The Mafia King: To Insanity
The Mafia King: Chapter 19

Slowly opening my eyes to the blinding light of the sun, I wince as I shut my eyes again. Getting out of bed I walk towards my bathroom and brush my teeth.

After hearing me out Vincenzo realised just how beneficial my idea was, even if he didn’t want to admit it, I knew he knew I was right. Alex was safe and I didn’t care about anything else, it was practically free and reliable information on someone we both desperately want gone.

Vincenzo set the rules for Alex to which he happily agreed, Xavier is not the best leader he has no idea how to organise or have the courage to lead properly. He shows no loyalty to his people, so it isn’t surprising when they finally wake up and turn against him. His idea of leadership is very old fashioned and never lasts long.

After he agreed Vincenzo finally sent Alex back with one of his favoured men Fico and I think he just wanted to get Fico away from me, after the pool incident. Fico was one of the best in combat so I know Alex will be in good hands. Everyone went off doing whatever it was they were doing and Ariana, Maria, and me went for a well overdue to shopping spree.

Then came home and crashed straight on my bed, my god Ariana can shop. By the time we got home mine and Maria’s feet were threatening to snap off. I am the most exhausted I have been in a while but on the bright side we got a lot of clothes and even better we got it all with Vincenzo’s money.

Rinsing my mouth out, I look back up at myself in the mirror brushing my hair and applying minimal amount of makeup. I was feeling more and more like my old self every day and honestly, I’m not sure if that excited me or scared me. What happened with Vincenzo yesterday gave me a familiar tase that I craved, the power the freedom to let my fire burn as bright as I wanted without fearing id lose control like I did in Spain.

I put on my white singlet mini dress with white Nike air forces. Staring at the mirror for a hot minute I decided to straighten my hair quickly changing my mind adding red lip stick.

I walk towards Vincenzo’s office to ask if I can use his men to find some stuff out Hacker’s skills would be perfect right now to figure out a few things about Xavier. I go to open his door before his men alert me his not here. ‘Where is he then?’

‘At the office’ I looked at them dumbfounded them realising my puzzled expression ‘Corporate office, he owns his own line of technology, phones, computers even has his own model cars.’ No wonder they get away with pretty much everything, they can money launder their profits through the amount, of businesses he owns.

If he is smart, he could advertise the products to the criminal rank. Simply apply falsehood, this phone has high technology blocking tracking from government officials and crazy exes to make it sound like a joke to the public but as all criminals are aware of Vincenzo King, they’ll believe it.

‘I just need to talk to hacker where is he?’ Both men shook their heads ‘even if you go to hacker now without direct orders from boss, he won’t help you” I roll my eyes, before. a specific sarcastic man strolled passed me. ‘Lorenzo wait where you off to?’ following him downstairs. ‘I need to oversee a deal going down, why?’

‘I need a ride to Vincenzo’s office business place’ Not knowing what to call it ‘Nope’ Gasping I slapped him on the arm ‘Why not’ he slapped me back ‘First of all OW, and second of all no one has ever been allowed inside if you think his anal about his at home office you haven’t seen the half of it’ Slightly judging Vincenzo right now I looked back up at Lorenzo ‘You’re telling me your brother has another level?’ all he does is nod his head slowly and exhausted. I laughed at his expression poor thing.

‘It’s fine I’m going I need to talk to him as soon as possible.’ He gestured for me to walk in front of him as he held the door open for me, making our way down the stairs into his black Range Rover “What’s so important you can’t wait until his back?” I buckled my seatbelt as I fixed my hair, ‘killing Xavier’

‘Oh so normal stuff’ he sarcastically replied, nodding my head “pretty much” I casually responded. The car ride grew silent as I lost myself in train of thought, ‘Oh a warning, Roxy works as Vincenzo’s secretary’ my head automatically snapped towards Lorenzo ‘she what?’ I spat grinding my teeth, ‘Isn’t that bitch a stripper?’ He nods his head looking slightly terrified ‘well she turned out to have a lot of qualifications in the corporate world, besides she was good at other aspects if you know what I mean’ he winked at me.

But immediately sucked in a breath when he realised what he just said, ‘Like what?’ I spat knowing full well the answer, ‘Can you stop staring at me like that … it’s creepy’ Huffing I sat back in my seat as I crossed my arms over my chest. ‘Chica, trust me no one knows Vincenzo as well as me. He can’t stand the bitch; she was just convent for a few minutes then became completely useless again. Not that she cared.’ He pauses to look over at me upon seeing me not amused he continues hesitantly.

