
“Y-you want me to…tie you up?”

“You asked to be in control so…yes. Unless you would rather I snap in the middle of our passionate love making and flip you over to rutt like a horny dog…it's the best I can offer you darling. I'm not a very patient man and tend to go all out.”

My face flushed Red as my eyes moved around the room. What was I even supposed to use?

“Here sweetheart, I'll make it easy for you.” He gently moved me so he could reach his belt and unclasp it. Pulling it free he held it out in front of me.

“Hold out Your arms…wrists together hands closed.” He ordered.

“W-What?” He smiled at me amused by my confusion.

“don't worry, I'm just simply showing you how to bind someone's wrists. Trust me a flimsy knot ain't gonna hold me down for long. I promise I'll untie you right after.” He reassured me. 

Hesitantly I held out my arms just like he said and he started wrapping his belt around my wrists in a curious way.

“Make sure it's tight.” He pulled the strap practically locking my wrists Together. “Or else your prisoner might just slip free…”

He tugged on my bindings suddenly and I squeaked as it forced me close enough to where our faces were inches apart. He smiled and brought his free hand up to caress my cheek and brush his thumb over My lips. 

I gulped and tried to lean in for a kiss. As soon As our lips met I closed my eyes and melted into a slow kiss that made me dizzy. For once he was the first to pull away and as I met his eyes I could see that same dark look in them that he usually got when he was either angry or aroused.

“Your turn darling…” With a quick and simple pull he managed to completely Undo the belt around my wrists, freeing my hands in seconds. He handed me the leather strap and I eyed it as he put his arms above his head and on the bedpost. 

“Now just do what I showed you but make Sure to wrap. I'm secured to the post as well.”

Crawling forward I leaned over Ace and mimicked the way he bound my hands together with the belt on his own wrists. 

He hummed as I worked on the straps and when I briefly glanced down I noted how he was staring at my cleavage right in front of his face. By reaching over him I had practically put myself in a position to where my chest was right in front of him.

I finished the knot and his eyes Moved up to me. “Tighter.” Giving him a questioning look he nodded to the bindings. “Make them tighter. Or else I'll escape. Don't Worry about hurting me, I like a little bite.”

Doing as he said I tightened it even further. It looked almost too tight and quite uncomfortable but Ace didn't make any complaints as he watched me pull away. 

As I looked him over he arched a brow. “Well darling?” 

“I-i've never done this before.” I spoke quietly. Not that I had gotten this far. I was a bit lost as to what to do next. Last time Ace was the one in charge he knew what to do and what felt good. I was merely along for the ride.

He nearly laughed as I sat there like a confused puppy. “Of course you haven't done this– I'm the one who had you first remember?” 

I looked away embarrassed, now he was just making fun of me. 

His laughter died down to a chuckle as he shifted his legs slightly. “Alright then, how about I help you get started? Then once you're ready you can do whatever you please.”

I nodded in agreement as he got comfortable. 

“First, why don't you remove your clothes.” He suggested. 

Looking down at myself I  moved off to the side of him and did just that, peeling off my shirt and the pants I wore as well as my underwear. Ace watched patiently, his eyes darkening as he took in the sight of my body. 

“good girl. Now me.” he said huskily.

Looking him over,  my hands moved down his shirt to the hem of his pants. Untying the laces I slowly pulled them down enough to free his shaft. As soon as I saw it I stopped and stared at it surprised. 

“like what you see?” He teased, snapping me out of my stuper. He chuckled as I glanced at him. “Now before you decide to just suddenly jump on my deck I suggest you help to get nice and hard so you don't end up breaking my manhood in half.” He said in a semi amused tone. I could practically hear the loss of confidence in his voice. Was he perchance actually worried now?

For some reason his uncertainty in the situation gave me a bit more confidence in myself. Reaching out I gently touched his manhood with one hand and then both. Exploring its ridges and the veiny bumps. I had never touched a man in such a way so I was quite curious. 

Ace hummed quietly to himself as he watched. “If you really want me to stiffen up, might I suggest using that pretty mouth of yours?”

“My mouth?” I looked over questioningly. 

