“My husband is still in love with his ex-fiancée, Sara.” Teresa shouted.

“What?” Rina probably heard the most bizarre and stupid thing from her best friend’s mouth.

Teresa just nodded still crying.

“Are you crazy? She’s his sister-in-law.” Rina didn’t know what to do with her clueless friend.

“I heard it with my own two ears.” Teresa said sniffing.

“That he loves her?”

“No, but he took her name in his sleep.”

“Teresa, are you sure you didn’t hear your own name, only the last part though like ‘-resa’ and got confused it with sara?”

“No my ears are perfectly fine, I heard it loud and clear, it was Sara and not -resa!” Teresa defended.

“Did you confront him?”

“My dear best friend I agree that I am crazy but do I look like I’m crazy enough to do that? What if he actually tells me he loves her? I won’t be able to hear that.” Teresa yelled at her best friend.

“So what are you going to do then? Keep snapping at them?” Rina asked.

“I don’t know. May be I should just avoid them?” Teresa shrugged wiping her tears.

“Avoid them forever? You can’t do that.” Rina sighed.

“What forever? Our marriage, ‘the contract’ ends next month so I can avoid them until then.”

“You’re giving up? I thought you said you’ll make him confess first?”

“I was mad and I didn’t know the truth then. How am I supposed to make him confess when he loves someone else?” Teresa almost yelled.

“For the thousandth time Teresa, no he doesn’t! And what’s wrong with you? This is so not you. Usually you confront the person directly and won’t sit quiet until you get the truth out of them by constantly irritating them but this time you didn’t even ask him anything? And just taking someone’s name in his sleep doesn’t mean he actually loves her or anything!” Rina tried to pacify her.

“But I’m scared. What if he tells me he still loves her? and what if he tells me to stay out of his business as he always does? And I am not that stupid to come into the conclusion that my idiot husband loves his ex-fiancée just because he took her name in his sleep even I took my dog’s name and you name in my sleep, doesn’t mean I romantically love you guys, right?”


“Haven’t you seen him behaving like a complete different person when he’s around her? The way he talks to her and treats her, he even does whatever she says without any fight or any argument where as if I tell him to do just a simple thing he’ll argue with me for hours, for example if I ask him to drop me somewhere on his way he’ll act as if I am asking his life or something. He irritates me to the point I regret asking something from him and if Sara asks him he’ll go out of his way to drop her. And not only this, there are various things that if I start telling it’ll take one whole day. And plus they’re in same team too.” Teresa ranted.

Doesn’t she realize that it’s not Sara who gets different treatment than others, but it’s her who gets different treatment? Rina suppressed her laugh.

“You’re an idiot. Give your stupid imaginations a break and go and talk to him about this.” rina suggested.

“But, what will I talk about? That hey, I heard you take Sara’s name in your sleep, kindly explain what that means? And he’ll tell me go and mind your own business as that’s what is written in the contract?” Teresa pouted.

“Teresa, you’re his wife and I don’t think it was written anywhere in your contract that you can’t confront your husband about the things that worries the hell out of you and trust me I don’t think he even remembers your contract anymore! Go and ask him and he be more than glad to give you a direct answer about this.” Rina assured her.


“I’ll arrange your meeting happy?” Rina patted her back.

“You think he’ll give me a direct answer without any arguments?” Teresa expressed her doubts.

“Depends on how you question him. But I think this time he’ll give you a proper answer without any fight or argument ’kay? and one more thing even if he does start a fight, please you don’t join him and start another fight, hmm?” Rina begged her not to fight with him instead.

“Okay.” Teresa nodded.

Meanwhile at the other room

“What was that?” Sam broke the silence.

“Like I know anything and now I don’t even want to know.” Ryouma sat on his chair with a scowl on his face.

“I thought you wanted to end this fight.” Rihito looked at his friend.

“Yeah I wanted to but now I don’t.” Ryouma huffed.

“Really? Okay guys, let’s focus on the project we have to present the day after tomorrow, if someone is able to work that is.” Rihito taunted his friend.

“Rihito!” Ryouma glared at him.

“Tell me if I am wrong.” Rihito leaned on the wall with his arms crossed infront of his chest.

“Okay fine, what do you want me to do?” Ryouma gave up resting his head on the table infront of him.

“So you finally decided to take my help, huh?” said Rihito with a victorious smile on his face.

“Just shut up and tell me what should I do?” Ryouma glared again.

“Okay, I’ll arrange something. But promise me if she shouts, you’ll listen quietly like a good boy and do not shout back and make things worse like you did few minutes ago.” Rihito warned him.

“Fine.” Ryouma sighed.

“And until I come back try hard to remember what you did to make her angry, that’ll help you.” Rihito walked out of the room whistling.

Few minutes later

Ryouma and Teresa were locked up in a room cause their friends didn’t want them to come back until they’ve sorted their issues.

What should I talk about? How should I ask? directly? or should I beat around the bush? Teresa thought.

“Okay, I am sorry, Here.” He gave her a box.

“huh? What’s this?” Teresa took the box and turned it upside down and shook it, trying to figure out what it had.

“It’s chocolates. Last time I threw your chocolates out, that’s what you’re angry about right?” Ryouma sighed.

“When?” Teresa looked at him with a puzzled expression.

“The day before yesterday.” He replied with a soft voice, barely audible.

“You threw my chocolates? my.. my chocolates? How dare you even touch them?” Teresa pointed her index finger at him.

“You were not angry about this?” Ryouma looked at his wife with confusion.

“No, I didn’t even know about this! But now I am angry! How dare you?” Teresa glared at him.

