As sunlight shone on my eyes I immediately felt a flash of pain course through my Mind. my head started pounding as I tried to pull the blanket up to block out the light. 

“Mrs Jenny, please shut the curtains!” I grumbled from underneath the covers. 

I heard no movement or response from my maid and simply did my best to try and fall back to sleep.

Strangely my bed felt different? And my covers smelt of mahogany and something else? Some kind of spice? Even with it being strange I didn't dislike the scent and found it quite comforting as I snuggled further into my pillow.

Unfortunately my headache wasn't relenting and it felt like the world was tipping from side to side so my attempt to fall back to sleep was becoming hopeless.

Groaning, I threw the covers off and sat Upright, rubbing my eyes as I opened them. As my vision cleared I worried that something was wrong with my eyes. 

Instead of waking up to the room I grew up in with flowery wallpaper, stone columns, my fine dresser and vanity, my sight was greeted by wooden walls Lined with shelves filled with strange items and bottles. My hand crafted dresser and vanity was replaced by a large wooden chest and an old desk with a worn fancy chair. Atop of the desk was a bowl of incense burning, that explained the strange smell in the room. The sunlight That had been blinding me before was shining through some old red stained glass windows that I did not recognize either. The bed I laid upon was little more than an old raggedy wooden frame piled with numerous luxurious pelts, Blankets, and silks.

I blinked a few times confused before laying back and looking straight up at the wooden ceiling above that had numerous knife marks across its surface. 

“I must still be dreaming.” after all that was the only logical explanation to what I was seeing right? If I just close my eyes I'm sure I'll wake up to Mrs, Jenny yelling at me to ‘get out of bed foolish girl!’. Yeah, none of this is real. It's just a dream. I told myself as I closed my eyes once more. 

Minutes ticked by as I waved to hear Mrs. Jenny's voice shouting at me, but all I could hear was the faint sounds of men outside snapping orders at each other.

I squeezed the blankets in my hands and willed those unknown voices to disappear and for me to finally wake up. ‘It's not real! This can't be real!.

Feeling the room tilt and my body slipping from threads, my eyes shot open. And I squeaked before trying to claw at the numerous blankets to keep myself from falling. Unfortunately I was unsuccessful And ended up landing none to gracefully on the floor, tangled up in the covers. 

It's real! This is definitely real! Frantically throwing the blankets off and Freeing my legs from their confines I got up as the room leveled out. What is happening?! Where am i?! 

I looked around frantically before rushing over to the stained glass window. They were covered in grime And seemed quite worn like no one had cleaned them in ages so I struggled to see anything through them even while trying to wipe one of the panes clear with my arm.

Managing to clear a small portion of the pane enough to see through it I looked outside to see nothing more than a fast endless sea, no land in sight. No no, this can't really be happening can it? This can't be real!

I backed away from the window shaking my head and grabbing at my hair before turning around to look at the only door in the room. The only exit from Which i heard the multiple voices of men shouting through. My heart my chest as I continued to freak out, and started pacing back and forth.

I Can't be on a ship right now there's no way! I have no memory of ever boarding  one, so how did I even end up here?! The last thing I remember is– 

The door suddenly opened behind me and My mind came to a screeching halt as I stopped to look back. my heart dropped as the room tilted and I felt myself lose balance and start to fall.

I threw my arms out to try and catch myself but there was nothing to grab, and I knew this was gonna hurt. I squeezed My eyes shut at the same time as someone grabbing me under the arms saving me from my perilous fall. 

The room swayed Ever so slightly before leveling out once more. I opened my eyes as a familiar chuckle rang in my ear and warm breath fanned across My neck. “I see you're finally awake.” 

My eyes widened as memories of last night came rushing back and the man holding me pulled me against his front with one arm before slamming the door shut behind him with the other. 

“You ought to be more careful, if you lose balance like that you might hurt yourself.” 

He leaned in and nipped at my neck just below my ear, sending shivers all across my body that made me want To jump out of his arms and flee to the opposite side of the room.

In response to my body's reaction I squirmed out Of the captain's hold and pushed away from him, stumbling as I panicked and moved back towards The bed to put some distance between us.

Once I finally got a look at the man before me I gulped and didn't know what to do because of the way he was staring at me. 

His eyes were Dark as he peered at me from underneath the rim of his fancy hat and Stood in the doorway menacingly. 

Part of me wanted to yell and scream at him for blatantly kidnapping me but those thoughts Were drowned Out by the fear and anxiety I felt from his intimidating presence. It was like we were in the tavern all over again. I could clearly remember how he tortured the man who came before Me and even threatened to Kill the bartender.

Although the memory of him pulling his gun on the bartender while fucking me Into the table seemed to stir some desire in the pit of my stomach and I felt my cheeks heat up as that brought forth all the other pleasurable experiences. 

‘No! What am I thinking!? I just got kidnapped! I shook my head before slapping my cheek. Stop it! I can't focus on that! I need to get out of here I need to–’ I squeaked as I suddenly found the captain Standing in front of me. ‘When did he–?!’

He suddenly grabbed my chin and stroked his thumb over my lips and the cheek I had just slapped. “No doubt you are confused but I can assure you that all of this is real, there's No reason to hit yourself, you might blemish that cute face of yours…”

I could only stare back at him in shock as his words bounced around in my mind. 

He suddenly smirked evily as he pressed his thumb past my lips and into my mouth suddenly. “Now if you’re into that kind of thing and want to be slapped, I could easily just bend you over my knee and spank your ass until you cant feel it anymore.”

My heart skipped a few beats. 