‘What I’m saying is the second he saw you at the airport he automatically grew fascinated by you, then when your ass stormed in the private dance room, your dominance and ability to get in his face with no fear was something no one will forget. He never looks at anyone the way he looks at you and that’s special.’

‘whatever’ I mutter as I take in what he just said, I mean Vincenzo is so to himself hearing what Lorenzo just said felt like such a wakeup call. a giddy smile creeped its way on my face. ‘There we go’ Lorenzo cheers seeing me smile. ‘You know you are a pain in my ass, but I don’t think id survive without it’ Looking at him he stares at the road with a serious expression ‘You good?’ he hums in response ‘just trying to decipher if that was a compliment or an insult’ Shaking my head laughing I continue to stare out the window until we arrived.


Lorenzo parked me right outside his building before wishing me luck and leaving. I looked up at the building, it was so high up it gave the illusion of it touching the clouds. Mastering up the courage to walk in.

I opened the door and walked inside, seeing all the workers buzzing like working bees. They were all so polished, girls in midi length black pencil skirts and tucked in black silk button ups. I stated to fiddle with my fingers, as I felt so out of place.

‘Excuse me Ms can I help you today?’ One of the female workers asked, clearing my throat I nodded ‘I need to see Mr King’ she looks taken back before telling me to go to the highest floor and ask his secretary to inform him of my presence and see if he allows me inside.

Even his employee knew how anal he is about his office; I go inside the elevator and press the 60th floor. How high is this building, after what felt like an hour the elevator dings open, stepping out I take a second to analysis the floor. Polished white with a black desk at the end of the floor, and black furniture surrounding the middle of the floor.

Along with red roses, this place screams money. I walk towards the desk seeing Roxy and another lady at their computers, trying to desperately not vomit at the sight of Roxy I approach the other lady and offer a friendly smile to which she returns. ‘Welcome to King’s INK. How can I help you?’

‘I’m here to see Vincenzo King, if you just let him know Isabella is here, please’ she smiles nodding as she goes to pick up the phone to buzz Vincenzo, but before she grabs the phone Roxy slams her hand back down hanging up the phone. ‘Afraid not sweetie, Mr King is busy in a meeting and does not allow anyone in his office.’ Closing my eyes trying to remind myself to count to ten, ‘I need to see Vincenzo now, and so help me if you try to start something … I will kill you’

She looks taken back by my threat before shaking it off and regaining composure ‘You are not important nor significant enough to be allowed inside, do yourself a favour and show yourself out before I do’ Rolling my eye’s I look back at the other lady who seems taken back by both of us and smile ‘please call him’

she nods her head slightly intimidated by my tone of voice before Roxy again slams her phone shut. ‘So, help me god if you do that one more time. I will pull your body over this desk and beat you until every bone in your body is broken, every inch of you is covered in blood or bruises.’

She quickly removed her hand off from the lady’s phone, turning my head to the left slightly I smile at the lady and indicate for her to call him. ‘Fucking slut, If I don’t kill you my names not Roxy” Roxy yells, before I could react. A loud roar came from Vincenzo’s office as he screamed Roxy’s name. The lady had to move the phone from her ear, oh no. I’m guessing he heard her little comment on the phone, she shut’s the phone as she tells me he is waiting for me inside and he wants a word with Roxy after I leave.

Smirking I wink at Roxy ‘you’re fucked’

Leaving I go to his office making sure to close the doors behind me before I walk around his desk and hop on the edge of his desk crossing my legs. His eyes immediately dart to my legs as I start tracing the side of my thigh, he quickly regains composure, coughing he shakes his head and leans back in his chair.

‘I wasn’t expecting to see you here’ He states, leaning back slowly I look at him tilting my head ‘I never knew you ran a company on the side, but I’m here to ask a small favour’ He leans forward waiting for me to state what I needed from him.

“I was wondering if I could use hacker to find out some dirt for me.’ He nods his head ‘like what?’ I straighten my back getting somewhat serious ‘I haven’t exactly been active on Xavier’s tail since I left Spain. I just want to be updated on everything I missed. His contacts, number of men, who he talks too, where his been and gone and some of his drug deals.’

He nods his head ‘Okay, but I want to know everything as soon as hacker finds out.’ Clapping I jump off his desk and sit on his lap ‘Thank you thank you.’ Kissing his cheek, he looks at me like a fuse just popped in my head, laughing I roll my eyes ‘I be nice and you look at me like I lost my mind, I threaten and throw knifes at your head and still you’re mad. Is there any winning with you?’ He lets out a chuckle before calling hacker telling him I’m going to see him in a hour.