“Okay I am sorry. I will never ever touch your chocolates again ’kay? Calm down.” He tried to calm his angry wife.

“See this is what I was talking about with Rina. You always get a reason to mess with me and if you don’t get one you’ll search in my cupboard for one.” Teresa glared at her guilty husband.

“Can’t we end this already? I already gave you three fold of what I threw.”

But this isn’t what I am mad about. If it were about chocolates I would have already gotten my revenge way before even I got angry. What should I do? Teresa thought.

“But wait a minute. You didn’t even know I threw them away so You weren’t angry about this?” Ryouma narrowed his eyes at her.

Teresa shaked her head no.

“Then?” He enquired.

Teresa turned away.

“Hey! I’ve already searched for the reasons you may get mad at me but I couldn’t find any. So before I go crazy trying to figure it out, please do me a favor and tell me what it is? and please forgive me for whatever it is.”

“Fine, I’ll forgive you, if you answer my questions honestly.” She decided to question him anyway.

“You want to play quiz right now?” Ryouma knew his wife was the 8th wonder of the world but she wanted to play quiz? seriously?

“No! Just answer what I ask you.” Teresa replied.

“Okay.” He nodded.

“So, umm....” Teresa didn’t know where to start from.


“It’s difficult, let me prepare first.” Teresa scolded her husband.

“If question is this difficult, what about the answer, is it difficult too? You’re not doing this on purpose right? asking me most difficult questions so that I can’t answer and you get to continue being angry?”

Teresa galred at him.

“Okay, lets get done with it. Shoot.” Ryouma sighed.

I will actually shoot you. Teresa said in her mind.

“So, here it goes.” she started.

“Please go ahead.” He nodded being prepared for the question.

“Tell me the names that you can take in your sleep.” There better ask him directly, she thought.

“Huh? What kind of question is that?” He made a face.

“It is one of a kind. Just answer.” Teresa glared at him.

“Okay. Mom, dad, Rihito, my old dog, office staffs?” He stated the names innocently.

“Why not list all the people in the world?” Teresa said sarcastically.

“Yeah, can be.” He nodded.

“Okay I am sorry for the stupid question. So tell me, is there any girl you like currently? Or any girlfriends? You can be frank with me, we’re friends right?” Teresa leaned back on her chair with her arms crossed infront of her chest.

“Did you hit your head somewhere? Are you okay?” Ryouma was actually worried for his wife now.

“I am perfectly fine Mr. husband just answer me.” She faked a smile.

“I don’t know about other girls but I am a married man, and I do have a wife who sometimes go crazy like she’s being now.” Ryouma said leaning back on his chair, nodding his head crossing his arms in front of his chest.

“Very funny. Okay cut it all out, I’ll ask you directly.”

“There’s more of your weird questions?”

“Yes. Tell me what do you feel about Sara?”

“What? She’s my sister-in-law, what’s there to feel about?” He shrugged.

“Yeah but she’s also your ex-fiancee. so, do you still have feelings for her?” Her brows twitched up.

“Can I ask you why we’re discussing something like this?” Ryouma was now sure that his wife has gone crazy.

“Because I want to know. Did you love her? Do you still-” Before she could complete her sentence her husband cut her off.

“Are you out of your mind? She’s my brother’s wife.” He shouted angrily.

“I know that. But I want to know something I don’t know about.”

“Look here, first of all Sara and me, we didn’t have any sort of romantic relationship at all. I knew she loved someone else who was supposedly dead. And i didn’t have any particular romantic feelings for her either.” Ryouma clarified her in simple words in which she could understand.

“Then why were you engaged to her? And because of her you cut ties with your brother too.”

“Because we were friends and we were comfortable with each other and for us that much was enough. And I was angry with Sam because he chose not to tell me but elope with my would be bride. I mean I was disappointed in him, we were best friends, my brother, he didn’t tell me anything at all, that was the reason I was mad at him, not because of Sara. Now are your weird questions over or do you have more to irritate me?”

“So you didn’t like her?”


"Didn't even have a tini-tiny feelings for her?"

"Are you purposely trying to make me more angry than I already am? For the last time Teresa, no I didn't!" He shouted.

“Yes! Yay!” She exclaimed happily.

“What’s the hell is wrong with you?” Ryouma eyed her suspiciously.

“N-othing, nothing at all.” She tried to hide her smile.

“Wait a minute, did you actually get jealous?” Ryouma threw a bomb at her and Teresa knew where this was going to end up. No!

’J-jealous? N-o Of course not. Why would I?” She avoided making eye contact with him.

“You even get angry with Sara today, was this the reason?” Now Ryouma was having fun with his questions and having his wife flustered with his questions, he was enjoying it.

“Stop imagining things. I am not jealous.” She glared at him.

“Then why did you get angry?” Ryouma leaned in with a smile on his face.

“I was angry because..... ” She thought for a second and saw the box of chocolates. “ya cause you threw my chocolates.” She answered.

“Why was there a pause?” Ryouma teased her.

“There wasn’t” She retorted.

“You didn’t even know about the chocolates until just now.” Ryouma added.

“Whatever.” She walked to the door and shouted. “Rina open up the door we’re done.”

“No we’re not. Okay Teresa, now it’s your turn to answer my questions?” He caught her between his arms and the door behind her.

“Just shut up. What questions? I have a project to work on, I don’t have time for your useless questions.” Teresa tried to push him away and prayed to open the door fast.

“Really? Tell me were you actually jealous?” He came close to her, making her blush bright red.

“I said i was not.” She yelled.

Just then Rina opened the door and Teresa ran away.

“Fine, run now but we live in the same room, wifey.” Ryouma smiled to himself.


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