hmm, that dress is testing my patience, Leonessa.’ He purred, his stare hard and cold. ‘It’s like you want to drive me insane’ He commented his eyes trailing my body. ‘Italy,’ I breathed out feeling my chest rising and falling at the lack of space between us. I look up at him, tilting my head as to warn him to not do anything stupid.

‘Vincenzo’ I trail off looking around us scared someone’s going to see us in such a position. ‘Small dick huh?’ he questions mockingly. 

‘Was he able to please you with such a small dick?’ he teases me, ‘show you a good time?’ He mocked me from earlier. I shut my eyes and opened them frustrated. ‘Vincenzo’ I warned softly, ‘looks like you like saying my name amore’ I shut my eyes rolling them, I look back at him shaking my head. 

‘Do you just appear out of thin air, or do you plan these little meetings?’ I say gesturing between us. He let out a low chuckle, my legs turn into jelly unable to hold my weight. Oh, that laugh that genuine laugh was the first thing that was able to make my legs weak. It should be illegal for someone to be this attractive. It should be punishable by death to be this gorgeous and a dick.

‘You didn’t answer my question, Isabella’ I look at him confused. Did he ask me a question? It’s like whenever he’s around I can’t help but turn into this mess. ‘Was he able to please you with his small dick?’ he questioned again. He traced his hand up my thigh and then underneath my dress and I couldn’t think clearly anymore. Not that I was thinking clearly before.

‘Uh … um’ I started stuttering as he closed the gap between us, and his curious hands kept roaming purposely avoiding the one area I wanted him to go to the most.

‘Hmmm, do you want to know what I think? I think he wasn’t even able to get you to orgasm, was he able to make you dripping wet just from the sound of his voice? Make your toes curl with his tongue? Make you scream in pleasure as you finally realise?’ He whispered into my neck his hands still teasingly playing with me. ‘Maybe you need to experience it with someone who has … more to offer’ His arrogant smirk reappearing on his face, I smirked and rolled my eyes. ‘So humble’ I mocked.

His hands trailed down my hips, my eyes going wide. ‘Vincenzo … people can … walk … in’ my chest rising and rapidly falling, the air being knocked out of me, dirty thoughts completely clouding my mind and better judgement. ‘Then they can enjoy a little floor show’ he whispered in my ear.

‘Are you going to answer my question or am I going to have to get it out of you the fun way.’ He eyed me, like a madman full of a million emotions but the dominating one being lust, attraction completely taking over him.

‘No’ I breathed out answering truthfully. He sucked in a breath staring at me as though deep in thought. Looking into his eyes it was evident he was imaging a million and one scenarios. Different ways… or positions he can have me in right now.

Taking in his features, the scar across his eye, his chiselled jaw, his stubble, his beautiful grey eyes being covered with his long thick lashes. The king’s crown tattooed on his neck and another on his hand. I admire the one on his neck how it covers him with a mesmerising pattern. I raise my hand with the tip of my finger I begin tracing it.

He initially stiffened under my touch, but then he eased into it, letting out a sigh. I bit my lip and continue to trace every detail on that tattoo. I wanted him. 

But I hated him. Letting out a shaky breath I pulled my hand away. ‘I should g-‘ Cutting me off he slams his lips to mine, catching my lips in a hard kiss. There was nothing gentle about it. Pressing me against the wall, he took my face between his hands. Every thought in my head blurring into madness. 

In his lips I felt the dark lure of desire it started to completely take over, bending all my rules.

Snapping back into reality. I was still on a date, and he is still the most agitating person in New York, and most importantly we were in public. Holding on to the last trembling bit of self-awareness I tried one last time to pull away. ‘No,’ He roared, slamming my lips back to his. Oh, fuck it. I slid my hands through the opening of his black silk dress shirt, it was unbuttoned exposing his beautiful, chiselled chest. 

He let out a low rough groan coming from the back of his throat, a small, pleading noise that set every inch of my skin on fire. ‘Fuck’ he whispered against my lips. Smirking into the kiss I pulled him closer by his belt. He broke the kiss and eyed me ‘Don’t start something you can’t finish leonessa’

As I went to reply I looked at his knuckles. That are covered in ‘blood?’ I questioned looking back at him.

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