
Ryouma slowly turns to the other side of the bed extending his arm, expecting his wife beside him, but his arm lands on the empty bed with a thud.

Hmm? He searches for her presence, but he doesn’t find her.

“Huh?” He slowly opens one eye but he doesn’t see her, he immediately gets up and looks around. He turns his head to the side of the bed, where sits a table clock, it’s just 8. His wife would usually wake up at 9 and often got late for the office, but today she got up earlier than him?

He searches for her in the bathroom and the entire house but he doesn’t find her anywhere. “that’s weird!” He thought. He picks up his phone and dials her number.

“Good morning, husband.” She answers cheerfully.

“Where are you?”

“Oh I’m on my way to the office.” She replies.

“But it’s just 8?”

“Yeah, I left the home just 5 minutes ago actually Ren had something to talk about so we’re meeting for breakfast in office’s cafeteria.”

“What? Don’t!” Agitated by her words, he shouts.

Teresa pulls her phone away from her ear, she looks at the screen, what was that?

“What don’t?”

“Don’t meet him.”

“Did you hit your head somewhere? What the hell are you talking about? I don’t have time for your stupid jokes, look i know you don’t like him but trust me he’s very nice guy.” Teresa defends her best friend.

That’s the problem he’s very nice! He rolls his eyes at her words.

“Oii you there?” He hears his wife, which pulls him back from his thoughts.

“Yes I heard you, but I don’t like him, so don’t meet him.”

“He’s my bff and let me tell you this husband, you’re being very mean to him. You’re not familiar with him that’s why you don’t like him, if you spend sometime with him, you’ll too like him hmm? Now I’m hanging up. See you in the office bye.” She cuts the call.

“Hey Teresa!” He shouts but the call’s already cut.

“She hung up on me?” He stares at the blank screen.

He is suddenly reminded of his yesterday’s talk with Rihito.

“Oi today I met Ren, he was buying a ring and he was super excited, looks like he’s going to propose, Wanna bet if it’s Teresa?”

Pulled out from his thoughts, he shouts, “As if I would let that happen.”

He hurriedly gets ready for the office and rushes there.

The distance to his office shortened to 20 minutes, otherwise 40mins of travel. He rushed to the cafeteria, which was basically empty at this time of morning with just one or two staffs. It didn’t take him long to spot his wife and her so called bff, giggling to each other.

He straightened his suit and slowly walked to them.

“So, what was the important talk that you called me for? I sacrificed my sleep for you, it better be important.” He hears his wife threatened Ren.

Just then, he stands behind her and clears his throat, pulling her attention to him.

“Oh? What are you doing here?” She notices him and waves her hand, while Ren’s facial expression darkens at the sight at him.

“Why? It’s my office, I can’t?” He pulls a chair and sits in between them as he throws icy glares at Ren.

“I didn’t mean that.” She replies.

He grabs a sandwich from his wife’s plate and takes a bite.

“Hey that’s mine!” She shouts slapping the hand that held the sandwich.

“So what? I’m hungry!” He takes another bite.

“You didn’t have your breakfast?” She looks at him, widening her eyes in disbelief. He didn’t skip his breakfast, his mom didn’t let him.

“I had some work to finish and can’t I even have breakfast with my own wife?” He complains.

“What’s wrong with you? You’re acting weird. You could’ve just ordered another one.” She eyes him suspiciously. He wanted to have breakfast with her? Did he switch to the sweet mode again? She thought.

“You must be really hungry hmm?” Ren looks at him. “It’s okay Teresa let him have it, you can have mine, here. Say Ah!” Ren brings his sandwich to her mouth, she was about to take a bite but Ryouma dives in and munches on it.

“Ah so hungry!” He covers his mouth, gobbling down the whole sandwich. Finding his wife glaring at him, he offers the one in his hand, “Oh you want some?”

“Forget it. Have that too! You must be really hungry huh?” She glares at him and walks to the counter to order another one.

What she can have his and not mine? He pouts sulkily.


After half an hour, cafeteria started to fill up. Almost every staff had their breakfast at the office’s cafeteria why? Coz they didn’t want to be late for the office, they would be fired if they were late even by a minute.

The employees were staring at their boss, how odd to find him in the cafeteria that too with his new secretary. They thought. They didn’t know Teresa was his wife, yet. Ryouma just glared at them his gaze warning them to mind their own business.

“We better leave the place for others.” Teresa suggests after finishing her breakfast.

“Yeah let’s go.” They get up and start to leave.

“Hey wait! you were in such a hurry? what’s with that?” Teresa notices and points at the crooked tie and the curled up collar of his shirt.

“Fix it up for me.” He smiles at her.

“There you go.” She fixes it up for him and smiles back.

“Thanks, wifey.” He plants a quick peck on her lips and goes to his cabin with a smile rest assured that now he has made sure to everyone that Teresa was his and now no one will try to make a pass on her.

