Early morning, Ryouma was searching for his wife, whom he hadn’t seen since the moment he woke up. He thought he would mend things with her but she’s nowhere to be found. But it was the usual case scenario, from the past few days she had been waking up early and reached office before him to work on her project but today she hadn’t reached the office, he got the confirmation from the office’s guard.

He went out of the room, searching for her. He then heard her voice and rushed down stairs and saw her setting the breakfast table with his mother.

Well that’s weird she actually woke up early in the morning to help my mother prepare the breakfast? Did sun rise from west today? He thought.

His eyes met hers, he smiled at her but she looked at him like she was stabbing him in her mind with thousands of knives and then looked away.

“What the hell did I do?” he muttered.

“Take your seat, son.” His mother gestured.

He took his seat and was about to take the plate placed at his side when his wife slapped his hands away, “Get your own breakfast it’s mine.” His wife taking her seat beside him, gave him an ice freezing cold glare.

He felt a sudden chill pass down his spine, “Oh okay.” was the only thing he could say.

What the hell was that?! Even though she was angry, he had never seen her cold and scary. Whenever she got angry, her eyes blazed fire, a fiery princess but today it looked like there was a snow blizzard on her anger land, her eyes reflected a freezing deadly winter, he was sure that this deadly cold anger was directed towards him and he was the one going to be slayed by this ice queen because he noticed that her coldness was only towards him as she was passing her bright, shiny smiles at his mom and dad.

But the thing is I don’t remember doing anything that would drive her this crazy or maybe I did? but what? He thought for a moment, trying to figure out.

“I’m done. Bye mom, bye dad.” She smiled at them.

“Wait, I’ll drop you.” He quickly held her hand, she glared at him and he immediately left it.

“I mean we’re going to the same place, we can... umm.... go together?” He stammered.

“Really? But you’re not even ready yet." She replied and he realized as soon as he got up from the bed he searched for her and that led him at the breakfast table, he hadn't even brushed yet. He immediately let go of the sandwich on his hand and face palmed himself. "and I’m getting late so no thank you, I can go on my own.” She added in her voice ice cold that made him feel like he was in a snow storm, covered in snow from head to toe, he found himself shiver a little.

“That’s rare of you getting late.” His dad gave him an astonished look.

“Well he must have been dreaming his sweet dreams that he didn’t want to wake up at all. In fact he must be cursing the morning that why did it arrive to wake him up from his sweet dreams right, husband?” She glared at him and then stormed out.

What is she going on about?

Even his mom, dad noticed something was off with her and they both glared at him demanding to know what the hell did he do this time? Well that was exactly what he wanted to know too. He just stared at a blank space running his mind, trying to figure out what was wrong?


“Sir... Mr. Carlton? Excuse me?” He found his secretary waving her hands in front of his face bringing him from his deep thoughts back to reality.


“This is the file you asked for and...” She continued but he wasn't listening as he drifted back to his thoughts again.

Just what did I do to make her this angry? There were multiple reasons he thought of, but those things didn't happen for the first time, she couldn't be this angry for those, he just couldn't reach the conclusion. He sighed.

Just then he noticed his wife and her dear Ren, chatting happily. Wow! great! just great! She's giving me death glares since morning and with him she’s smiling like an idiot. He angrily crushed the file on his hand.

“Sir!” She snatched the file before any further damage. She clicked her fingers in front of his face trying to bring him back from wherever his mind was, her hand blocked the view and he snapped.

“What the hell is your problem?” He shouted at her.

“I...” Her voice trembled.

“Get out!” He yelled.

“I’m sorr...”

“Just get the hell out of here.” He stood up from his chair and banged his fist on the table.

“I’m sorry.” She rushed out, crying.

He sat back and tried to open his laptop but it won’t open.

“The hell! Seriously why the hell everyone/everything's messing with me today?” He threw the laptop.

“And why is my table in such a mess!” He shouted in frustration, throwing every single thing on his table.

“Okay, so this is what scaring your office staffs. My best friend is creating havoc here.” A voice said clicking his tongue.

Ryouma looked at the direction of the voice and found his best friend leaning on the door. I don’t even know his presence would help me with my anger or multiply it. Ryouma rolled his eyes. “Don’t! Just do not mess with me right now. Leave me alone.”

“Let me guess your wife..” Ryouma glared at him, before he could complete his sentence.

“Oh so I’m right. If she affects you and your work so drastically then why do you always fight with her? Tell me what did you do this time?” His best friend asked crossing his arms in front of his chest.

“That’s exactly what I’m trying to figure out, but I’ve got no luck. I don’t even know what made her mad at me, was it something that I did or something that I didn't?! Everything was fine up until last night, she was atleast behaving how she usually does but I don’t know what the hell happened overnight that she’s piercing me with her cold glares. She's become a total different person, that's definitely not the Teresa I know and now I don’t know what to do!” He ranted.

“hahaha” A loud laughter fills the room.

“What’s so funny?” Ryouma glared at his best friend who was laughing lke a maniac. I want to murder him seriously. Here I am going mad with anger and this guy who calls himself my best friend is laughing at me!

“Never thought I’ll get you see worry over a girl to such an extent that would destroy your peace to the extent you can’t even work. I mean Ryouma the great workaholic can’t work. Pftt.” He continued to laugh.

“Rihito, before I forget that you are my best friend and murder you right here, get out.” He threatened.

“Are you sure you want to kick me out? I thought my friend needs my help.” Rihito teased his friend.

“Really? but I think you don’t want to help but just want to laugh at my misery, isn’t it?” Ryouma glared at him.

“Ryouma how can you think of me like that? you broke my heart today, my heart hurts.” Rihito placed his hands on his chest and shed some crocodile tears.

