“What is this?” I slam the letter on my husband’s table.

“What?” He plays innocent.

“Didn’t I tell you not to give me more shocks? What are you up to now?” I shout at my idiot husband or should I say my arrogant boss?!

“Why the hell am I your secretary?” I shout at him.

“Didn’t I tell you, I’ll teach you how to handle a business? Being my secretary you’ll learn more.” He nods with his arms crossed against his chest.

“It may be true, but you should have at least discussed it with me before sending this.” I lower my tone.

“Oh My God!!!! hahahaa!!! I can’t believe this is your idea, so childish.” Rihito laughs like there’s no tomorrow.

“What’s so funny?” I look at him with confusion.

“No, you just continue. Don’t mind me.” Rihito continues to laugh.

“You both are mad! no wonder you’re best friends!!” I shout cause I don’t really get what’s so funny here!

“Teresa!” Ren calls out to me entering the room.

“Didn’t anyone teach you manners? Don’t you know you should knock before you enter?” My husband glares at him.

“Oh Sorry, I didn’t knock at Teresa’s so, out of habit...” Ren smiled and goes back outside the door.

“May I come in, Ryouma?” He knocks and pops his head inside with a smile on his face.

“It’s sir for you and no you may not.” Mr. monkey shakes his head no.

“Hahah!!” Rihito laughs out loud.

“Ren, of course you can come.” I tell him.

“What’s wrong with you? Why are you behaving like this? Have your screw gotten lose again, husband?”

“It’s sir for you too” He looks at me and back at Ren “and who told you to come in? It’s my cabin, I decide who enters and who don’t.” He gives an icy glare.

“Who am I? I’m your wife? and I gave him the permission.” I glare back at him, how dare he talk like that?

“Hahahahha! Can I get popcorns? cause trust me you’re going to enjoy this!” Rihito pulls Ren and rests his arm around his shoulders.

“No, you’re my secretary now so mind your tongue.” He retorts.

This jerk and his arrogant mouth!

“Secretary? my foot! I’ll love to die before having an arrogant jerk like you as my boss. God! and I thought you’re cured now but no you’re having the psychotic episodes again huh?” I cross my arms and yell at him.

“Who are you calling a psycho?” He stands up from his chair and banging his hands on the table, glares at me.

“Of course you, lunatic husband.” I glare back.

“I’m your boss!” He shouts.

“You self-declared it. I never agreed for this! Why should I be your secretary being your wife is more than enough to drive me crazy! And now you’re telling me that I’ll have to be with you and bear you the entire day too? Do I seem mad to you? Hell no!” I tear the letter into pieces and dump it on the dustbin.

“Let’s go Ren.” I drag Ren by his arms and walk out.

“That jerk!” I shout reaching my cabin.

Third person’s P.O.V

“Ah-ow, nice plan to get her away from him and keep close to you but looks like your plan backfired.” Rihito clicks his tougue, pitying his friend.

Ryouma glares at him.

“Well I can give you a suggestion. You always try to force things on her that’s why it never works for you, so why not try being polite and show that it’s for her own good and leave the decision entirely up to her then she might listen to you?

Ryouma ponders at his friend’s suggestion.

“Okay enough of the entertainments I’ve got to go see ya.” Rihito waves bye and walks out.


“Doesn’t he get enough troubling me at home and now wants to order me around! Like hell I’ll ever let that happen! And how dare he talk to me like that? Who am I? Come in the room first I’ll show you who am I?” Humph!” Teresa shouts glaring at her husband’s picture.

Ryouma’s P.O.V

I enter my room, where my wife already throwing her cold glare at me.

Guess Rihito is right, I always piss her off.

I smile at her but she continues to glare at me. I walk to her and sat on the side of the bed.

“I know you’re angry that I took decision without telling you but trust me that was for your good.” I try to convince her.

“I’m angry over that too but tell me again who am I?” She was ready to attack with a pillow in her hands.

“My wife?” I answer with a puzzled expression on my face.

“How dare you treat me like that in front of Ren?” She hits me with the pillow.

“Oh you’re angry for that?” I catch the pillow before it hits my face.

“Don’t say it so casually.” This time she perfectly scores it on my face.

“Okay, okay relax. It was wrong of me. But can’t you think about it again? about being my secretary? It would benefit you, you’ll get to learn how to handle everything too. hmm?” I give her a smile.

“Okay, I’ll think about it.” Her anger slowly melts. “Don’t you have anything to say?”

“Like what?” I ask.

“Forget it! I forgot I shouldn’t expect things like sorry from you!”


“It’s okay.” She lets out a small smile.

Phew! I sigh a relief.

Next day


“Work on this file and make a presentation, if you don’t get it you can ask me.” I pass her a file.

“It’s simple I can do this. ” She smiles.

“What is it? Why are you looking me like that?” i ask her as she continues to stare at me.

“Hehe nothing, being your secretary is not that bad either. I’m really learning a lot!” She smiles.

Good, Rihito’s plan is working, well he expertise this area.

After a while

“Here. I did it.” She hands me the file and the pen drive.

“so soon?” I look at her in surprise.

“Oi who do you take me for? I just never did anything,but once I get my mind on something, nothing is difficult for me. And look I even managed to sort your schedule for this week.” She shows me the diary.

“Hmm I’ve got myself a good secretary then.” I go through her presentation and nod.

“Hehe, who do you think I am?” She smiles with her head high.

“You’re my wife after all, you should be able to do it.” I nod at her.

“There you go again the arrogant almighty Ryouma-sama.”

“Hey, Teresa!” I hear Ren call her again.

There he comes again the unwanted pest!

“Don’t you know how to knock?” I glare at Ren.

“Sorry, sorry I forgot. Now May I come in sir?” he goes back to the door.

“Of course Ren come on in.” My wife calls him.

As much as I didn’t want him to, but no! I need to control my anger I don’t want to fight again. I fake a smile.

“Teresa, let’s go for lunch, I’m hungry.” He hugs her arms. How dare he touch her? I glare at him. Can I punch him?

“Yeah sure my work is done too.” My wife smiles at him.

“Wait, you’re not done yet.” I blurt out.

“huh? but i did finish everything?” My wife tilts her head in confusion.

“We have a meeting to attend.” I think of an excuse and walk to them.

“But your schedule is clear?”

“I’m telling you Teresa, we have a meeting!” I pull her, separating them.

“Ok then, Sorry Ren.” She sadly looks at her so called best friend.

“It’s ok, I’ll have it with other staffs.” He pats her head.

Does he have to touch her every time? My blood boils with anger.

He walks out. Good, you’re not needed here pest! The more I look at him, the more I hate him. He’s always smiling like an idiot! How can anyone be this smiley? I cringe with disgust. Does she like this type of guy? I turn to my wife.

“So, What is this meeting?” She asks me with her hands on her waist.

“It is one of a kind.” I avoid meeting her eyes.


“Here help me finish this.” I hand her another file.


“here Finished.” After half an hour, she returns me the file.

“So where is the meeting and with whom?”

“Didn’t I tell you it’s cancelled?” I smile and get up from my chair and walk to her.

“Huh? When?” She tilts her head in confusion.

“Just now, let’s go for lunch. I’m very hungry.” I pull her close.


“Come on wifey, your husband is hungry, be considerate.” I wrap my arms around her shoulder.

“O-okay?” She shrugs.


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