My face flushed red and I quickly bit down on his thumb making him pull his hand away surprised. “Get away from me!” I scooted back on the bed until my back hit the wall. 

He laughed at my reaction while shaking his hand and turning away to turn his desk chair around and sit in it. “feisty now aren't we?” He removed his hat, placing it down on the table beside him.

I could feel my anger and frustration bubbling up inside me just from seeing his smug reaction as he sat there with one leg propped up over the other.  Does he think this is a joke?! Does he find all of this funny?!

“Who do you think you are!” I snapped. Gaining some courage back.

The captain shrugged as he opened a drawer and nonchalantly pulled out a cigar. Holding it over a lit candle on the desk he shook the flame off before bringing it to his mouth to puff it. “Once he breathed out smoke he leaned back into his chair and his eyes gilded back over to me.”

“right now? I'd say I'm your captain.”

My captain? “what–” He held up his hand to silence me as he inhaled on the cigar and puffed out smoke once more. He then dabbed the tip on an ashtray on his desk before setting it down. 

“Yes, Your captain. After all, you are on MY ship. Do you remember what happened last night after our little…game?”

“you mean the sex?” I questioned.

“yes and no… you were supposed to repay me for the five gold coins you cheated me out of.”

“I didn't try to chea–”

“Quiet.” He cut me off, glaring at me. I shut my mouth, bowing my head as he stared me down from across the room for a moment before looking back at his desk.

“You owed me five coins. In order to pay your debt you agreed to satisfy my desires. Five rounds, One for each coin. but you got drunk and ended up passing out after the second round, once more cheating Me out of my payment.” He mused.

“But that wasn't–” I quickly shut my mouth again as his eyes pinned me down with another cold stare. He really knew how to be scary when he wanted to be.

“Because you did not completely pay off your debt I decided to bring you along with me, to give you a chance to right your wrongs.” 

“so You kidnapped me to keep you company on your ship while sailing?!” 

“That and to help you out since you seemed To be struggling. While on this ship you will be my cabin boy, doing simple tasks for me and my crew. In return once our voyage comes to an end I'll pay you for whatever work you've accomplished.” 

This took me by surprise. He was going to pay me? “What kind of tasks?” 

He smiled before leaning to the side and resting his head on his hand while watching me. “Nothing out of the ordinary or too difficult, just some basic cleaning and helping around with cooking and other things. My men aren't allowed to touch you without your permission so you need not worry too much about such things.”

I looked towards the door in deep thought he will pay me for doing simple things such as cleaning? Not only that but he was taking me away from my home island just like I wanted. If he's telling the truth then that means I'll be able to start a new life just like I wanted!

“but if you insist on wanting nothing to do with me or my ship I could easily have you walk the plank or leave you in a rowboat in the middle of the ocean–”

“No no no! I'll do it! I want to be your cabinboy!”

He clapped his hands together and stood up from his seat. “excellent! Then we should get started immediately and I shall introduce you to the crew! But You'll need to change into something more appropriate, I can't have you distracting my men with your current attire…no matter how much I may enjoy it.” his eyes trailed down and I gave him a confused look before glancing down to see the top of my dress split down the middle nearly completely exposing my chest for all to see.

Shrieking, I quickly covered myself with both arms As my face turned red. The Captain stepped over towards the wooden chest near the end of the bed and kicked it open before looking through the garments. He eyed a particularly revealing exotic dancer's outfit before tossing it aside to find something else. 

“Here we go, they may be a bit large on your small frame but they will have to do for now.” He tossed me a gray tunic and black trousers that were double my size. 

He then walked over to the door and leaned against the wall crossing his arms.

“Can't I get some privacy to change?”

He shrugged looking towards the door. “You ain't got nothing I haven't seen already darling.” 

Grumbling, I turned away to start removing my dress and putting the new clothes on. “Stupid pirate.” 

The captain paused looking over to me curiously. “What's your name darling?”

“Violet” I huffed As I got dressed and tossed my dress on top of the wooden chest at the end of the bed.  The clothes were baggy and I had to roll up the sleeves and pants to my knees and elbows to make them work. 

“Well mlst everyone on this ship calls me captain but my name is Ace. Feel free to call me whichever you'd like.”

Looking around I found my slippers near the bed and quickly put them on before standing and facing the captain.

My cheeks Heated up as I found him ogling my body once more. “You look good in my clothes. Violet~” He teased before standing up straighter. 

Pouting, I walked up beside him and he placed his arm over my shoulders behind me as he opened the door to the main deck.

I was momentarily blinded by light and had to shield my face with my arm as My nose was assaulted by the smell Of crisp Ocean water. The sun beamed down On us as we stepped out into the open where Numerous men were working to tie the sails, move barrels and work on the ship.

As soon as they seemed to notice me however, over two dozen suddenly stopped what they were doing and stared At me and the captain. 

I suddenly felt nervous and my stomach twisted uncomfortably As all eyes were Set on me. I could only think about how at least two of the men here saw me get pounded into by their captain at the tavern last night and I could only imagine how many saw him carrying me half naked and unconscious onto his ship As well.

Knowing men and how they love to talk about such obscene things I could guess that every single Man on this ship probably knew by now what happened and that thought made me want to curl up into a corner and disappear.

“Attention boys! we got ourselves a new deckhand joining us today, as a new cabin boy! A lady in fact, so be sure you're all on your best behavior, introduce yourselves, and give the lass a warm welcome. She's gonna be here for a while.”

Ace suddenly smacked my bum and shoved me forward out into the middle of the deck. 

My head snapped back to him as he stood there with a huge smirk on his face as he winked. 

Maybe I should've just walked the plank…

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