The Mafia King: To Insanity
The Mafia King: Chapter 5

No, absolutely the fuck not. The nerve of this man … okay maybe I was a little jealous, but I was not going to let him know that I pushed him away from me, smiling ‘me? Jealous? Of her? You got to be kidding me.’ he eyed me his smug smirk never leaving his lips he corned me against the wall again, his body inches from my own. He cocks his brow up licking his lips while hands trail down my body, leaving goosebumps in its path.

A deeply satisfying hum left his soft pink lip. As much as my mind was screaming at me to push his hand away It felt like my I was paralysed. I couldn’t do anything but stare at him, I watched intensely as his adams apple went up and down as the low groan left his sealed lips. 

I bit my lower lip to restrain myself from letting out any kind of moan. ‘I- y- you just didn’t pay for the dance’ I muttered out breathless, trying to master an excuse as to why I came. As his hands continued to roam my body. I cursed myself and my stupid body for reacting so intensely to his touch.

(Sexual scene)

‘I own this place’ his free hand begins trailing down from my breasts to my thighs. Roughly pulling me closer to him ‘You work for me’ He whispered in my ear, his hot breath on my ear, his scruffy beard tickling my neck.

I clenched my thighs together as my breathing became rapid. My chest rose and fell as my eyes fixated on his gorgeous grey eyes, eyes full of hatred, and anger. It was as if I was staring at the devil himself how can eyes so grey appears so dark and black.He gripped my thigh forcing them open. I look at him my eyes wide I had no idea if my reaction was fear or if I wanted this, his hands all over me.

Before I had the chance to speak, he traced my throbbing area above my one piece with his thumb, my mouth gaped open forming an O as I let out a soft whimper. I gripped his arm stopping him, ‘Stop?’ I whispered; it came out more like a question than an order. His palm rested against me, I knew he could feel how wet and ready I am my entire body betraying me caving into his touch.

Despite my obedient pussy I kept a firm hold on his arm, a small laugh left his lips I looked at him curiously. He moved his hand from my pussy placing it firmly on the lower part of stomach pushing me further into the wall, he stabbed the knife into the wall inches from my face causing me to jump. This man almost stabbed me in the eye and yet it just made me wetter throbbing even more at his dominance.

That did not just turn me on. What the hell is wrong with me?

He presses his body into mine, my body immediately reacting to his touch burning underneath him I rolled my eyes back trying to desperately ignore what was happening. His hand finds its place back on my pussy, I arched my back bitting my lip to keep from moaning arching into his touch. 

‘Do you want me to stop?’ He questioned teasingly, knowing full well I didn’t.

breathless I muttered ‘yes?’

‘Leonessa … your mouth says one thing, but your body says another’ using his free hand he placed his thumb on my bottom lip parting it while he unclipped my one piece. Rolling my eyes back I lean my head on the wall and let out a small sigh of pleasure. Fuck

‘You’re so wet for me.’ He whispered against my ear, rubbing his two fingers on my clit, going faster. “So ready for me” I bite my lip trying to stop myself from giving him the pleasure of hearing me moan out. 

‘Don’t bite your lip’ he growled. ‘Let it out’ he demanded like he needed to hear me like it was a mission to get me to moan. My body craved him, and I couldn’t explain why, but it reassured me when I felt his body replicate mine. His hard-on pressing against my thigh. 

All the senses in my body erupted as I let out a moan when I felt him pick up the pace teasing my clit. ‘Fuck’ I cursed. He smiled feeling satisfied upon hearing my moan, he places one finger in me thrusting it in and out in slow motion. 

‘Is this what you wanted when you came bursting in here’ I wanted to scream I wanted to push him off me I wanted to strangle him, but it was like my body was frozen and he knew it, he knew the power he had over me. I became paralysed by his touch, by him and I can’t explain how or why. ‘Did you want me to play with your pussy?’ He questioned picking up the pace, I arched my back grinding my hips further into his finger. 

He interested another finger into me, Vincenzo began pumping in and out of me so fast I didn’t even try to suppress my moan anymore and I screamed his name before my moans turned silent unable to let anything out. He started rubbing my clit with his thumb while his fingers worked their magic pumping in and out. I gripped his arm nearing my climax and he pulled out. I whined at the lack of friction, I looked at him pissed that he stopped.

‘Not yet leonessa … not yet’ he grabbed my jaw ‘open those pretty red lips’ doing as he said like a fucking puppy, he stuck his fingers in my mouth ‘tell me how you taste’ he purred

I sucked on his fingers without fighting him, he groaned as my tongue flicked and licked his fingers covered in my juices. He grabbed his knife out of the wall and placed the tip of it under my chin tilting my head up. He leaned in and whispered ‘Only good girls get to cum’ not finishing what he started and walked out. 

(End of sexual scene)


after 20 minutes of trying to regain my composure and finish the job after he left me hanging, I failed miserably. I let out a sexually frustrated sigh and walked out of the room. Everyone was busy entertaining, and no one dared to look this way on account of Vincenzo’s threat. 

