The Mafia King: To Insanity
The Mafia King: Chapter 14

Ariana proving day by day how alike she and Vincenzo are we arrive at the underground fight. Stepping out of the car, the familiar view of people placing bets, the leather jackets and smell of booze, the chatting amongst themselves, the excited the fighter’s adrenaline pumping through them.

The mere sight made my body tingle with anticipation, excitement, and the feeling I fear most adrenaline the type you get just before you get in to fight. I never realised how much I missed this until now.

Taking me out of my daze Ariana pulls me towards the crowd we each sit and watch as the fighters begin. It felt like I was back home back where I belonged? I was on the edge of my seat watching them intensely their footwork, how they threw the punches judging from their stance and technique I was always able to point out who was going to win.

‘Come on, you’re practically about to fall off your seat. Get in the ring’ I looked over at Ariana with hesitance, ‘If I go in, I risk letting out old memories and reopening a lot of wounds.’ Ariana inched closer to me and with a devilish smirk “You can’t run from your past forever, learn to embrace it” she whispered encouragingly. “I don’t think the worlds ready for that” I laughed softly. “Give the world hell Isabella.’

‘WE HAVE A WAGER OF 100K FOR ANYONE WHO CAN DEFEAT SNAKE’ My head snaps towards the announcer, the crowd dead silent. ‘That’s Vincenzo’s ex-fling she’s one of the many who are obsessed with him.’ I tilt my head as I examine her, scoffing I roll my eyes. ‘Your brother needs a new pair of eyes.’ She let out an all-knowing giggle, giving her a warning stare, she laughed harder.

‘Come on whose got the balls to jump in the ring with me?’ she calls out. The crowd once again silent no one volunteered, and the rest of the fighters remained oblivious. “She’ll do it.’ Ariana shouts out pointing at me. ‘Her?’ she mocks as she examines me. ‘Oh yeah, underestimate me. That’ll be fun.” I mutter under my breath.

Stepping up to the ring I duck in, ‘what makes you think you can beat me?’ I sniffle a laugh as I look up at her ‘Put your money where your mouth is. Triple the bet.’ The crowd began whispering ‘Done, easy money.” She smirked getting in her stance.

“Hate to think what your boss will say when you lose” I wink. She looked at me shocked before quickly shaking it off regaining composure. The announcer came towards me as he asked for my name. I stayed quiet for a minute ‘Dragon.’ The crowd roared in anticipation some gasps were heard for those who recognised the name and reputation. People raced to place their bets on the winning fighter. ‘You ready bitch?’ really? ‘I hope you fight better than you talk” I laughed out getting in my stance.

The bell rang right on cue, she stepped forward and threw a left punch which I caught. I held her fist before giving her a challenging smirk. The one thing I loved about these fights there was no rules. I twisted her arm forcing her chest up, kicking the back of her knee.

She fell to her knees after losing her balance I kicked her back causing her to fall face first.I placed my foot on top of her back keeping her down ‘come on, this was too easy get up.’ I took a step backing allowing her room, she lunged at me attempting to throw a right hook, ducking I uppercut the side of her ribs then hooking her jaw.

I quickly regained my balance as I push kicked her in the stomach, she groaned bending down to hold her stomach. Grabbing her by her hair I brought her face to my knee potentially breaking her nose and insuring myself a knockout.

As she fell flat on the ground the crowd roared in admiration and cheers. Whispers, whistling, comments, yelling, and applause was all that was heard. Adrenaline pumping through my veins, I haven’t felt this alive in what’s felt like years. I wanted to go for more, to finish the job. Like I use to, but I knew if I continued there was no stopping until she was dead.

I jump out of the ring to be greeted by a bear hug, noticing Ariana’s jet-black hair and familiar Beyonce perfume I hugged her tighter. ‘I never knew you could fight like that’ I couldn’t help the smile that took over my lips, ‘being underestimated is a blessing because when you deliver, they never expect it.’

Letting out a squeal she re embraces me in a tight hug. ‘Dragon, always so fierce. So deadly’ my heart stopped as the venom in his voice began to invade its way into my brain. Letting go of Ariana I spin towards the voice.

‘deadly indeed’ I smirk as I eye him up and down, he’s a lot shorter and less masculine than I remember. ‘No need for threats bebe.’ I instantly cringe at the sound of him calling me anything affectionate. ‘Xavier, I thought I made myself clear at our previous encounter.’

