The Mafia King: To Insanity
The Mafia King: Chapter 13

The car ride to the event was dangerously quiet. Vincenzo was deep in thought the whole car ride, although I suppose I was too. We got to the reception Vincenzo handed his keys to the bell boy and intertwined our hands as he guided me up the stairs.

I looked down at our hands a million emotions rushing through me. I tugged at my hand trying to free it from his I didn’t want the thousands of emotions I had washing over me to get even more confused than I already was. He turned his head and gave me a warning stare, “if you try anything I will not hesitate to punish you leonessa.” His warning echoed in my head like a bad song. I let out a sigh and decide to behave tonight because I didn’t want to lower his reputation and I really didn’t want him to do anything to me in front of a million people.

We climb up the most gorgeous staircase I have ever seen in my life, everything about this ball screamed elegance and royalty. I felt like I was in a Disney movie, we enter the main room and around three men come rushing towards Vincenzo. ‘Mr King, pleased you decided to join us … Oh, who is this gorgeous lady.’ He kissed my hand before Vincenzo stepped in front of my hiding me from the gaze of the men behind his big masculine frame.

The man who flirted attempted to redeem himself as they started speaking about work, I zoned out as soon as they started talking business. I took the time to look around the gorgeous ballroom. Every lady was in the most exquisite gown and all the men were dressed in a suit. A live band sang and played filling the room with music.

People were dancing, toasting and looked happy. I continue to examine the room and my eyes land on a man in the corner of the room. He looked so familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on where I’d seen him, he kept staring at me not breaking eye contact, I started fighting trying to avoid his gaze feeling uneasy and extremely uncomfortable. Snapping out of my trance I felt Vincenzo’s hot breath on my neck ‘Dance with me’ his gesture was more of a demand than a request.

The man started singing ‘So this is love’ but in Italian, it made the song sound much more romantic and majestic the way the beautiful language just transformed the song.

He pulls my hand up slowly while guiding my other hand to his shoulder. He uses the back of his fingers to slowly trace mine while he pulls me in closer with his other hand on my waist.

Our chests now touching having nothing in between us, not even the air, he takes the lead as we begin to move our bodies in sync with the music. Stepping out of his embrace he pulls me back in and dips me. Taking advantage of the position his hand grazes my thigh.

Pulling me back upright his lips inches away from my ear as he hums the song, ‘E’ questo allor’ (so this is) his voice sent shivers down my spine, ‘Quel dolce ardor’ (that sweet ardour) he neared his lips closer to my ear ‘L’incanto che si chiama amor’ (the enchantment which is called love)

when he sang amor he placed a light kiss on my neck as our bodies continued to sway to the beat. ‘Adesso so hmmm’ (now I know) he grabs my hands and guides them up to his neck as his hands rest on my waist, ‘Che ormai non può’ (that my heart can’t no more) he glides his hand on my thigh then rests it on my ass.

I look at him with a questioning stare earning a devilish like smirk. ‘Null’altro sognare il mio cuor’ (dream about anything else) he slightly raised his voice gaining the attention of the crowd. His voice was deep but smooth, making me feel calm.

The music stops and so do we, we lock eyes and for once everything felt perfect? Calm and normal our breathing in sync, leaning in slowly before we were interrupted. ‘Boss Frank’s here’ clearing my throat I looked down pretending to fiddle with my dress and Vincenzo kept his gaze fixated on me. ‘Boss?’ he puts a finger up and shushes them ‘He can come to me’

After his men hesitantly walk away leaving us be I master the courage to look him in the eye again. ‘Whose Frank?’ he looked at me with a rather confused expression. I roll my eyes ‘If you are planning on keeping me as leverage the least you could do is fill me in on a few people.’

An amused expression overtook his features as he began to explain who Frank was, ‘Frank is a gang leader, he runs a few of our territories enforcing our rules, hosting illegal street fights and selling our basic drugs.’ I nod along as he explains Frank’s role.

‘How do you keep him from enforcing your rules and staying loyal?’ I asked him genuinely. He sighs ‘Aside from the obvious being threats and death. Loyalty isn’t something you can command rather it’s something that is earned. To receive loyalty, you must give it back. A leader is nothing without people to lead, I’d give my life to my mafia and my people, just as they would. We’re a Familia before anything. Besides, there are many perks to having the King’s as your friend than as your enemy … Something you ought to remember leonessa’ He teases jokingly a giggle escaped my lips, followed by an instinctive eye roll ‘I’ll try keeping that in mind Italy.’ I smiled shaking my head.

