The Mafia King: To Insanity
The Mafia King: Chapter 20

I stood there waiting for someone to say something, but they just stood there looking at each other. ‘SPIT IT OUT’ I yelled making them to flinch, ‘his hiding someone in an abandoned factory’ hacker quickly blurted out. Growing frustrated ‘we know that already we need to find out who’ I state.

Vincenzo remaining calm sits back in his chair eating his food, I look back at him in shock. I knew Vincenzo always remained calm, giving him the upper hand in many situations but I was dumbfounded at just how calm he was right now. I looked back at Hacker ‘did you find out who?’ I asked him, he started scratching his arm looking down ‘No’

‘But I can, I just need a bit of time.’ He quickly rushes out, Vincenzo looked up and gave Hacker the ok to take his time and dismissed everyone from the office. I turned on my heel and looked at him like he just lost his mind ‘how are you so calm?’ this is the biggest news we got on Xavier maybe whoever he is hiding out there is important to him, maybe the person can be used as leverage.

‘What’s the point of getting agitated, he needs time. Hacker is the most skilled in his field don’t worry.’ He calmly assures me going back to his food. Staring at him I quickly rush to him putting my hand over his forehead ‘what are you doing’ he asked annoyed swatting my hand away ‘checking for a fever’ I sate worried.

‘I don’t like you like this.’ I state, he was acting like nothing happened and I have no idea if that made him more intimidating that he was so calm or just annoying? I shake my head and go to leave the room. I need to know what’s happening, I rush outside trying to catch up to Alex and Fico, but I missed them, ‘fuck’ I looked around and saw Hacker walking back to his place.

I ran after him calling out his name so he can stop, after hearing me he looked back and waited for me to catch up. ‘what’s up?’ I looked at the file in his hands ‘I need to see that’ I went to grab the file before he quickly snatches it out of reach.

‘I don’t think that’s a good idea, you don’t want to do anything you’ll regret’ he quickly warned me. Huffing I look at him annoyed ‘I don’t regret anything, give it” I retorted reaching for the files.

He stood there the files still in the air as he eyes me septically ‘don’t make me take it from you’ I warned him lowly, feeling defeated he hands it to me. I skim through the paperwork and read over his contacts, whereabouts, his hideout and finally my eyes skim over the address of the abandoned factory. ’19 Dudley St, Yonkers, NY 10701′

Trying to remain discreet and normal as possible I hand the file back disappointed ‘How exactly are you going to find out who he has inside?’ He takes the file from my hand and offers me a reassuring smile ‘ill hack surveillance cameras in the area along with street cameras we need to know exactly who and what he has inside, how protected it is and eventually whoever he has inside he is going to have to take him out”

“We need to know exactly what we are dealing with before going in with a hot head” he looked me up and down after he stated him comment. Huffing slightly annoyed ‘all that’s great but I can’t wait around for Xavier to maybe take the person he has inside out of the factory’ I sate.

Hacker shrugged his shoulders as he looked at me motionless ‘it’s not always action and running after the bad guy Bella, you’re in the big games now we have to wait it out. otherwise, you’re going to get yourself and whoever helps you killed’

He walks away and leaves me standing their trying to figure out exactly what he meant, did he say that indicating he knows my past? How I usually just got shit done and didn’t bother waiting anything out.

Shaking my head, I walk back to the estate, and I need answers. Going back inside Ariana and Maria are sitting watching Friends, Vincenzo’s parents are in the kitchen I rush upstairs and make sure Vincenzo’s still in his office.

I go towards Vincenzo’s bedroom and slowly open the door; I quickly rush inside closing the doors behind me. ‘key’s, key’s, key’s.’ fiddling in his drawers I finally found the keys to the garage. ‘Yes!’ I whisper shout, quickly walking towards the door. I go to open it before seeing the doorknob move. Shit, I ran back towards his bed.

‘Where the fuck do I hide’ panicked the door opens slowly, I drop flat on my stomach and roll under the bed, oh please don’t be Vincenzo please go away. The door slowly gets closed again and I inch closer to the edge of the bed to get a clear view on who’s inside, looking around all I can see is someone’s legs, ‘OW FUCK’ shaking my head I move back under the bed before he sees me. Fucking Lorenzo … why is he in his brother’s room.

‘Wants to take my fucking squirt gun, umm I think the fuck not’ he curses remerging through the draws. biting my bottom lip to suppress my laugh, oh for fucks sake. I roll my eyes of course that’s why he is in here. Still under the bed waiting for him to leave I rested my head on my arms gripping the keys.

‘FOUND IT’ he screamed ‘LORENZO YOU BETTER NOT BE IN MY ROOM’ Vincenzo’s voice booms through the halls. Lorenzo jumps and drops the gun near the bed, ‘mother fucker gave me a damn heart attack’ he mutters to himself placing his hand on his chest, ‘its beating faster than Isabella’s vag when she sees Vincenzo’ My head shot up at his words, oh I’m gonna fucking kill him.

