
Stirring awake I found myself wrapped in warmth. Despite the pounding headache and It was strangely comforting and I couldn't help but snuggle further into the warm body that encompassed me as I lay there half lucid in my bed. 

The strong arms encircling me pulled me flush against the body against my back and I could faintly feel warm breath fan across the side of my neck. 

“I could get used to this…” a husky voice whispered close to my ear.

Confused, I cracked my eyes open and was greeted by the sight of Ace’s dimly illuminated room.

A hand moved up my side to grasp one of my breasts as Ace's mouth came down onto my shoulder to kiss at my skin. 

A whiney moan escaped me as I tried to move but there wasn't much space left on the bed and he was holding me flush against his body.

“Why are you trying to escape me now? You were just rubbing up against me a moment ago.” He chuckled. 

I could faintly feel his growing erection against my bumper as he continued to massage my breast.

“That's because you were warm…” I croaked out tiredly. “And I have a headache.” 

He hummed against my shoulder before trailing his lips just under my ear. “I know what can help with that headache of yours.”

His other hand moved between my legs and I gasped as he started rubbing circles on my clit. My attempt to squeeze my legs closed was all but blocked by him as he hooked his own legs around mine.

“A-ace?” I whined questioningly, still only half lucid because of my pulsing migraine.

“shhh… I'm just helping you with your head problem.” He whispered before nipping at my neck.

I squirmed in his hold and reached back with my free arm –because the other one was trapped under me– to grab at the back of his head. 

As soon as my fingers came in contact with his hair I held on tight and he slipped his fingers into my opening. “nhhg!” I thrusted my hips forward as he lingered me and palmed the sensitive bud of nerves at the same time. 

I was already breathlessly panting as he sped up, swirling his fingers all around inside my abused core.

“Just imagine waking up like this every morning. In my bed… wouldn't It be wonderful?” He whispered.

All I could muster in response was a throaty groan As he slipped his fingers out briefly to rub hard circles across my clit.

“I'd make sure to change it up every once in a while of course… sometimes I'll finger you Senseless, or you might wake up to my tongue between your pretty lips as I devour you. And other times you may just wake up with my cock Buried deep inside you…” he whispered in my ear.

Before I Knew it he had his shaft pressing against My opening as he continued To rub My bundle of nerves even faster. I gasped and arched my back as the knot forming in my lower belly quickly grew tighter and tighter. 

I arched my back gasping and clinging to anything I could grab Hold of as he buried himself inside me. “A-ace!” 

“Almost there darling, come on.” He beckoned while relentlessly teasing Me. 

Not even a moment later I was unraveling in his arms with a breathy moan I'm sure half the ship could hear.

Ace gunted and buried his face in my neck while continuing to palm my clit and draw out my orgasm. “there you go…”

I panted as I slowly came down from cloud Nine and my muscles relaxed as the tension washed away.

“Feeling better?” He teased.  

I hid my face in a pillow As he ran his hand up and down my side. “Waking with you naked in my arms is Quite nice. I could get used to this…” 

“captain! You are needed on the deck!” A voice called out from outside. Ace sighed almost Dramatically as his hand stopped on my hip. 

“Seems the fun is over, and it's time to get out of bed.” He pulled out of me and suddenly smacked my ass making me squeak in surprise. “Thanks for keeping me warm.” He spoke ln A husky tone as he climbed out of bed. 

Immediately I squeezed my legs shut as my face flushed in Embarrassment. I watched as he dressed himself and put on his coat before glancing back at me. “I'll see you outside.” With that he grabbed his fancy hat and made his way out of the room. 

Groaning into the pillow I thought about everything that happened just now and last night. I felt flustered over the way I acted and how Ace so easily made my body sing with every touch. I know it was wrong but a part of me was starting to like his company. More Than I probably should.

With a sigh of my own I climbed out of the bed and dressed myself in the borrowed clothes Ace gave me before making my way outside.

As soon as I opened the door however I stopped in place, frozen By the numerous eyes that looked my way. My stomach twisted uncomfortably as I glanced around at the many sailors. Memories of the two men who cornered and nearly assaulted me were still fresh in My mind and I quickly backed up and shut the door, locking myself inside the room.

We're they still out there? I never asked Ace what he did to them. I'm not sure if I want to know. I can't imagine he would so easily kill off or get rid of members of his crew just for a woman he's having a fling with.

And if they are still out there they may be angry and resentful. They could come after me again only with more spite. It would be easy For them to corner me in a dark place below deck and do whatever they wanted again. Then just throw me overboard while no one was watching.

How many others would try to do the same thing to me? Does the whole crew look at me as some kind of whore? slumping against the door I hugged my knees as uncertainties plagued my mind.

I didn't want to go out there knowing it could happen Again. Knowing that Ace can't always protect me. But I can't just stay here, Ace brought me on board to work So I can repay him, locking myself in his cabin would surely upset him…

A sudden Knock on the door startled me and I quickly got up to my feet. did he come back to ask me what was taking so long? What do I tell him? Maybe that the food and drink last night made me sick? Would he even believe that after this morning? 

After hesitating u reached for the door and slowly opened it, to me relief, it was Johnny standing on the steps outside, not Ace or some stranger. 

“Vi!” He immediately perked Up with a smile before stepping inside. “Capt sent me over to come Check on you, figured it would be best if you weren't left alone… im sorry, about what happened yesterday, i shouldn't have left you alone.” He said apologetically.

“It's not your fault! I was just…” my voice trailed off, unable to come up with a reasonable excuse. Nothing I said would've made the situation reasonable.