Fiddling with my fingers for a second I cross my arms over my chest ‘I see Roxy is working here too. Even though that puta is only qualified at sucking dick.’ Letting my bitterness overtake me, Vincenzo stands up putting both his hands on the desk trapping me. ‘Are you jealous Leonessa?’

Shaking my head ‘No, but does she have to be everywhere you are. She’s like a puppy’ I roll my eyes seeing his pure amusement ‘Leonessa she works under me’ Scoffing ‘Yeah I bet.’

He puts his hand on my lower back and the other on the back of my neck as he pulls me closer to him ‘She was merely a one-off fuck, she’s nothing. You being jealous of her is like you comparing gold to a piece of wood. It makes no sense’

Rolling my eyes, I look at him and go to lean in for a kiss but stop mid-way ‘You’re cute when you want to be Italy” grateful our fight didn’t completely ruin anything. Getting up I straighten and dust my shorts and give him a quick peck on the cheek, ‘I’ll see you at home?’ he hums in response. ‘Let me take you down’ I shake my head ‘No it’s okay you look busy’ I say looking at the paperwork scattered on his desk.

Ignoring me he puts his hand on my lower back guiding me out, I go to walk to the elevator before he grabs my hand and guides me to the other side. ‘You have a personal elevator?’ Why am I not surprised. Shaking my head, I step inside as he presses the ground floor.

Letting out a laugh I look at Vincenzo with a puzzled expression of my face ‘what?’ I ask checking my appearance, ‘You’re hot when you’re jealous’ rolling my eyes ‘I’m not jealous’ I bite back. He inches closer to me pinning me against the door of the elevator, my breathing picking up as my legs start to turn to jelly. ‘What are you-‘ I barely breath out. If these doors open and people, see us.

‘Admit you were jealous’ Shaking my head ‘I wasn’t’ smirking he pulls my dress up and spins me around now my ass is firmly planted on his growing erection I arch my back pushing my ass further into him. I feel his hand on my hips. ‘that’s not what it looked like Leonessa.” He purred in my ear



I don’t answer him, so he slips in two fingers and viscously pumps in and out my mouth hangs open as I as I begin to grind into his fingers ‘fuck’. Grabbing my throat, he pulls me further into him as I arch my back and lean my head on his shoulder in pure bliss. ‘Don’t fucking stop’ In complete satisfaction I grab his hand from my pussy and suck the juices off his finger, ‘fucking hell Leonessa’ he moans. Using the tip of my tongue his two finger up and down before sucking them again for a few seconds. 

‘Hmm tell me how bad you want my soft lips around your cock baby.’  I purr wiping the corner of my moth, as I bite my bottom lip looking at him with pure innocence. I rub his throbbing dick through his pants suit inching closer to him my breasts now firmly blanked on his as I look at his lips then back up at him waiting for him to answer my question.

‘Do you really … need me to answer that’ he breaths out, I bite my lip and nod my head slowly. ‘Wrap those pretty lips around my cock so I can fuck that pretty little mouth of yours.’ If I wasn’t turned on before I one thousand percent was now, I unbuckle his belt and pull his cock out of his boxers.

Spitting on his cock I take his length in my hand wrapping my fingers around his growing erection. I start pumping him while licking the front of his length, he leans his head against the elevator door. 

I put his entire cock in my mouth, as I’m sucking him off I can feel his tip hit against the back of my throat.

I look up at him making sure he knew exactly who was making him go crazy “Fucking hell’ he curses rolling his eyes back.

He grabs my boobs pulling them out from my dress squeezing it, while he thrusts his cock in my mouth. He cups my breasts giving my hard nipples a tight squeeze before he slaps them, I take his dick out of my mouth to catch my breath placing it in between my breasts, He starts to pump my breasts faster and faster.

‘Fuck … do you like how your dick feels between my tits boss?’ He pumps faster, feeling like his nearing his climax, I kiss the tip of his dick as It reaches my lips and take a hold of it again pulling away he groans at the lack of friction, he pulls me up by my hair and spins me around.

My chest completely against the cold metal pushing my ass out trying to feel him against me. His tip firmly pressed against my wet pussy I moan out an all too familiar feeling settling in the bottom of my stomach waiting for him to claim me. He teases me slapping his cock against my dripping wet pussy ‘tell me what you want leonessa’ he whispers as he uses his free hand to squeeze my left breasts as he sucks on my neck. ‘I want to feel every inch of you throbbing cock inside me’ I whimper


He rubs his cock on my throbbing pussy, “fucking tease” I curse out. With one swift motion his entire length enters me, I let out a gasp my eyes rolling to the back of my head.  He starts to pick up the pace, my tits bouncing with every thrust ‘Oh fuck, just like that. Fuck, fuck fuck. That feels so ohhhhh’ I moan out pushing myself against him needed more.

