Where did everything turn so right…wrong? God's I'm not even sure anymore– 

I should be ashamed of what was happening right now, should anyone see this I would be made into the laughing stock of the entire island, nothing more than a stain on the family name! Hells they might even disown me!

Crying out again I dug my nails into The captain's backside as he pounded me into the wall. any woman would be ashamed of such debauchery yet all I could think of right now was simply how wonderful it felt.

I couldn't care less, I just wanted to feel good, for once in my miserable and lonely life. After all, it's not like my position could get any worse within my own household. I've always been treated as an outcast. What difference would this make? 

Now that I think about it… why should I care? I was little more than a prisoner with no free will before. I was always told what to eat, what to wear, who to speak to, what to say.

I mean, that's why I ran away right? To be free. To live my own life however I pleased. I don't care what anyone thinks of me, I don't care if this isn't befitting of a lady!  I don't want to be a lady anymore, I want to be a woman who does what she wants and says whatever she wants, screw everyone else!

“Come now darling, you really are making me do all the work.” the captain breathed into my ear with a chuckle before nipping at the side of my neck. I moaned at the feeling as one of his hands squeezed my bum and the other held my thigh. 

With my arms around him and my back pressed against the wall I started moving my hips in an attempt to stir him on but it was hard to keep up with how fast he was going. I never realized before how much energy was put into this.

It wasn't talked about very often in my household by the ladies and the men always made it obscene and disgusting to think about, when they described it. No one ever really mentioned how primal and passionate making love felt…did this count as making love? Could it? After all, we were only doing this as a deal made between two strangers.

Turning my head slightly I gazed at the captain's face. He pulled back to glance down between us as he pounded into me and when his eyes came up to meet mine, he smirked. I could see the dark look in his eyes as he stared back at me, but even underneath That Hooded gaze and mischievous smirk I felt like there was something else… something more to this man.

“Something the matter darling? You seem awfully distracted.” He leaned in and I suddenly stopped breathing, thinking he might kiss me, but instead he pressed his forehead to mine and stared into my eyes deeply. 

He exchanged His thrusting for grinding as we looked at one another and I was finding it hard to focus as he stirred Up my insides and my head became light headed. 

“You need to breathe.” 

Breathe? How? How do I do that? How have I forgotten how to breathe?! I dug my nails into his Back no doubt leaving marks on his skin underneath his clothing as he continued to grind into me. “Come on now, you'll faint if you don't…” he chuckled. 

I can't believe this is happening! I can't breathe! I've practically forgotten how to and he's laughing at me! I'm gonna die and he's laughing! Removing my arms from around him I pushed against his chest. Both panicked and upset with his blatant disregard.

The captain paused, looking me over carefully. “Don't tell me you've actually forgotten how to breathe?” Taking his hand off my butt he pulled down my torn Blouse Even more letting My breasts spill out. Eyeing them he adjusted me a Little higher up the wall by practically bouncing me then latched onto my breast With his mouth, sucking my nipple with so much vigor. 

The feeling was enough to startle me and I gasped. My brain Was finally able to comprehend how breathing worked once more and I panted, my chest Heaving as he glanced up at me while suckling on my breast. Pulling away with a small pop he dragged his tongue over the stiff peek of my breast before he faced me again. 

“Better?” He teased and I nodded, My face Flushing in embarrassment. He chuckled and returned to making small thrusts into me, pulling both my legs up to his sides. 

“Can't say I've ever had the pleasure to say I took a lady's breath away To the point she nearly passed out.” 

Biting the inside of my cheek I turned my face away Ashamed and annoyed by his cocky attitude. “Shut Up!” 

“Oh? Someone's gotten a little feisty.” He teased and leaned in kissing the nape of my neck. 

“It's not funny! Stop it!” I whined As he did so and tried to push him back some but he was relentless in his Assault, making me squirm even harder. 

“haha- but it's fun to tease you. You become flustered so easily despite how much you love the way I'm fucking You. I could see it on your face each time I pump into you. Why Deny it?” 

“I-it's not like that…” I tried to argue but even I seemed uncertain. 

Leaning in he spoke quietly into my ear. “Each time I thrust just a little deeper you squeeze me a little harder. Each time my mouth touches Your skin you become breathless, each time you look into my eyes you fall further…” 

As if to make his point even clearer he suddenly thrusted into me hard and deep, and I couldn't stop the startled moan that passed through my lips in response. “Why fight it when it's so clearly what you want?” His hand cupped my cheek and he started to lean in once more this time looking like he might actually kiss me.

squeezing My eyes shut I pushed him back and he stopped Looking at me surprised. “Because that isn't something we should do!” I snapped. “Lovers are meant to tease and play with each other in such ways! We are only doing this as a part of a deal! Not as a couple who cares about one another!” 

His gaze seemed to soften as he gazed at me. “You can't do that,” I whispered quietly.

“don't fret over such things little lady, you need only Enjoy this night. There's no strings attached, I do not plan to deceive You.”

His Reassurance helped me to relax a bit as I looked up to meet his gaze. His thumb brushed over my lips as he stared at them a bit forlorn, only to change seconds later as he looked me in the eye once more and Smiled.

“I may still tease you but I won't toy with your heart. I have plenty of other ways to keep this entertaining.” Grabbing both my legs he pulled us away from the wall and I had no choice but to quickly grab on and wrap my arms around His neck to avoid falling back as he moved.