I watch him as he itches his skin as though he is in deep thought. ‘I thought I made the terms of my conditions clear. It’s you or war.’ Scoffing, ‘Me or war? We both know your gang isn’t powerful enough to even attempt an attack on the Kings. Going to war with them is a suicide mission.’

‘Perhaps … but that won’t change my mind. even if all my people die.’ Hearing how he spoke about his people reminded me of Vincenzo, ‘A leader is nothing without people to lead, I’d give my life to my mafia, my people, just as they would. We’re a famila before anything.’

The difference in leadership is remarkable, it’s admirable.

‘It amazes me how you speak so carelessly about your people, and yet you still have men.’ Shaking my head I grab a hold of Ariana’s hand indicating it may be time to leave. Two of his men stood in front of us. ‘You see the two of you won’t be leaving until I get what I want, and I don’t mind using force.’

Xavier takes his gun out and aims it directly at Ariana, following his moves his four men copy but aim their guns at me. ‘Don’t do it.’ I warn ‘You pull that trigger and I promise you I will end you like I should have a long time ago’ Balling my fist I look over at Ariana who is staring at me with a concerned look, ‘Isabella it’s fine. I’ve handled worse’ my stare and attention were fixated at Xavier and his gun.

The place cleared out the second the guns were in plain sight, ‘Drop. It.’ my voice was low and threatening, Xavier smirked looking at me like he was reminiscing. ‘There she is ladies and gentlemen. Dragon.’ He waits for my response but all I do is continue staring at him warning him.

‘Isabella their armed and were not, it may be dangerous’ I looked at her trying to desperately communicate with my eyes, if she gets hurt because of me I will never be able to forgive myself. Her family would be left without a daughter and a sister. Flashbacks of my parent’s death and us having to do life without them made me stiffen.

Xavier sighs in admiration ‘Oh Isabella how I missed that sparkle in your eyes, how it lights up when someone says, ‘it might be dangerous.’ ‘ I slowly turned my head to face him smirking, I felt myself resorting back to my old methods.

The dragon in me got tired of being caged she’s making an appearance. ‘They tend to sparkle just before someone dies, that sparkle should scare you … you remember what I’m capable of with the right motivation.” I reminded him feeling the familiar powerful surge take over.

‘There are four guns aimed at your head and you want to reminisce?’ he let out a mocking scoff, ‘you made your choice Bebe, you chose force … I will get you back even if your dead when I do’ his threats made me laugh.

‘I forgot just how much of a joke you are. You have had that gun and the rest at our heads and yet-‘ I shrug winding my eyes for dramatic effect, ‘nothing. I’m beginning to question your commitment’ I innocently tilt my head giving him a smile causing Ariana to let out a giggle.

‘Really?’ oh no, there goes his male ego. Xavier don’t be an idiot. He adjusts his stance and pulls the trigger, when I don’t feel anything, I look over at Ariana as I see her brush her hand against her side, seeing the blood on her hands.

Her body gives out as she falls. Horrified I looked at Ariana laying on the floor in her own pool of blood. Flashes of her body lying flat on the floor were replaced with my parents.

I shook my head to gain focus, and all I felt was fire erupting. My entire demeanour shifting as I slowly stood back up looking at Xavier and his men.

“Hombre muerto” (Dead men). ‘Dragon…’ Xavier whispers terrified recognising my stance, the sparkle in my eye. He knew I was out for blood. That’s right baby dragon.

Two men were standing on my side while the other two were in front of Xavier. I look to my right and grab the man by his writs, pulling him towards me but stepping out of the guns range.

Twisting him around having him in a choke hold, I use his gun to fire at the man standing infant of Xavier. Kneeing him in the groin then the nose. I push the man to the floor in a swift motion taking the gun out of his grip completely. I aim my gun at the back of his head … I push him around with my foot ‘I want you to look at me, don’t say I took you like a coward” I pulled the trigger.

‘Killing someone from behind is a cowardly shot.” My imaginary friends voice echoing in my head. Sometimes I wonder if he was real or not.

