Chapter 288

Melisa had no clue what was going on in Chloe's mind. She hesitated for a moment, then couldn't hold back her words.

"Ms. Summers, this money..."

She held the cheque that Philip had just given her. She was at a loss with so much money all of a sudden.

"Keep it safe."

Melisa nervously licked her lips, Ms. Summers, is there anything wrong with Mr. Reed? And what about Mr. Adam, he..." Thinking of the state Adam was in, she was worried that Ms. Summers might have gotten into trouble for helping her

"Don't worry. This whole thing may seem unfair to you. But if people find out, it wouldn't be good for your reputation. Let them two figure it out. Adam took a major blow; he won't let Philip off easily." Melisa's mouth fell open in surprise, staring at Chloe dumbfounded, "That body part of his got... hurt?!"

That was the most important organ for men.

Chloe calmly said, "If he's lucky"

Back when she was pulling in investments for the Olson Group, she was almost lured into a hotel by Adam. If it wasn't for Lance showing up, he wouldn't have had the chance to pull off what he did today. Today was about getting even.

A casual remark made Kane unconsciously close his legs.


He swallowed hard, couldn't resist reaching down to check himself.

Thank God, I'm still intact!

Damon's brow furrowed even more. Although he didn't know the specifics, he could tell what they were talking about.

At this moment, a car pulled up at the entrance.

Melisa quickly said, "Ms. Summers, the car is here, I'll be going now!"

"Alright, be careful on your way."

Watching Melisa get into the car and leave, Chloe stood on the spot, gazing at the magnificent yard in front of her. She stood quietly for a while, the night breeze blowing her loose clothes to one side, revealing her slender figure.

Just a delicate silhouette had Kane murmuring his admiration.

"I didn't notice when we were in school. Now I think Chloe is quite attractive."

Damon glanced at him, Simon chuckled, "Damon has good taste."

Just then, Chloe turned to go back to the booth, but saw Damon and Simon coming towards her.

"Why are you guys out here?"

"You've been in the bathroom for too long."

Chloe awkwardly said, "I got held up by something.”

"Are you okay?" Damon asked, his eyes scanning her.

I'm fine."

Damon glanced at his watch, "It's already past ten; do you want to continue?"

"I have to get up early tomorrow, we should probably call it a night," Chloe chimed in.

"Alright. I'll go get the car, wait for me at the entrance."


Kane said, "You guys are leaving already?"

"Yes, I have things to take care of tomorrow. You guys have fun. Oh, and I need to get my bag from the booth."

After saying goodbye to a few people in the booth, she left quickly to not keep Damon waiting.

However, when she reached the entrance, Damon's car hadn't arrived yet.

Worried Damon might call her, she took out her phone and turned it on. Several messages from Lance appeared on the screen, which Chloe chose to ignore.

As she was looking at her phone, a clearly impatient growl came from not far away.

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