My scream only intensifies, combining with my moan of pain as I grab my leg and fall to the forest floor. I'm panting with agony as I lay in the dirt and the leaves, my eyes pressed shut for a moment before I glance down at my leg, my hands quickly coating in my own blood as they go directly to the wound —

Trying to do something, to end the pain, to apply pressure, something — But there's nothing — god, I think the bolt hit bone, I think it cracked it — I'm still moaning horribly when a shadow falls over me, and I look frantically up to see Wright standing above me, drawing back the crossbows string, that ugly sneer still on his face, though mixed with victory now.

“You deserve this,” he snarls, glaring down at me. “Every inch of pain — laying in the dirt, finally recognizing your failure — you're nothing but a dirty cheat —*

“Please,” I beg, gasping for breath as he loads another bolt and raises the crossbow towards me. “Please, don't —*

“Save it,” he snaps, pointing the crossbow directly at me, and then without another word he pulls the trigger again, sending a bolt directly into my gut.

The pain is...blinding this time.

I scream again, but I must pass out from it —

Honestly, did I die? I might have died, a little bit —

But when I open my eyes again, the forest is fuzzy above me, and there's a dark form looming over me, shouting my name.

I flinch away, screaming again, and a hand goes fast over my mouth before a hand slips under my head, cradling it.

“Who did this to you!?"

I blink, trying to clear my head as I recognize Jackson's voice, but then I moan and let my head fall back — because the clearer my mind gets, the more I feel the pain.

“Ari!” Jackson shouts, and suddenly he’s on the ground next to me, pulling me into his lap. “Ari, who did this!?"

I almost scream again as the movement jostles my stomach, and my hand moves to the bolt of wood that's protruding from my gut, that aches with every movement.

“I'm sorry,” Jackson murmurs, and I blink again, trying to focus, trying to look up into his face. His voice — it’s so tight, so full of pain. Did he — did he get shot too? But as my eyes focus on his face I see that his pain is all desperate agony for me. “Ari,” he murmurs, his hand shaking as he cups my cheek. “Who did it?"

“Wright,” I murmur, shaking my head.

Jackson growls, his head snapping up, sniffing the air — like he'd go after him right now, like he'll tear him to shreds.

“Jacks!” I gasp, shaking my head, my hands fisted in his shirt. Because — I mean, if Wright's not here anymore, then what's the point?

I don’t need —

God, my head spins, the pain making everything dizzy —

But I do know that I don't need revenge right now. If by some miracle I'm going to survive, I need a healer.

“Please,” I beg, shaking my head up at him. “Please, we have to get... out..."

Jackson nods, his whole body trembling as he quickly assesses the situation, as he looks at the blood pouring from my leg and my stomach, as he glances over his left shoulder towards where the bridge likely is.

“I'm going to get you out of this, Ari,” he whispers, his voice thick with his vow. “Okay? just hold on, yeah?"

I nod, fervent, either believing him or...or not wanting him to believe that I'm going to die —

Even as I feel my consciousness fading —

“Ari!” Jackson snaps, and I blink, looking back up into his face as I realize that I almost passed out again. “Hey!”

“Hey,” I reply, frowning a little, not understanding.

Then, to my surprise, Jackson rips open the top button of my shirt and presses his hand flat to my chest. Then, he pushes.

Not — not with his body, not with his hand. But with his... his magic.

I feel it, quite suddenly, filling me — a great deal of energy, and strength, and a glowing, rich sort of power. I gasp, my eyes flying open, and then I bat his hand away — suddenly feeling replete — like I can't take anymore.

It doesn't do anything for the pain, but it sure as hell wakes me up. I stare up at him, confused, not getting it.

“How's your healing?” he asks, his voice sharper than it was before. “Your...your wolf healing. It's good, yeah?"

“Um,” I say, glancing down at myself, knowing that even though wolf healing is fast it's not fast enough for this. “It''s good.”

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