“That's right. Your soft little lips and wet lounge. It'll be a good way to make sure it's easier for me to slide in…” 

Looking it over I pushed my hair back behind my ear before leaning Over him. I started off with a small peck, just a little kiss before experimentally tasting Him with my tongue. 

I was startled when it suddenly twitched and Ace chuckled. “Go on, keep going darling.”

Following his guidance I continued to lick The length of his shaft and peck at the head. Ace let out a small groan As he pulled one knee up to move his hips up. 

“Take me in your mouth sweetheart…” 

Placing my lips over the tip continued to licl at it and suck on the head as my cheeks burned red. “Atta girl, keep going…” he panted, laying his head back.

I could feel his erection becoming stiffer as I took more into my mouth. It was strangely erotic sucking on a man's shaft and I felt my own core getting a bit warmer.

As I tried to take him into my mouth again Ace suddenly thrusted his hips up, pushing his rock nearly to the back of my throat in the process. 

I easily pulled away and gasped in surprised as he settled back on the bed. “fuck– that felt good…” he panted before looking at me. “Hmm… how about I use my tongue as well?” 

I was about to ask him what he meant when he pushed himself up a little. “Let me taste You while you suck me sweetheart.”

My eyes widened in realization of what he meant and I hesitated slowly Crawling over Ace I all but sat on his chest before glancing back. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” 

“Just make sure you don't choke and everything will be fine.“ He smirked. “I'll make it so you're nice and wet, easy to slide into.”

Turning my attention back to his Erection I adjusted my position, bracing one of my arms on his side. “Little closer.” 

Moving some more I shuddered feeling aces breath fan across my intimates and leaned forward to take him into my mouth. 

He hardly hesitated to start lapping at my entrance, his tongue making me gasp with each stroke.

I squirmed from the feeling of trying to keep up and continue working his shaft taking even more of him into my mouth. My body twitched when he latched onto my clit sucking as hard as he could and I all but moaned, the sound muffled with my lips around his cock. 

Pulling his mouth Away from my opening Ace spoke up again. “You taste wonderful…I feel I've been starved my entire life, and this is the first time I've had such a delectable meal.”

Pulling away from his cocktail I looked back while trying To catch my breath before I could even respond. His mouth dove in and his tongue pushed into My opening

I cried out from the sudden attack and could practically feel his mouth curve up into a smile as he lapped at me like a hungry animal. 


He hummed in response so I knew he was listening but he still didn't pull away. “s-stop please! I-i want you inside me.” I whined.

With one last hard suck to my clit he pulled away giving me a moment of respite. After a minute I eyed his erection and could feel my insides clenching in anticipation for what would come next. Crawling forward I got myself ready to take him but stopped as Ace spoke up. “violet.”

Looking back, I found him eyeing me hungrily. “turn around. I want to be able to see your beautiful face while you're riding me.”

Looking away shyly I turned to face him and leaned forward while reaching down to guide him to my entrance. Once I had the tip pressed against my opening I moved to lower myself onto it ever so slowly. 

I almost stopped as I felt him stretching my insides and could look Ace In the eyes as he watched me intently. “You seem to be struggling…you want some help?” 

A small nod was all I could give in return as he slightly adjusted himself.  I didn't know how he planned to help but if he was offering then I wouldn't refuse. “sit upright, hold yourself up with your hands on my chest. You have to relax.” 

Following his orders once more I propped myself up and looked down at him waiting for the next step. When he suddenly smiled I felt a brief moment of concern, however that feeling was quickly smothered as he suddenly thrusted his hips up into me, burying Himself completely inside.

Crying out with a gasp I nearly fell atop of him from the swift and rough penetration That left my legs weak. “Sorry I figured making it quick and easy would be the best solution…”

gritting my teeth I glared at him as I sat up once more. He slowly moved his hips grinding into me and my agitation was diminished by the sensual feeling. Soon enough I was grinding my hips against his as the warmth in my lower belly grew into a raging fire and my mind felt hazy. I had my head back and eyes closed as I used him to stir up my own insides.

“Still just as tight as before…” Ace grunted. His voice sounded somewhat strained.