‘Besides aside from the fact I am a very fair leader, I pay generously, and I return the same amount of respect and loyalty, that’s the mistake a lot of don’s make they become power hungry, stingy and selfish they forget that a hungry dog is never loyal.’ I looked at him admiringly, hearing him talk about his mafia with such passion and seeing how serious he takes being a leader and a provider to the rest of his men and women made me view him in a light I never imagined possible.

An average height medium man approached us alongside a few men, ‘Boss.’ Vincenzo nodded his head in acknowledgement, ‘I needed to speak to you about a gang from Spain. The leader wants to run New York and is planning an attack on you and your family.’ he quickly blurts out.

Hearing his words made a sick feeling stir in my stomach, ‘Who?’ was all Vincenzo stated. ‘Serpiente de Sangre Gang’ my eyes widen in fear as I clutched Vincenzo’s hand, and my breathing became heavy and harsher. Vincenzo quickly grabbed and held me by my elbows ‘Isabella?’ worry evident on his face trying to figure out what was wrong, but my mind and heart were racing. He found me.

I cannot and will not see that man again, not after the torture he made me endure and not after I almost killed him. If he sees me, he will either kill me or torture me until I die. Guilt consumed my entire body as I remember shooting him to wound him instead of killing him. Stupid Stockholm syndrome.

‘Isabella!’ I look up at him with pleading eyes, ‘He found me’ I finally speak up alarmed. I looked up at him pleadingly, he looked down at me confused, worried, and furious. ‘Please let me go’ I let out a soft plea begging him to let me go. Anger taking over his features he looks back up at his men after me makes sure I’m steady and able to keep my balance on my own, ‘get information on him, spread the word to allies I want him alive.’ Vincenzo gives out orders.

‘No need to send your men, I’m already here’ No. My entire nervous system begins shutting down as I feel my palms getting sweaty, my heart continued to pound against my chest as my breathing became uneven and rapid.

Vincenzo stood in front of me pulling me behind him, Vincenzo squared his shoulders to let him and everyone else know his alpha and is not to be messed with. The music stops and everyone practically ran out. Fucking take me with you please. Vincenzo’s whole persona radiated power, and confidence even without uttering a single word he could make any man cower before him.

Xavier cleared his throat as he took a step forward in Vincenzo’s direction. Just then five of Vincenzo’s men who were at the event took out their guns and aimed them at Xavier’s head. Xavier let out a nervous laugh as he clears his throat ‘I’m not here to start a war gentleman, I’m here to reclaim what is rightfully mine.’ Vincenzo gestured for his men to lower their guns ‘and exactly what is that?” He asked.

‘The gorgeous Isabella Knight, the lady standing behind you.’ I grabbed a fistful of Vincenzo’s leather jacket in my hand holding onto him as my life depended on it, ‘A human being is not an object you can claim.’ He spat, Xavier lets out a cold chuckle trying to be intimidating but failing, ‘She was mine and I intend to get her back, I much rather you just stand aside but if you resist, I will be prepared to go to battle for her.’

Vincenzo looked down on the floor smirking as he slowly lifted his head looking back up at Xavier before a maniac laugh overtook him. Showing him how to be intimidating, ‘Do you honestly believe that your threat has the least bit of importance?’ Vincenzo takes a step towards Xavier they were now inches apart as Vincenzo grabbed Xavier by his throat and slammed him to the nearest wall.

He watches Xavier struggle for a moment, guns drawn at Vincenzo until his men drew their guns out aiming it at Xavier’s men. Vincenzo smirked looking at him, before his smug expression turned hard and cold as ice. ‘I However, don’t like to be threatened especially by a gattino. (kitten) Get out of my city through your own will or you can leave in a body bag. If I even allow you the privilege of one.’ He realises his grip on him and walks away intertwining our hands and walking towards the exit, he gives me a reassuring squeeze.

‘Did you miss me, Isabella?!’ I stop dead in my tracks as he speaks, catching up to us outside ‘be careful of that girl Mr King, there’s a fire burning behind her eyes, she can make kingdoms fall and monsters wish they were never born. Isn’t that right Isabella? or should I say Dragon?’ he taunted. Not turning around I froze, Vincenzo looked down at me giving me a reassuring nod he guides me back in the car and takes a glance in my direction before driving off.

The car was filled with tension so thick you could cut it with a knife, Vincenzo’s scowl hasn’t left his face, his grip on the steering wheel not losing evident by the way his knuckles turned white from the deadly grip. I sigh knowing he is waiting for me to talk.