He grabs both my tits as he goes faster, I extend my arms back grabbing ahold of his arm. My tight pussy wrapped tightly around his throbbing cock, he roughly pumps in me and holds my ass in place, ‘Jódeme Muerto … fuck’ (Ffuck me dead) my voice getting a little high pitched as I cursed. I grind myself further into him swaying my hips I arch my back as I lean the back of my head in the crook of his neck. Grabbing the back of his neck as I thrust in and out. He rubs my pussy both of us finishing in sync.

Pumping in and out so fast I couldn’t breathe, ‘Holy fuck”

(End of sexual scene)

We quickly hurried to get dressed again, buttoning his shirt back up and zipping his pants, I straighten my dress putting my tits back in place quickly checking myself in the reflection fixing my hair and making sure everything is in place.

My legs felt like jelly, they were about to give out at any second. My breathing was still harsh and so was Vincenzo’s we both smirk at one another before he presses the stop button again the elevator dings as it resumes its journey to the garage.

The doors ding open after a few minutes and we both step out, ‘if that’s how it’s going to be every time you visit me at work … then by all means come every day’ Giggling I give him a quick peck on the lips before leaving to get in the car.

His driver takes me back to the estate I get out of the car and race inside, I need a quick shower then I’ll make my way to Hacker, I rush to my room and strip my dress and very wet underwear off. I stepped in the shower as I felt the hot water land my skin, I stayed there for a moment letting my body melt away with the hot water.


Stepping out I blow-dry my hair and quickly change; I grab a pair of grey sweats and a white tank my black lace bra slightly showing through. Putting my hair in a high ponytail I make my way outside and walk to the men’s house on the estate. Only a few of Vincenzo’s strongest and most reliable men stay with him and his family in the house the rest have a house next to ours on the estate. It was a five-minute walk, I’ll never get use to how massive his land is … never.

Hacker is Vincenzo’s most trusted and valuable men, but he stays at this house because he needs a different room full of computers, security cameras and well his own tech lab I like to call it. I opened the door to the house and all the men inside went dead silent and froze like a statue. Okay?

I eye them curiously as I walk inside, they look petrified of me ‘You boys, okay?’ I asked before a voice behind me spoke up ‘Your Vincenzo’s girl’ I turned around and looked at him how did … man word travels fast around here. ‘So?’ I asked completely not understanding the situation. ‘If we so much as get within a few inches of your Boss will have our dicks ripped off’ I looked at them with a pained expression.

‘Okay … It doesn’t mean I can’t talk to anyone with a dick.’ No one uttered a word, rolling my eyes I look at them ‘look I just need to see hacker, can someone point me in his direction please.’

‘I’m here’ I looked at the bright blue hair ‘how did I miss you?’ I asked, laughing he shakes his head and ushers me to come ‘don’t mind these idiots, their all idiots’ laughing I walk inside and am taken back by all the computers, laptops, highly advanced technology. ‘Wow this is overwhelming’ I mutter, he looks back at me and laughs ‘you get use to it … what can I do for you?’ I shake my head as I look back at him and smile ‘I need a small favour, after I left Spain I lost all ties with Xavier, I need to know his contacts, who he formed alias’s with, where he goes and comes what is he hiding. The works.” I briefly explained.

He slowly nods his head ‘too easy I’ll get you what you want in a few hours’ I looked at him taken back ‘You’re that good?’

‘Oh, baby I’m that good” Laughing I jokingly hit him on the shoulder ‘thank you, I owe you one’

‘Don’t mention it, it’s nothing.’ Smiling I go to leave the room before he calls my name out, I spin on my heel and look at him ‘Thank you’ I furrow my eyebrows confused ‘No one has ever been able to make Vincenzo feel so powerful yet so vulnerable, you made him remember there was more to him than just the mafia don. For that … thank you.’ Not knowing what to say I smile at him and make my exit.

Everyone keeps telling me how much I’ve impacted Vincenzo and how he changed when I came into his life, but nothing feels different, or maybe I’m just not seeing it. He has his moments I shrugged. I smile remembering the first night we did it, how he got so jealous. Then when he took me to the horse ranch, he was so gentle and caring … maybe he has changed but I was too oblivious to see it right away… or maybe I’m just too scared to acknowledge it if I give it attention it might go away.