Looking back at him I noticed how his arms And muscles were tense and how he was pulling against his constraints. He managed to keep a smug smirk on his face but it was easy to tell he was struggling. By now the buzz from my drink earlier was turning into a drunken stupor.

Feeling even more confident Than before I trailed one hand down his chest and the other up my stomach and to my breast. Grabbing one of the mounds I started playing with it as Ace watched. 

My face was flushed but I didn't look away because I was curious about How he would react. On top of the teasing I used my hand on his chest as a support as I started lifting myself up and down on his shaft.

Ace's smirk turned into a Frustrated grimace as He watched me bounce on his cock slowly while playing with my breasts. This time it was my turn to smile.

Reaching out I cupped his cheek and leaned in, teasing him with a kiss only to hover my lips just far enough Away to where he couldn't reach. 

He let out an annoyed growl as his arms jerked against the restrained as he glared at my lips.


“Something wrong captain?” His eyes met mine and he seemed to realize I was messing With him as I ground my hips against his. 

“Violet. You're playing a dangerous game.” He stated sternly.

“Isn't that why you asked that I tie you down?” I giggled and I could see his jaw clench tighter. 

“Using me for your own pleasure is one thing darling but teasing…that would get you in a world of trouble.” 

“Perhaps but maybe I like the danger? Maybe that's why I made a bet I couldn't keep.” I continued to ride Ace moving my hips in a way that would allow him to press up against my most sensitive areas. 

I moaned out loud as I felt him hit a particularly good spot inside and grabbed my breast once again to squeeze it. 

Ace’s hand clenched and unbleached repeatedly as he breathed through his nose and watched me hungrily. 

Leaning forward I laid atop of his chest with one hand on my breast And the other rubbing My sensitive bud as I ground my hips against him once more. He tried Thrusting his hips up into me but it was nearly impossible with me laying on Top of him. Smiling, I pecked kisses and nipped at the side Of his  neck much like he had done to me before.

Smiling up at him I decided to pull myself off him completely much to his dismay and confusion. “Let's try it the other way…” 

Turning around so my back was facing him I shimmered My way back down his cock and started moving up And down once more. Feeling him rub up against my insides in all new ways.

Each time It Felt like he was getting close to finishing I would stop and back to play with myself and tease him further by edging him on.

“Violet. Drunk or not– I won't tolerate this behavior…” he groaned. 

Ignoring his warning I licked my lips And continued on trying to edge him on further. Deep down I knew this was probably a bad idea but it just felt so good, and my mind was too muddled for me to care. 

Closing my eyes I started riding him again, Moaning and playing with my chest all over again. Just as he was about to finish. I pulled myself off of him, making him even Angrier than before.

I giggled like a child And teasingly stroked Him with my hand as he lay there helpless. “I thought you weren't going to tolerate this behavior?” I drunkenly teased.

Moving back On top of Ace I suddenly heard the sound of something Snapping and before I could look back to see what it was, a hand was wrapped Around my neck and I was pulled back against his chest. I squeaked out of surprise as Ace growled in my ear.

“I'm not.” He responded Ace rolled us Over so I was face down and put his hand around my neck, onto the bed post. As the other grabbed my hip.

“funs over darling…”

He thrusted deep And hard inside of me and I couldn't help but cry out. Ace went at me hard and fast. All I could do was helplessly cling to the sheets and moan as he drilled me into his bed relentlessly. I could only compare him to a wild animal in heat as he went.

It didn't take long for us both to get pushed over the edge. With his final thrusts he buried himself as deep as possible and leaned over me breathing against my neck as stars danced across my vision. 

I was worn out and dead tired as he spilled everything he had to offer inside of me before relaxing.

He played against me so we were practically spooning as he rested his head in the crook of my shoulder, pecking small kisses against my neck. I felt content laying in his arms and simply snuggled up closer to him as I closed my eyes.

He kept his arm wrapped around my stomach as his legs became entwined with mine and he kissed the top of my head. 

Smiling I felt myself drifting off as sleep took hold but before I completely went under I heard Ace murmur something.

“next time you're getting tied to the bed.”

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