I walked backstage and changed back into my normal clothes. After calming Maria down and convincing her that I was fine, and nothing happened we went home.


Running into the shower I put the water on and stripped my clothes off. As I wash myself off, I couldn’t help but remember how his hands felt on my skin, I traced the parts of my body that were touched by him and felt fire along with those areas. 

Stepping out of the shower I plop myself in bed. My phone buzzed 

‘Leonessa, I enjoyed playing with you today – V.K’

How did he get my number, looking down at my phone 

‘don’t bother worrying how I got your number I have my ways’ he answered my unasked question. 

‘That’s stalker behaviour don’t you think?‘ I replied.

‘Did I leave the much of an impression ;)’ I teased.

Within a second he responded, ‘do you think it’s wise to talk to me like that after tonight?’ he responded, and I could hear his cocky accent and see the smug look on his face. 

‘Don’t get cocky, I’m sure you had a cold shower after you helped yourself’ I responded rolling my eyes, he makes me so mad, and I hate that he has that power over me. 

Who does he think he is. Ok, I didn’t want him to stop, and I might’ve wanted to just jump him but in my defence. Oy Vey his hot you can’t blame me. 

‘Watch it, Isabella. I’m not the person you want to piss off.’ 

I rolled my eyes texting him back ‘Oh on the contrary you’re exactly the person I want to piss off’

‘until next time Leonessa -V.K’ 

I shut off my phone and threw it across the room. Every rational thought is telling me to stay away, to avoid him at all costs but my other side wants to play his little game.


The next morning, I checked my phone and found no new messages from Italy. Slightly disappointed, I shook my head and threw my phone back on my bed. 

I went on my morning run a little earlier than Maria. I needed to just get out. I was running like a girl on a mission, and then I fell flat on my ass after bumping into someone. ‘Oh my god I’m so sorry’ I rushed out. ‘Oh my god, I spilt coffee on your shirt let me get that for you.’ I rubbed his shirt with the napkin that also fell on the floor. 

‘You’re only making it worse’ the man laughed. Blushing I buried my face in my hands. ‘I’m so sorry, I’ll buy you a new shirt’ 

‘Hey, it’s fine the shirt’s pretty old’ He muttered looking down at his stained shirt. ‘I’m Isabella’ I greeted myself to the handsome man, tall, tan sadly no facial hair and tattoos he wasn’t very built, but he was still sort of attractive. ‘Oh my god, Isabella? it’s Sam’ Realisation overcame me, my ex-boyfriend, Sam. ‘Oh my god I didn’t recognise you,’ I said and went in for a hug. Sam and I dated when I first moved to Minnesota but broke up because I didn’t want him to know about my abusive stepdad and I just wasn’t able to date at that period.

‘Would it be strange if I asked you out on a date?’ 

I stare at him hesitantly, I mean yes, we had a connection a while ago and yes, he is attractive, and he seems very sweet but there’s no mystery he seemed too …. safe? I mentally slapped myself as I caught on that I was subconsciously comparing him to Italy.

‘Hey, it’s the least you could do for staining my new shirt’ he smiled “New? you just told me it was old’ I giggled rolling my eyes, but I smiled and agreed. 

We exchanged details and he said he’ll pick me up tonight for our date. 


Walking back into the apartment I see no sign of Maria. ‘Maria?’ I call out 

‘In the kitchen’ I follow her voice and see her cooking breakfast. ‘You were up early this morning?’ she asked looking me up and down, ‘I just needed some fresh air’ I wasn’t lying, ever since last night nothing I did help. I was beyond frustrated and irritated. She hummed and continued cooking. ‘I bumped into Sam on my run… literally’ I joked at the literal behind that statement.

‘Ex-boyfriend Sam?’ She questioned curiously, ‘Yes’ I nodded grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, ‘Is he still cute?’ she asked in an excited voice, I thought for a second and shrugged my shoulders ‘Yea I guess’ I answered her question unsure of my answer.

‘Tall?’ She was now standing directly in front of me, ‘Built? How’s his hair? Is he living here? How old is he again? Oh, my is he still cute? OH MY GOD! are you getting back together?’ She began firing questions not being able to keep up ‘Jesus Maria I don’t know, stop firing questions at me.’ I yelled feeling overwhelmed. 

‘Last one, are you looking forward to it?’ she asked seriously staring at me, I stared back at her for a minute ‘I don’t know’ I answered truthfully, I felt like I was missing something. That going on this date with Sam was just wrong. I wasn’t excited nor was I fully invested in going.

Maria sighed and sat across from me at the dining table. ‘Is it because of Vincenzo?’ she cautiously questioned me. 

‘I-I don’t know Maria … maybe?’ My unsure voice not reassuring her, I walked back towards the fridge and put my bottle back in and turned around to look at Maria on the kitchen table. ‘I can’t tell you how to feel, but my advice. You might end up liking the guy he isn’t dangerous he doesn’t own a mafia, nor does he kill people or sell drugs or do business with criminals for a living.’ 