Their men aim their guns at me, I step to the side and dodge the bullet by an inch and shoot the man to my left. Ducking down I look up and shoot the last remaining man protecting Xavier in the head the sound of their bodies hitting the floor sent Xavier running shortly he was nowhere in sight. ‘COWARD’ I roar every bone, every cell, every fibre in my body was on fire. I will kill him even if it’s the last thing I do.

Snapping back into reality I looked behind me and quickly rushed towards Ariana, ‘Ariana, Ariana.’ Kneeling by her side I hold her in my arms and apply pressure to the wound on her stomach. ‘Ariana, come on keep your eyes open.’ tears began escaping my eyes falling on my cheeks as I sobbed for her to stay awake. ‘Don’t you dare let him win, stay with me come on.”

The sounds of footsteps alarmed me, and I quickly grabbed the gun and aimed it and their heads, ‘easy Isabella’ I drop the gun realising it’s just Fico and Marco. ‘We need to take her to the hospital’ I managed to choke out, both shaking their heads. ‘We need to get her to the hospital on the estate now.’ They grab her and look around at the dead bodies, ‘Isabella did you manage to kill all four men?’ I look at them astonished that they just stopped to ask me that.

Sensing the death stare, they quickly rush to the car, ‘Call boss, tell them to get ready’ they continued to talk and chat between themselves. fearing the bosses rathe.

I take a hold of Ariana’s head and lay her on my lap. ‘Hey Hermosa, keep those eyes on me.’ She coughs blood as she squeezes my hand, giving me a reassuring smile. ‘I won’t let him take you from me as well.’ she shakes her head ‘I’m … n-not going anywhere’ she manages to say through deep breaths.

She gives my hand another reassuring squeeze, ‘D-don’t think … this will get you out of shop-shopping t-tomorrow.’ letting out a pitiful giggle my eyes full of tears and my cheeks stained from the tears that rolled down my face. ‘I think we might have to reschedule that.’ I smile at her. She shakes her head and whispers tomorrow. Stubborn just like her bloody brother. Nodding my head I agree ‘tomorrow’

She slowly begins to grow tired, ‘No, no come on look at me’ The car quickly comes to a halt, thank God. The men quickly open the door and rush Ariana carefully onto the gurney, taking her away. My body giving out I fall to my knees and brush my hands through my hair as I ball a fist full of my hair. I saw Vincenzo, his brother and his parents rushing right behind her. This, this is all my fault.

I felt the familiar embrace ‘Isabella are you okay’ Maria whispered concern evident in her voice. I immediately hug her back ‘It’s all my fault Maria’ I cry out. she hushes me ‘It’s not your fault and it’s not Ariana’s fault either. It was simply bad timing … hey, hey. She’s going to be fine’

‘She’s right … Doc says judging just by looking the bullet didn’t do damage.’ I look up through blurry eyes and see Lorenzo with a sympathetic smile. ‘I’m so sorry’ I stand on my feet ‘You shouldn’t be if you didn’t kill those men. You both would be dead; I know it doesn’t look like it but you saved both of your lives.’ I look behind him and storming towards me was an Angry Vincenzo along with his parents. Whispering ‘I don’t think they agree.’ He turns around and stands in front of his parents trying to calm them down.

Vincenzo walks past him grabbing hold of my arm and pulling me inside. Maria starts yelling to let me go but gets stopped by Lorenzo. We go up the stair as he pulls me inside his office, he throws me to the side causing me to land on my side. He slams his doors shut and picks me up by my shoulders slamming me against the wall.

How can eyes so grey, look so black and demonic. He clenched his jaw, as he eyed me. ‘Do it.’ I spit. He does nothing he continues to stare at me in a way that made me feel so vulnerable and exposed. He lifts his hand up, I shut my eyes in anticipation when I hear his fist colliding with the wall inches from my head.

‘Believe me … I want to. I knew you both shouldn’t have gone out tonight. HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN. ARIANA ISN’T LIKE US. SHE’S PURE HOW DID THIS HAPPEN …’ He paused letting me go, he brushes his hand through his hair stopping dead in his tracks. Hands still in his hair he turns to look at me. ‘This is all your fault. He wanted you not her.’

Finally exploding I yell ‘YES, YES. HE WANTED ME, THAT BULLET WAS MEANT FOR ME… IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN FOR ME. SO DO IT VINCENZO DO what he failed to’ I break down looking between him and the gun tucked in his waist band.