‘It was a long time ago’ I mutter finally breaking the silence. Vincenzo keeps his eyes fixated on the road still not looking at me. I sigh feeling as though I need to explain the basics of the story since he may be going to war against him. ‘He did an inhumane thing to my parents, then to me. You know about my past, or whatever you managed to gather. I’m like an assassin although I had more responsibilities, I ran his gang. What many don’t know is how” I sighed putting an emphasis on ‘how’

“He tortured me for months on end. I did go to him with the intent to kill him for what he did to my parents. But with the continuous torture, rape and mental games and lack of any human interaction I was so weak. I just wanted salvation so when he offered to free me in exchange for work.”

I swallow hard, feeling the lump in my throat beginning to form and the burning sensation in my eyes. I blink away the tears and let out a shaky breath ‘I had to do negotiations, interrogation, I ran the illegal fights, and I was in charge of the gang’s narcotics. The more responsibility he gave me and the more I was with him the more I forgot about what he did. He made me believe I was falling for him … one of his many mind games.’ I continued explaining.

I look over at Vincenzo trying to get a read on him, his knuckles were turning white the more he gripped the steering wheel and the more I spoke. He continued avoiding looking at me.

‘Once his gang grew, and his reputation grew due to having me. So did his name on the streets, but the more power he got the more things he wanted me to do … the more numb I got” I took a deep breath trying to stay as calm as possible “He wanted me to cut a deal and help him become partners with my parent’s drug empire he also literally threatened Maria’s life if I didn’t comply. It was then when he had the gun to Maria’s head that my life flashed before my eyes and all the awful things he did to me and my family it all came flooding back.” I drift off into the distance, remembering the events of that night.

“That was when I grabbed his gun and shot him three times … I tell myself it was a miracle he survived but a part of me knew I missed the vital organs on purpose… but by then it was too late the guilt ate me up it still does knowing that I worked, killed, tortured for him when I should have killed him’

I hang my head in shame as all the memories begin to re-enter my brain. ‘Dragon?’ I slowly lift my head back up and rest it in my palm of my hands ‘that was what everyone called me, when I started to really get into the crime scene, I was nicknamed dragon for my power, loyalty and fire I was hate and pain. I lost sight of who I was, dragon was like an alter ego an escape. My imaginary friend used to call me dragon when I was younger for the power and fire I had in me. That’s the main reasons behind that nickname.’ I let out a sigh looking at him.

‘it’s a part of my life I can’t say I’m not proud of it because it was a time in my life that made me the person I am today. For that, I do not regret it.’ I looked at the side of his face “it shaped me and taught me to rely on myself, and to never be a damsel in distress”

Vincenzo stayed silent looking at the road ahead, the rest of the car ride was silent, nothing filled the air other than the noise of the tiers gliding along the road. The car came to a final stop, and I looked over to Vincenzo who still looked to be deep in thought. ‘It may be better if I leave. I don’t want to be the reason use go to war.’

‘No, you and your sister are not going anywhere especially now. Besides I still need you, you bring us more advantages than misery.’ At this moment I felt more like an object than a person, the second he is done using me I’ll be thrown out on the streets.

Slamming the door as I got out of the car. I push past Vincenzo and walk straight inside standing angrily in the living room Vincenzo’s parents. Rolling my eyes, I continue my walk to my cell. I could faintly hear them scolding Vincenzo about Xavier and his threat, but I couldn’t care less I needed to get out of here.

Stripping out of the dress I grab a pair of black shorts and an oversized white T-shirt. Laying on my bed I bury my face in my pillow and scream as loud as I can, trying to rid myself of all my frustration, misery, sadness, and anger towards the world.

A light knock snapped me out of my screams, ‘go away’ the door opened revealing Ariana, ‘I’m sorry did you say come in?’ rolling my eyes I bury my face back in the pillow.

‘Come on, I heard what happened and a little bit about your past. You’re the most feared and biggest badass in our line of work. Every criminal family knows about you, you’re the baddest bitch of all and you screaming in a pillow?’ She wasn’t wrong but for the first time in my life, I felt so powerless, not being in control of my own life. Having to rely on Vincenzo and ask permission to leave was like forcing me to drink boiling water.

‘Come on get up put a jacket and shoes on let’s go’ she grabs me by my ankles and drags me out of bed, I let out a yelp before landing flat on my stomach. ‘ARIANA!’ she innocently shrugs and throws my red leather jacket and some combat boots.

Letting out a groan I realise it’s pointless arguing with her she’s as stubborn as her brother. We walk past her parents and brothers in the living room, before they begin to yell Ariana gave them a warning glare and they all fell silent. Mafia princess.

Driving off she looks my way all giddy and excited, she gives directions to the driver before sitting back in her seat. ‘Where are we going?’ I look at her cautiously, I have a weird feeling about this.

‘Underground street fight, I want to see Dragon in action. Besides it’s a good place to relieve stress’

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