Johnny was quiet as he observed Me for a moment. “Well if it helps any, the captain got rid of the two who attacked you. What happened with them won't happen again! Me and a few others are going to keep watch over you from now on around the new sailors. There's only about 3 new people on board now, the two who attacked you didn't listen or seem to realize that captain's word is practically law on this ship. Now that he's made an example outta them no one will dare to hurt you!” Johnny said proudly.

I knew he was trying to comfort me but I couldn't just simply forget what happened that easily. And there's no way they could guarantee that no one else would disobey the captain's Orders.

“As for work today, the captain said to let you take it easy and just do something simple. You could clean his cabin if you wanted to! Until you're ready for other things! With how messy it is in here, it might take a few days just to get that done.” Johnny scratched the back of his head as he glanced around.

“sure. I can do that…” I smiled.

“Great! Then I'll go get some buckets, a mop and rags! I have to finish a few tasks to but I'll make sure to check in with you regularly!”


“I'll be right back with the cleaning supplies then!” He rushed out the door leaving Me alone in the room. Sighing I glanced at all the dusty Shelves and trinkets. “looks like I'll have my hands full.”

—-hours later—

After finishing dusting off the last shelves I huffed and looked around, a bit proud. I had managed to Clear away most, if not all the dust and debri on the shelves without breaking anything. I did get distracted ever now and then by a mysterious or interesting artifact But I had accomplished more than I thought before the sun went down.

Unfortunately for me though, now I was covered in dirt and absolutely filthy. Rubbing my arms I cringed at the layer of dust and dirt that stuck to my skin. It makes me wonder how the maids and servants managed to always stay clean while going about their daily tasks. 

“What I wouldn't do for a bath.” I mused quietly.

As there was a knock on the door I gathered my supplies and went to answer it to see none other than Johnny. 

“whoa, you look like you rolled around on the floor.” He stated as his eyes widened.

“Well if Ace took better care of his room then I Wouldn't look nearly this bad.” 

“Hm…would you like for me to prepare you a bath before he gets back?” Johnny asked.

My head snapped to him as I looked at him in disbelief. “A bath? Is that even possible?”

“Of course!” He moved past me to a corner of the roomaking where a large Tarp lay, and pulled it away to reveal a large wooden tub.

“It's connected to the cooking furnace down below so it's heated too!” He smiled.

“a-are you sure this is okay?! I mean what about the water?! Don't you have to conserve it?!”

Johnny shrugged. “Not really we just get fresh water From the rain, we never have to worry about running out. We still don't bathe every day though so you might only get a bath once every 10 days or so.”

I wasn't well versed on seafaring but I didn't think it rained that often. I was always under the assumption that pirates and sailors had to wait until they were on dry land Before having a proper bath.

“So shall I bring a few buckets of water up and fill the tub?” He asked.

‘Yes! Yes please, that would be wonderful!” 

He nodded before taking my cleaning supplies and running out the door to bring some water. I felt giddy at the idea of having a bath and started looking around for things such as clean clothes and some soap or perfumes to add to the water.

Going through the chest at the end of Ace's bed I dug through the fine fabrics And strange clothing inside until I found a gown suitable to sleep in.  As I lifted it up to look over it, a silver locket fell to the ground beside me. 

Pausing, I reached over and picked up the strange item, looking it over carefully. I didn't even notice the candles in the room  flicker suddenly. Setting the gown in my lap I focused on the silver pendant. Flipping it over I found two initials engraved on the backside that were worn and hardly eligible.

Johnny came rushing back in the room, with two buckets of water. He dumped them in the tub before running out to gather more. 

Stuffing the pendant in my pocket I continued my search for soap.

It didn't take long for Johnny to fill the tub and for the water to warm up.

I couldn't stop smiling as I dipped my fingers in to test the temperature. It was nice and warm. Bidding Johnny my thanks I only started to prepare to get in once he was out of the room. Lighting some candles near the tub I set the gown on the desk nearby.

I then set a sponge, the soap, and the locket in my pocket on a tray next to the bath, I stripped out of my dirty clothes and climbed into the bath. Sighing happily, I relaxed into the water letting it wash away all my worries and ease my muscles, I made sure to keep my injured arm out of the water. It was surprising How big it actually was, I'm sure nearly three people could fit Inside with their legs folded. Ace must really like baths.

Looking over to the soap, my eyes landed on the locket once more. Seeing a small button on its side I pressed it and jumped a little as it suddenly popped Open and started playing music.

I was in awe as the small dial inside turned allowing A short symphony to play. The candles all around me seemed to flicker and as I looked around their orange hue turned blue.

At a loss as to what to do I looked back at the locket and closed it. The music seemed to keep going even with the locket closed and I dropped It on the tray And pulled away. Pressing my back against the side of the tub as I stared at it worried. 

The music didn't stop and seemed to merely grow louder as my heart raced in my chest. How is that possible?

A creaking sound pulled my attention from the locket and my head snapped to the side to see the porthole window a few feet away, Creaking open Slowly.

My stomach dropped as I water it intently waiting for whatever was coming. The locket's music seemed to grow louder as my panic grew in tune.

The cabin door suddenly opened and the candles all flickered and returned to their normal orange glow while the music suddenly stopped as well. 

Looking Over I saw none other than Ace standing in the doorway looking around the room as everything returned to normal. Once his eyes finished scanning over the room he glanced towards me in the tub and his eyes locked onto the silver necklace.

Shutting the door behind him he Stepped  over towards the tub, He grabbed the locket and looked it over briefly before looking down at me with a hard stare.  I shrunk away, seeing the serious look in his eyes as he finally spoke.

“Didn't I tell you not to touch things that aren't yours?”

(Fun fact!: Did you know orgasming can help with migraines and headaches?)

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