Chapter 289

Chapter 289

She was glued to her phone when a gruff voice came from nearby

"Can't you just stop for once?"

"Stop? Philip, don't you think you're crossing the line? You've been keeping our relationship a secret just so you can look good with Keira in public. You said it was for publicity. I bought your bullshit once, twice even three or four times, but I can't keep doing it forever! Today she was wronged, and you immediately jumped to her defense? You even dragged an innocent person into it..."

"How many times have I told you? We're just classmates!" Phillip kept his voice low, but his angry roar still gave Chloe a start.

"Don't take me for a fool!" Crystl's voice suddenly became shrill, "You think I don't know that after you unconditionally accepted the role in Above the Cloud, you put in ten million just to get Keira on the team?!" You're spying on me?!"

"Do you realize you have another movie to prepare for? One million, let alone ten million, is a substantial expenditure for us. We've been preparing for two years, and now you suddenly pull out ten million just to buy Keira a role!"

"Philip, what's the point of doing all this? She's just using you! Her fiancé doesn't have money? Is Lance really unable to cough up a mere ten million? Because you're such a do-gooder.."

"Shut up! Crysti, enough is enough! If you want to stick around, then behave. If you're going to cause trouble, then leave. I didn't ask you to follow me around all day, and honestly, it's annoying!" After Philip's low growl, there was the sound of a car door slamming shut. A black sedan sped off towards the gate.

Chloe walked down the steps with an indifferent expression, sure enough, Crysti was still standing there. A lonely woman, abandoned by Philip

Chloe never had the extra energy to worry about others, but seeing that woman standing in the corner, still straight-backed, stubbornly refusing to shed a tear, it tugged at her heartstrings.

It was like seeing her past self. No matter how much pain or suffering she went through, she was always too stubborn to shed a single tear.

Maybe she heard footsteps, Crysti looked up.

"Are you here to pity me?"

Chloe gave a small smile, "You're overthinking. There's nothing about you that's worthy of pity. I don't have the time or energy to feel sorry for someone who has nothing to do with me." Crysti gave a cold laugh, "You really are unlikeable. No wonder everyone likes your sister more."

"I can't be like her. I don't expect everyone to like me. Winning over one person's heart is truly precious! I hope I can find that person and grow old together. That's my only goal now, and my lifelong pursuit." "Winning over one person's heart, growing old together..."

Crysti sneered sarcastically.

Chloe seemed to know what she was thinking, and continued, "The catch is, that person has to be your other half.”

After a long silence, Crysti took a deep breath and looked at Chloe defensively, "Did you need something from me?" Chloe's expression was blank, her gaze fixed on Crysti. The casual chat from before was suddenly replaced by a tense silence.

"I really like you."

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