While Teresa stood there in utter shock, the people in cafeteria looked on shocked seeing their boss smile because they’ve never seen their boss being sweet to anyone, according to them he was a demon who didn’t even know how to smile. Until now they didn’t know Teresa was his wife but now they did and regretted talking bad about him in front of her. The thought never crossed their mind about Teresa being their boss’s wife because more than them, she used to badmouth about him.

“You okay, Teresa?” Ren waves his hands in front of her eyes to get her out of the shock.

“I don’t know, I’m getting dizzy.” Teresa shakes her head and walked out with a blushing face.

Throughout the day, Ryouma didn’t leave his wife and her best friend alone because he didn’t want them to have their important talk. There was no way he’s going to let Ren propse to his wife!

“Hey Teresa, we need to talk.” Ren calls her again when she was printing out some documents.

“oh I’m so sorry, I forgot. Yes what is it?” She sighs, her head was still in daze because of the morning’s PDA.

“Can we talk in private?” He looks at the other staffs around them.

“Yeah sure.” She smiles.

“No. You have works to do.” Her husband for the 100th time, appears out of now where to interrupt.

“I did and it’s only for a while and our talk would have already finished if you didn’t interrupt us again and again.” She eyes him accusingly.

“This is office, if you guys want to discuss your private lives do it after office hours.” He glares at Ren.

“I’m watching you since morning, why are you trying to mess with me?” She snaps as her patience reaches it’s limit, he was asking for a fight so she shall give him that!

“It’s okay Teresa.” Ren holds her back. “He’s right, let’s meet after the office hours.” Ren excuses himself.

“I’m warning you, Ryouma! You better behave!” She glares at him and returns to her work.

After a minute she recieves a call, “yes?” She answers the call. The person at the other end is none other than her arrogant husband/boss.

“You’ve got some work to do, come to my cabin.” He orders.

“What is this important work?” Teresa askes him after reaching his cabin.

“Bring me a cup of coffee.” He says with a smile.

“What?” She glares at him. He has got some nerve!

“I have works and if you have enough time to flirt with others why not make me coffee?” Ryouma taunts her.

“oii i’m telling you to stop messing with me! What do you mean by flirting with others? Ren is my best friend.” she glares at him.

“I’m not messing with you. What is the job of secretary? To make sure that your boss can work without any problem, I’m tired and that will hamper my work so be a good secretary and bring me some coffee.” He orders.

“Okay then say so that you want some coffee. Don’t say the things you don’t mean, like flirting with others! And here i’m trying my best not to fight with you anymore.” Saying this she goes out.

After few minutes

“What’s with this? Why is it so bitter?” Ryouma makes a disgusted face.

“I thought you hate sweets and love black, so a super black coffee for you.” Teresa replies sarcastically.

“Oh yeah? That doesn’t mean you’ll get me a literal black coffee without a pinch of sugar.” Her husband glares at her.

“Okay chill, my super arrogant boss, I’ll get you some sugar.” She walks out.

After a while

“It’s too cold now, make a new one.” He returns the cup.

After a while

“It’s too sweet, what’re you doing?” He shouts.

Annoyed by his complaints, she tastes the coffee herself, “it’s perfectly fine.” She narrows her eyes at him.

“It’s too sweet for me!” He retorts.

“Wait, if you tell me go and make coffee I’ll make according to my taste,tell me the amount of coffee and sugar you'd take?

After having the information about the coffee from him, she goes out to make one.

“It better be good now.” He shouts from behind.

“Now that I’ll make according to what you’ve told me, it’ll be. Unless you’re purposely picking a fight with me.” She replies walking out of the room.

After a while

“Here, your coffee.” She offers him.

“It’s too hot. Keep it there.” He says focusing on his laptop.

After a while, she again gets called.

“Why is it so cold?” He shouts tasting the coffee.

“It’s been half an hour since I brought the coffee, of course it’ll be cold don’t shout at me.” Now she was clearly annoyed by his behavior.

“Why shouldn’t I? It tastes bad, of course it will after all your focus is in your phone texting and flirting with your best friend.” He accuses her and that was it! ‘flirting?’ how can he say that? She’s continuously telling him that Ren is her best friend but he still keeps on blabbering sh*t. Her patience completely flew out of the window and she poured the coffee over his head. “Argh!! Hot, cold, bitter, sweet how is it now or would you like some more?”

“You mad woman! What have you done?” Ryouma shouts, drenched in the coffee.

“I resign. I know you’ve kept me as your secretary to help me and I’m very grateful for that but you know what? You’re being nothing but a prick! I even thought I won’t fight with you anymore and I really tried my best to contain my anger even though the whole day you were messing with me! Do you even realize this whole day, all you’ve done is made coffee from me! the whole bloody day! This time I even made it according to your choice and you still have problem? I don’t know why you’re behaving so weird since morning but there’s a limit to which I can bear with your arrogance.” She shouts at him.

“Here is a brand new coffee machine for you now if you want some make it by yourself.” She pointed at the coffee machine in the janitor’s hands who arrived just a moment ago.

" and yes the office hours are over plus I’m not your secretary anymore, now don’t you dare interfere! According to you, now if I go and flirt around, it shouldn’t be a problem right? Bye!” She walksout of the room stomping her feet.


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