I re-enter the house and am greeted by Maria ‘There you are!’ she embraces me in a tight hug and rushes me to the kitchen ‘you’re getting skinner than me and it’s pissing me off eat’ Letting out a laugh I look at her with teasing eyes ‘you are starting to sound more and more like Lorenzo everyday’ She rolls her eyes and smiles before pushing my plate in front of me.

‘I didn’t realise how hungry I was’ The smell of the creamy pasta made my stomach growl, come to mama. I twit my fork in the pasta and go to eat it before it gets slapped out of my hand ‘WHAT THE FUCK’ I yell looking at the creamy deliciousness that’s now on the floor, turning back to my right I death stare Lorenzo.

“WHY! WHYYYYY?” I yell as I grab his shirt shaking him. ‘YOU CAN EAT AFTER YOU FINISH THE CALL’ I look at him confused ‘what call?’ He grabs his phone from his pocket and hands it over ‘You just slapped food from a hungry Spanish woman … do you understand the danger you put yourself in’

‘Oh, come on … when you finish you can eat’ continuing to death stare him he starts to avoid eye contact looking around the kitchen. Before finally caving and giving me puppy dog eyes ‘pleaseeeeee’ rolling my eyes I snatch the phone from his hand and put it to my ear. ‘You love me’ rolling my eyes again ‘I hate that I love you … puta’

I spoke to the man from Spain on the phone about what drugs the kings wanted how much and negotiated the pay, ‘Si, gracias’ I hung up the phone and threw it in Lorenzo’s face before and attack my food. ‘OW YOU BITCH’ he curses rubbing his temple.

‘SUCK MY DICK’ I shout back eating my food, ‘SUCK MY VAGINA’ Lorenzo retorts, Maria and I look at him before she starts laughing ‘you too are idiots’ Lorenzo looked back at Maria and put his hand over his chest ‘bitch’ he summered hurt. We both slapped him on the back of his head.

‘You two are fucking mean’ we both high-fived laughing and went back to eating our food. We sat and spoke for what felt like hours, I updated her on Vincenzo and me and she did the same with her and Lorenzo.

‘Can’t believe we share a face and now we are dating brothers’ I shrug my shoulders, she looks at me as realisation comes on her face ‘wait oh my god’ shaking my head laughing I get up to put the dishes in the sink, before saying thanks to the cooks.

‘Hi pumpkin’ Mira speaks up ‘Hi pumpkin pie’ I replied looking up thinking about the nickname that flowed out my mouth. “Yeah, that works’ I say laughing. She giggles and give me and Maria a tight hug ‘Do you mind taking this plate up to Vincenzo. He won’t eat” She asks me with hopeful eyes.

I look at her confused ‘when did he get back’ I asked oblivious she informs me his been back for an hour but went straight up to his office with his phone glued to his ear. I make my way up the stairs with his plate in hand, I look at the men guarding his door ‘Boss doesn’t want to see anyone.’

I roll my eyes ‘Move it before I make you both move it’ they laugh as they exchange looks, I stand there rolling my eyes, impatiently resting my finger against the side of my head waiting for them to realise and just move.

With the plate of food still in my hands I inched closer towards them and grabbed one of the guys gunsfrom his pants. Pointing it at his head ‘you want to move now kitten?’ I teased smiling, both eyed me warningly and stepped aside, I tossed his gun back at him and went inside. Proud of myself.

‘Italy time to eat’ I speak up he looks up from his desk and ushers me to come closer and close the doors. ‘I swear I told those idiots outside to not let anyone in’ Rolling my eyes I place his plate of food on the desk in front of him, ‘to be fair they did try.” I shrugged defending them.  He looked at me with one eyebrow raised ‘I don’t even wanna know” he quickly spoke up shaking his head. Giggling I go to leave him before Fico and Alex come bursting through the door.

‘We have massive news’ Vincenzo stands up from his desk waiting for them to drop the bomb. My eyes go wide looking at them waiting for them to continue. ‘When we got back, he didn’t suspect a thing, the whole day was normal. He was training a few newbies then that morning at 5am he wakes up and sneaks out of the house.’

‘We followed him, and he goes into some old, abandoned factory. We followed him inside we didn’t see anything, but we heard a voice’

‘Whose voice’ I ask losing patience with this long story.

Hacker bursts inside the office ‘You’re never gonna guess what I found out” he quickly rushes out looking at the four of us in the office.

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