The door flies open, Lorenzo I’m assuming shat himself and his first instinct was to jump on the bed. ‘Oh, hey bro … funny seeing you here’ Lorenzo blurts out. ‘Lorenzo Uscire’ (out)

‘Oh, psh yea of course lemme just’ he slowly squats down to reach for the squirt gun, shit. ‘Lorenzo’ Vincenzo warns him he huffs and puffs like a child. Crossing his arms over his chest he stomps out of the room while throwing a tantrum ‘YOU NEVER LET ME HAVE ANY FUN, I WANT MY SQUIRT GUN. MUM LETS ME PLAY WITH IT … MUUUUUUUUM VINCENZO WON’T LET ME SHOOT HIM” He yells out his voice slowly fading.

Vincenzo bangs his head on the door frame before letting out a laugh, ‘idiota’ he mutters before closing the door. I flip on my back and let out a relived sigh, rolling out from under the bed I slowly make my way to the door. Cracking it open I look around the hallway making sure no one’s there. After making sure the room was clear I sneak out and quietly close the door behind me. I rush to the elevator and click the G for garage.

Stepping out of the elevator I walk up towards the tall black metal walls and open the doors with the key. He had a massive garage … a museum for cars and motorbikes. I rush towards the motorbikes; I needed something small and discreet. I grabbed the keys for it from the rack and open the back garage doors with the remote.

‘I need answers’ I turn the motorbike on hearing it roars to life brought back a small part of me to life. 19 Dudley St, Yonkers, NY 10701 here I come.                                            


The streets and cars where a blur, I zoomed past everything I was on a mission I needed to know who it was inside. Whoever he is can be my ticket to finally killing Xavier finally setting myself free. I go faster thinking about the night.


I sat handcuffed to the chair dry blood stains on my inner thigh, and my face. My body feels numb I can’t fucking do this anymore. Crying to myself I bang the back of my head against the metal pipe. Screaming at every hit ‘FUUUUUUUUUUCK’ Tears streaming down my cheeks the door’s fly open as he comes back in here.

‘NO NOO FUCKING STAY AWAY FROM ME’ I scream kicking trying to get away as I see Xavier inching closer and closer to me. The feeling of that man touching me again made me sick to my stomach. ‘Shhh’ he whispers softly, my screaming toned down a bit at his sudden shift in character, I edged back bring my legs closer to my keeping them shut. ‘Don’t touch me’ He lowers his head before looking back up at me again ‘Isabella I never wanted to do any of those things to you, but you didn’t give me a choice. You came here to kill me’

I looked at him like he lost his mind, ‘YOU KILLED MY PARENTS’ he looked taken back and covers his eyes with his hand before dragging it down his face ‘I regret that decision every day, how I forbid you from your parents and family. Isabella you are such a special girl, I really am sorry for everything. You can’t blame me though’

I looked around me still sitting in pitch darkness, only a small flickering light hung in the middle of the room. I looked down at my legs and cried really cried. Was this all my fault? I was the one that was actively seeking him. I was the one that wanted to kill him, if someone tried to do this to me I might’ve done the same thing … ‘it’s all my fault’ I cried as I hung my head in shame. Forgetting the key reason why I wanted to kill him.

‘Hey hey hey shhh it’s okay I forgive you’ I don’t know if it was my need for human interaction or the fact that I’ve been locked up in here for three months. but his sudden shift from being my torture and captive to a soft gentle person. I let a small smile take over my lips.

Being stuck down here drove me to a different kind of madness, ‘how about we help each other out’ I looked up at him curiously eyeing him.


I jumped off my motorbike as I parked it behind a bush near the abandoned factory, shuddering at the memory, I cry for myself at that age I was only sixteen. After being in complete isolation for three months on end, enduring torture any kind of human touch that was gentle was like a blessing, even if it was from him.

I cringe at that time of my life, but I wouldn’t do it another way it turned me into the person I needed to be. It was the most traumatic time of my life, and I don’t wish it upon anyone… except Xavier.

The closer I walked towards the factory the slower I got; this seems all too easy. ‘Who the fuck are you?’, I kept my head down and quickly rushed inside the building. I probably should have run back for my bike, but I need to know who’s in here.

I heard footsteps coming in at full speed, ‘Fuck’ I run to my right climbing up the stairs and going into another room. I shut the door behind me and looked around I see medical equipment, hospital beds and wheelchairs.