Why didn’t any of those aspects of Vincenzo’s life bother me? ‘I guess’ Sam was a safe option and I’m talking and debating my life as if there is something even happening between me and Vincenzo. He is just my boss and a man I’m in a sick game with? I sigh frustrated shaking my head and trying to focus. 

Halfway through our shift at the restaurant Maria and I meet Karla, she’s also a waiter and she’s sweet. We planned to go clubbing together tomorrow night.

‘Isabella, can you take table nine, please. There in the private booth’ Nodding my head, I walk towards table nine grabbing my notepad I look up ‘Are you men ready to order?’ I question.

Examining the booth my heart stops and it felt like my airways got cut off. My luck of course he was here. ‘What’s your name beautiful?’ one of his men asked. Plastering the fakest smile I can master ‘Isabella, I’ll be your waiter tonight are you ready to order?’ I plastered my best self-service voice smiling at the men.

‘Aw come on now gorgeous no need to shut me down, I can show you a good time baby’ I cringed his lack of charm made this entire conversation awkward and uncomfortable. I looked back at the man and saw a scared expression plastered on his face, I follow his gaze and saw Vincenzo’s dangerous warning stare. Oh, jealousy? Smirking to myself I thought this was a perfect time to play his game.

Since he wanted to be a little bitch yesterday. ‘Actually, I just recently got back with my Ex today, and he knows exactly how to show me a good time’ I winked trailing my pen in-between my breast and down my stomach letting it rest just above my waistline. Stealing a quick look at Vincenzo, he has his jaw clenched and his body is tensed up. 

One point Isabella.

‘I’ll give you all a few minutes to decide what you want to order, and I’ll be right back.’ Walking away I caught Vincenzo’s murderous stare. Smiling victoriously, I walked away making sure to exaggerate my hip movements in the process. 

I went back and took their orders after five minutes of leaving I begged Karla to give them their food. I was officially off the clock. Maria finished before me, so I was walking home alone. 

I walked outside the restaurant and exhaled not realising I was holding my breath, that man gets under my skin. He is the definition of infuriating. Instead of firing me like a normal person, he punishes me by letting not letting me cum. What kind of a boss. I exhaled a deep breath ‘Isabella shut the fuck up’ I scolded myself, snapping myself out of my daze I caught someone approaching me from the corner of my eye.

I picked up my pace and walked faster and the man was hot on my tail. Getting scared I ran for my life. The man behind me tackled me to the floor and dragged me into an alley. ‘You’re fucking sexy’ He spat trying to undo my pants. Yelling I tried kicking him off me, but the bastard put his knee on my chest. ‘HELP’ I cried out.

‘STOP FUCKING TOUCHING ME’ I hooked him and got up to my feet and ran. Of course, not before being stopped by a bunch of men. ‘Get her and hold her down’ he yelled. My heart was beating so fast that I felt like it was going to burst out of my chest this can’t be happening again. Crying I started kicking and screaming. ‘SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH’ One of them backhand me across the face. Just before I was about to do anything. A very deep Italian voice silenced me.

‘Gentlemen I wouldn’t do that if I were you.’ It was his voice. ‘Go find your own toy’ the man spat as he unbuttoned his pants and took out his cock. ‘Put your tiny dick back in your pants before I blow it off’ he warned in a low voice. The man didn’t listen I looked between them, my breathing harsh. I smirked ‘He doesn’t like repeating himself‘ I coldly repeated Vincenzo’s words to the man. Looking over at Vincenzo, I see him smirking proudly at my recollection. He pulled out his gun and did exactly what he threatened to do. He blew his dick off.

The men dropped me and rush towards Vincenzo. With his gun he cloaked one of the men, kicking another in the stomach before casually grabbing him by his head and kneeing him. One came from behind with a knife ‘VINCENZO BEHIND YOU’ I yelled out. 

He spun around and grabbed the man by his hand stopping him and punching him in his ribcage, the man dropped the knife and fell to his knees struggling to breathe. He grabbed him by his neck and spat in his face. He pulled the man who was going to rape me by his legs and cupped his face in his hand as he began to cut something into the side of his cheek.

The man cried out a horrific scream, a scream that made my hairs stand up. If he wasn’t just about to rape me, I would have cried for him. He threw him back down. I looked at his cheek, ‘V.K’

The men backing off leave the man and run as fast as they could, so much for no man left behind.

I look up at Vincenzo with blurry vision, his breathing heavily as he re-buttons his shirt. Not realising what I’m doing I run towards him and jump in his arms hugging him as tightly as I could. 

He didn’t even move back nor flinch catching me mid-air, he steadies himself, after a second his body relaxed holding me tightly against his chest. ‘Are you okay Leonessa?’ He whispered softly generally worried.

I cried into his neck and gripped him tighter. The fear of being rapped again unleashed memories that haunt me, memories I spent 8 years burying away. “Shhh” he cooed into my neck. 

Vincenzo King. Just saved me.

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