“You actually have a death wish don’t you? Come here, as your best friend I shall grant your wish.” Ryouma fisted his palm.

"Oh no no, you wouldn't possibly eliminate the sole person who can help you, right?" Rihito smiled. "But I am glad you know me so well. You're right how can I miss the sight of this you, I definitely won't miss the fun, you found my intentions, aww that’s why you’re my best friend. I love you bro.” Rihito hugged Ryouma.

Ryouma sighed as he sat on the chair holding his head, trying to figuring out whether he should laugh at his stupid joke or just kill him.

"And how did you found out there was something here for your 'fun'?" He gestured a V-sign with his fingers, emphasising the word fun.

"I have my sources." Rihito grinned.

"And that would be me." answered another voice from the door.

"Hey Sam! A secret source is supposed to be a secret! Why did you have to spill it?" Rihito complained.

"You did?" Ryouma narrowed his eyes at Sam.

"Someone had to calm your anger storms." Sam replied.

"And you thought this person could calm me? Trust me his actions shoots my anger level much higher."

"seeing the man siting here and talking to me compared to the man yelling a few minutes earlier, I think he does good work." Sam looked at Rihito who had been patting his own shoulders. "Thank you for the compliment." Rihito smiled at him.

"And I couldn't just sit doing nothing when you've been scaring off the office staffs since the morning with your cranky mood." Sam looked back at Ryouma.

"You should have just shooed the pest away instead." Ryouma rolled his eyes.

"Pest?" Sam raised his brows.

"A.jealous.Ryouma.is.scary." said Rihito.

Suddenly someone entered banging the door. The boys looked at the door to be greeted by Ryouma’s wife who seemed angrier than ever, followed by her best friend Rina, who was trying to calm her down.

Now what? thought Ryouma getting up from his chair.

“How dare you make her cry?” Teresa shouted pointing a finger at him accusingly.

“Whom are you talking about?”

“Miya, ofcourse. What did you say to her that she won’t stop crying?”

“Who is Miya?”

“Are you trying to pull a joke? Let me tell you failed miserably. She’s your damn secretary!” Her fingers jab on his chest pushing him back.

“Oh” Ryouma blinked. He only called her Kitazawa, he didn't bother to remember her name.

“Don’t “oh” me. Just what did you say to her?” She shouted cornering him against the wall.

“She was bothering me so I just told her to get out. If she’s crying because of that it’s her problem not mine.” Ryouma shrugged.

“Oh there you go. I know how exactly you treat your secretaries because I’ve been one. Forget secretaries, you don’t even know how to treat your mom and your wife.” Teresa glared at him.

“Okay now where is this topic coming from?” Ryouma glared back at her.

“It never went anywhere, it was always there.”

“I get it that you’re mad for some reason god knows what but that doesn’t mean....”

“Forget it. I don’t even want to see your face so just go and apologies to her and end this matter.”

“I won’t.”

“You seriously don’t want to mess with me right now.”

“Really? Fine if you’re going to get mad at me for no reason then I’ll give you a reason, I won’t apolozise.”

“Fine then! Didn’t even expect you to, cause you’re just a heartless jerk.”

“Heartless? Here I was worrying over the fact that I did something to make you angry but I forgot that you are Teresa and you don’t need a reason to fight.” Ryouma accused her.

“I fight without a reason? Aren't you talking about yourself here? It’s you who messes with me every single time.” she retorted.

“Really? Then can you be kind enough to tell me what did I do this time? Cause I’ve already got a headache trying to figure out what?”

“Wow this time at least you agree you did something and I don’t get mad for no reason.”

“Okay. So what do you want me to do to end our fight? Let’s do this you win, I lose and I am very very sorry for whatever I did. Now I even apologized, happy?”

“Excuse me! you’re acting as if you’ve done a great thing apologizing? I don’t want your meaningless sorry. You don’t even know what you’re sorry about.”

“That’s exactly what I’m telling you. So please tell me what I did? You can at least tell me what I did right? Or you expect me to get inside your head to figure that out?”

"You always do that to me, why not try that yourself now? Try figuring out on your own then."

"Are you mad?" He shouts at her.

"No! You're the mad king!" She shouts back.

While the couple were busy with their fight, their best friends held their head, already tired of their everyday’s fight but this time they both knew it wasn’t there usual day to day fight.

There was a crowd outside Ryouma's cabin, Sara entered through the crowd. "Hey guys? What's going on?” Sara asked.

Seeing Sara was enough for Teresa to go crazy again.

“Oh sorry, you two must have missed each other, right? So sorry, I think we should leave. Talk as much as you want.” Teresa held Rina’s hand and was about to leave when Sara held her hand.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” sara asked, her eyes filled with concern.

“That’s none of your business.” Teresa walked out of the room jerking Sara’s hands off her whereas the other four just blankly stared at each other shocked at her behaviour.

When they reached Teresa’s cabin Rina looked at her best friend and demanded an answer for her weird behaviour.

“Care explaining what are you so mad about?” Rina enquired. “And don’t you dare tell me it’s nothing cause my dear bff you can’t hide anything from me so don’t even try to.” She added.

“I know.” Teresa said with tears in her eyes.

“I shouldn’t have. Shit I need to apologize to Sara immediately. She has nothing to do with this. I need to go and apologize right?” She walked towards the door but Rina stopped her.

“And what is this thing you’re talking about???”

“Sara is so sweet, she’s been so good to me. She’s become like a sister and but i.. I just lost it when I saw her.” Teresa now started crying because of the guilt.

“Teresa you’re driving me crazy now. Please stop crying and just tell me what the hell is going on, would you?”

“My husband is still in love with his ex-fiance Sara!” Teresa shouted.

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