This place is an abandoned hospital? or is this just the medical room for workers. I shook my head what this place isn’t exactly a pressing issue. My head shoots towards the door as I can hear the man breaking down every door looking for me, I rush towards the medical equipment and grab the surgical knife from the tray. I duck down behind one of the beds beside the door. The door flies open the man slowly enters ‘I know you’re in here.’ He sings out going towards the beds on the far right while I hid behind the beds on the left. ‘Come on’ I pushed the wheelchair next to the bed to get his attention. He quickly turned towards the noise, taking my cue I stood up and threw the knife aiming it at his neck.

The blade pierced the middle of his Adam’s apple he struggled trying to breath as the blood kept squirting out. Still got it, I patted myself on the back. ‘Kitten’ I purred out rushing out of the room jumping over his almost dead body.

I stopped dead in my tracks hearing a voice, it was so faint I couldn’t make out what it said or if it was a guy or girl. I looked out the broken window seeing Xavier getting out of the car. ‘Shit’ I curse running towards the door but before I could get out, I saw his shadow approaching slowly.

Thinking on my feet I rushed towards the nearest room and hid behind the door. ‘Honey I’m home’ he yelled as he made his way upstairs, waiting for him to be out of sight I made my exit. I stepped outside and let out a sigh of relief calming my heart rate down a little. ‘WHAT THE FUCK, WHOSE HERE’ Shit I think he saw his men. Hearing his roar, It jolted my body into flight mode I ran like my life depended on it. I heard him rushing downstairs but thankfully I was too far for him to get a clear view of who I am. I grabbed my motorbike and purred it back to life.

I took off at full speed, zooming past the building onto the busy street. His going to change locations now. Hackers face just popped into my head as I hung my head in shame. I arrived at the estate, I looked at the guarded gates slowing down the bike I looked around the heavily guarded land ‘fuck I left the remote for the garage in the garage.’ maybe I left it open I thought to myself going around I saw the garage door open. Feeling slightly victorious I brought the motorbike inside.

Hoping off I quickly closed the garage door and turned the motorbike off hanging the keys back up. ‘Where were you?’ Jumping I looked behind me, ‘Oh hey hacker … what’s up?’ Fucking hell what’s up with the sneak attacks.

‘Oh, uh I was just checking out Vincenzo’s collection’ He looked at me unimpressed and not believing a single word that left my lips, ‘you went, didn’t you?’ I bite my lip and looked at the floor.

‘Did you get caught?’ Still looking down I didn’t dare to answer his question. ‘Fucking hell Isabella now his going to change locations and hell ….’ he drifted off before looking back up at me with a smile is this where he kills me? that smiling is slightly unsettling ‘he needs to take out whoever it is inside. FUCK ISABELLA” He screamed realising what I did could help speed things along.

My eyes grew wide at the realisation, ‘so we’ll see who it is through the cameras you were talking about?’ he nodded his head rushing out, following behind him we run past everyone in the house and towards his place into his security room. He starts typing a bunch of random codes and letters onto his laptop and suddenly thousands of camera angles popped up on the screens, we scanned each area before hacker sees him ‘there’ he zoomed in on that security camera leaning back in his chair defeated.

all we saw was Xavier and his two men, I recognised both. They were Xavier’s puppy’s doing everything for him like a puppy to its master they were loyal. ‘He already put whoever it was in the car, we missed it’

‘The footages are all live?’ I asked hoping there was some recordings he shook his head ‘now I don’t know where his next location is gonna be.’

‘Take down the number plate and maybe have it followed? or like wait and add a GPS to it when its spotted again’ he nodded his head slowly before looking back up at me again ‘remember what I told you before, this Is the big games you need to play it smart no more running and doing your own shit got it?’ I nodded my head before exhaling ‘fine’

“You’re a part of the Kings now. We don’t do anything behind each other’s backs. Were all in for each other” He explained looking up at me “What about you Isabella? You all in?” He asked. I looked at him taken back … was I apart of them now and was I really all in. Or am I still all in for myself.

Before I could answer Hacker Vincenzo walks inside the room looking at us confused ‘where have you been? and what are you both doing in here” he asks looking me up and down.

I looked back at Hacker with a pleading expression if he finds out what I did he’s gonna fucking kill me. ‘Well?’ Vincenzo was growing impatient watching us look at each other unaware of what to say.

Hacker stayed quiet, letting out a shaky breath I look back up at Vincenzo ‘I was-‘

‘Helping me find some dirt on Xavier’ Hacker cutting me off before gesturing Vincenzo to come closer while he shows him the footages of the car and explains he changed location probably for procuration. ‘Keep an eye on the car we need to know what his hiding. People with vulnerabilities are easy to manipulate’ my heart about to explode from my chest I try to control my breathing. ‘Isabella we are hosting a party in the back. I need you to get ready, its dad’s birthday and this is a traditional thing. Hacker alert the others and I’ll get Lorenzo to appoint men to guard the inside and outside of the house more heavily.’

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