“I'll keep you going,” Jackson says, nodding sharply to me. “I'll give you my magic, Ari — as much of it as you can hold. I think — I think with the connection between our magic, it will help speed your own magic, the healing included. And hopefully it will be enough to...”

He hesitates, not wanting to say it.

But I know precisely what he means. Enough to keep me alive.

And then, again to my shock, Jackson stands, pulling me up with him in his arms. I moan again, almost a scream, as he does. But he continues, staring down at me as I pant through the pain, eventually opening my eyes to look up into him. “I'm getting you out, okay?" he whispers, his whole heart in his eyes.

And I can feel everything down the bond — all his worry, all his grief that he just found me, that he could lose me so soon. But, above all, his sheer determination to make me live — even if it means Killing himself in the process.

“Yeah,” I reply, pathetically simple, nodding to him, letting him feel my faith.

Because, despite the odds, I believe him.

Jackson nods once, sharply, and then turns in the forest, striding off through the trees. He doesn't bother, anymore, to be quiet, instead stomping and moving swiftly, letting everyone hear him come.

And even as my mind passes from state to state, concentrating on the pain and then concentrating on the world, I see that this, actually, was precisely his plan.

By the time we get to the bridge, every single one of the cadets who was waiting there has turned to us, their eyes wide. I look around at all of them through half-lidded eyes, my arms curled around Jackson's neck — when did I do that? — as he holds me high against his chest.

By their shock and their awe, I can tell that the two of us make rather an impressive sight — or, at least, a terrible one.

The gigantic Alpha, the strongest Cadet in the Academy, especially enraged like this, covered in blood, his tiny charge curled in his arms. “We're crossing this bridge,” Jackson growls, his voice loud enough that he's shouting even though his words hum with anger. As I glance up I can see Jackson's canines sharpening to points, can feel his fingers lengthening to claws as he looks around at every single man standing there. “Does anyone want to stop me!?”

Jackson roars his final words, glaring around at every single cadet, a challenge in every line of him.

And, wisely, every single one of the cadets slowly backs away from the bridge. Because though in any normal moment an Alpha carried a wounded wolf would be a tempting target...

Jackson McClintock in a killing rage, the lifeblood of his mate dripping on the forest floor?

I mean, even if they don’t know I'm his mate...

Nobody's fucking with us right now.

Jackson releases a final growl, glaring around. “Any of you who give any aid to Alan Wright,” he snarls, “even a kind word or a glance...you will answer to me, on the other side.”

Nobody says anything, but they'd be fools not to take him seriously. And with that, Jackson strides across the bridge, not even looking back to see if anyone takes a shot from behind.

Because none of them — none are that stupid.

I whimper, slightly, when I feel Jackson's footsteps transition from wood to dirt and grass. Because now that that is finished...the hard part, it's coming now, isn't it?

And the pain —

God, fuck, I'd do anything to end it, the way it radiates through me... “Hold on,” Jackson murmurs, his voice breaking as he slips a hand beneath my still-loose shirt, apparently needing the skin-to-skin contact to pass his magic to me. It comes in a flood and my head tilts back — because while it does nothing to stop the pain I...1 do feel stronger, after the infusion.

My eyes flutter open again as I look up into his face, and from the fear I see there I know I must be ghostly pale, looking as on the edge of death as I currently feel.

“You hold on, okay?” he whispers, lifting me higher as he strides away from the bridge and towards the foot of the mountain before us. He presses a series of quick kisses to my face. “You'll hold on?"

“l will,” I whisper, nodding to him, trying to steel myself for what's to come, even though I know it’s impossible.

“Okay,” he whispers, and then as my eyes shut I feel Jackson take a deep, deep breath.

And then, he starts to run.

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