I grab the and point it at my head. I had yet another person’s blood on my hands, this isn’t being dramatic this is guilt. It was eating me alive, and it wasn’t soul because of Ariana. My parents, Dante and now Ariana. Whoever was connected to me somehow gets taken from me and always at the hands of Xavier.

‘I killed them, for harming her.’ my eyes watered as I spoke, my body heating up and my grip around the gun tightened. Vincenzo’s features softened seeing me in this state. ‘He hurt her, and all she wanted to do today was cheer me up … she doesn’t deserve any of this.’ I shake my head as the guilt of even being able to breathe made me nauseous. ‘Leonessa … put the gun down’

Completely ignoring him I look back up at him ‘He has taken everything away from me. He took my parents, my life, my sanity … ‘ Without realising it Vincenzo was now standing in front of me, he put his hand above mine lowering the gun then taking it off me completely. Breaking down I let out a cry, a painful and a cry for help.

Vincenzo embraces me as I cry in his chest. ‘I’m so sorry’ I cry he hushes me whispering ‘I know leonessa, I know” Pulling away from him, his features softened almost returning to normal.

The doors fly open. ‘I want her dead’ his mother spits, ‘Anna, calm down. Ariana is okay. She saved her life’ Vincenzo spoke up. She looks at her son then back at me in complete hatred. ‘HER LIFE WOULDN’T NEED SAVING IF IT WASN’T FOR HER. VINCENZO YOU SHOULD HAVE GIVEN HER TO HIM AND SAVED US THE HEADACHES.’

‘Anna if it wasn’t for her Ariana wouldn’t be alive’ Lorenzo chimes in, trying to reason with her and calm her down but it did no good. ‘If Vincenzo just gave her to him, it wouldn’t be Ariana facing death’

‘don’t’ I state pointing a finger at her. She goes to retaliate ‘how dare you-‘ ‘I SAID DON’T’ I scream. Alerting everyone around us. ‘Do not act like you know me, do not treat me like an object to be passed around and then kept when convenient.’ Pausing I stare at Anna, ‘Ariana is like another sister to me, what happened to her will not be forgotten and I will carry that guilt with me forever. But do not dare for a second act as though you know me.”

“Or what I’ve been through because I can assure you it was a lot worse than a bullet to the stomach” I spat.

‘What is there to know, an ex-assassin one who is highly feared, lost her parents at young age and sent to America with her … twin’ she spits disgusted, like from those three aspects she knows my entire story.

My entire body was shaking, I step away from Vincenzo as I approach his mum. ‘How long?’ I question her. She looks at me confused ‘listen i-‘ putting my hand up cutting her off. ‘I said, how long?’ I look at her daring her to answer me.

“Hmm?” I hummed losing patience. “How long do you think it would take you to break if I simply left you in a cold, dark cell to rot?’ I tilt my head at her then look around the room painful memories flashing back.

‘I know the answer’ I state sarcastically, raising my hand up. Anna’s chest tightened looking me up and down trying to figure out where I was going with this.

‘Humans need company’ I murmured as I took a step back daydreaming slightly. ‘You go a little crazy without it. You hate me so much, perhaps you’d prefer to be left on your own, hm?” I hummed looking at her waiting for her snarky comments.

She opens her mouth to speak before I cut her off mid breath “No parents, no siblings, no family… completely cut off from the world. Having no one knowing where you are and enduring all kinds of torture physical, verbal, and mental. ‘ Tilting my head slightly remembering the thoughts that circulated my head.

‘I always imagined that’s what death would be like. A cold, dark cell, unable to move or do anything. Trapped in your own head with no one else to guide you out of the dark places you end up in. An eternity of conscious nothingness.’ I look down at my feet.

‘Yes, I may be an ex-assassin. I am one of the most feared if not the only feared women in the crime scene. Whose parents were killed in front of her. If it was just that simple. The man that shot Ariana, killed my parents. Tortured me for months on end he did … a lot. Then I was forced to work and help my parent’s killer’s gang grow. I killed for him because I was desperate to get out of that cell, desperate for human interaction.’

I took a breath before looking up at Anna again. ‘I’m a lot more complicated than id like people to know” I took a deep breath and narrow my gaze to hers “I may be an ex-assassin, but I can still kill you and get away clean. Next time you threaten me watch out for a red light” I warned her sternly.

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