“What’re you doing?!” He suddenly sat back into A chair with me atop of him And I looked around confused before looking back at him. 

“I thought it would be a good time to change things up a bit, it's become tiring to stand.” 

Grabbing My hips He started moving me back and forth, allowing His erection to grind into me deeper than before.

Closing my eyes I moaned and all but Melted into the feeling before moving my hips On my own accord. “There you go.” He muttered while watching me move. 

Trailing one hand up he Groped my breast and massaged it as we moved in sync with each other. Somehow being on top of him like this was helping To reach in all the right places and I felt more inclined to grind against him so he would Hit the right spots. 

His hand on my breast moved up to my hair. He pulled the tie that held my braid together out causing the locks to fall freely over my shoulders and back. 

He smiled once again while looking me over and grabbed my chin. “Much better If I do say so myself. That silly disguise of yours did not do you much justice.” His hand moved Back to my hip As he sat back and admired my body.

“I thought you found Me pretty before? Isn't that why you wanted this As payment?” I questioned, slowing Down.

“I did indeed, your face alone was enough to interest me When I first saw you but I quite like this view… seeing you half naked with Your hair down, riding my cock is an image I could stare at for years.” He smirked and I couldn't help but blush and turn my head away. 

“Like a priceless treasure for all to look at but none to touch…” he mused, trailing one hand up my stomach and between my breasts. “or perhaps a exotic delicacy to be devoured by one and only one. Such a flavor to be known only by that man alone, after all how could one truly appreciate such a beautiful jewel if he cannot touch it?” I gasped as He suddenly grabbed my left breast in one palm and squeezed it before massaging the mound.

“And how could one enjoy such a delectable rarity if he does not take in its scent…” he sat up leaning in closer to practically nuzzle the side of my head with his nose. “the way it sounds…” holding my hip with his other hand he suddenly thrusted  upwards into me causing a moan to slip past my lips. “But most of all…it's taste.” He nipped at my ear, sending a shutter through my body as he slowly grinded his hips in an upward motion. “and that darling is exactly what I plan to do with you… I want to know you inside and out, even if it's just for a night.”

Gulping as I stared back into The eyes of the man before me, I couldn't get over what he had said about me. I've Been nothing but a runt in my family my entire life. I have shed blood sweat and tears, And done countless things to try and Convince them I wasn't as worthless as they all made me out to be, yet it never worked. They never Acknowledged me.l, never saw me as anything but a wallflower that Everyone would pass by, that no one would want.

Yet this stranger… This man who could probably claim any woman he wanted, had everything he wanted… saw me as something more. 

Gripping his coat tightly I lowered my head feeling tears forming in the corners of my eyes. “Hey now–” he stopped mid sentence as I wrapped my arms around his neck And hid my face in his shoulder.  He seemed A bit startled by the action and hesitated to touch me again, unsure how to proceed. 

After a moment I pushed away from him, sitting upright in his lap once more glancing to the table beside us. I saw half a mug of beer left behind by one of the taverns’ patrons, and quickly snatched it up before chugging the whole thing, not careking how it tasted or how a Few drops fell from The corners of my mouth. I didn't stop until The mug was empty. 

The captain merely watched as if entranced, and kept his hands on my hips saying not a single word. 

Once the drink was finished I slammed the mug back down on the table. And gasped before wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. 

“Quench Yer thirst there darling?” He asked, both intrigued and amused. “Most only drink like that if they are looking to forget and let loose.”

Looking back at him I composed myself before grabbing his face. “That's exactly what I want.” without another word I pressed my lips to his, taking him by surprise as I kissed him.

He only hesitated for a moment before trailing One hand to the back of my head and deepening the kiss. His tongue invaded my mouth and took over the kiss in an aggressive exploration. 

he Practically Devoured the needy moan that slipped through before suddenly standing and laying me back on the table. He hardly broke the kiss, giving me a chance to breathe, only to attack the side of my neck with his mouth much more aggressively than Before.

Closing my eyes I moved my hips urging him to grind into me as he trailed his other hand down my leg. 

Suddenly He pulled his mouth away from my neck to pull back enough to look me in the eyes. "if your seeking an outlet to forget your woes I shall gladly be the wave to wash away any worries… is That what you desire?”

I stared back at the deep, and dark green eyes before me wanting nothing more than to drown inside of them. Gulping, I nodded.

He leaned in to claim my mouth once more, before grabbing my hip to pull back and thrust into me harder and.deeper than he had ever done before. My cries were muffled and swallowed as he started pounding into me as if there would be no tomorrow. 

Each thrust made the sturdy table creak beneath me and the cups and mugs rattle across its surface before eventually falling to the ground.

As a glass shattered onto the floor he broke the kiss to place his head in the crook of my neck while his hand tightly gripped the back of my head. 

My arms were wrapped tightly around the back of his neck, keeping him close as my gasps and moans filled the quiet room, shamelessly. 

I could feel him hitting the deepest parts of me, making my mind blank with the only thought being how wonderful it felt to be fucked against the table. 

It no longer mattered that I might be seen by others, that this wasn't behind closed doors within a nice soft bed., it no longer mattered that this wasn't lady-like or proper, that i was being completely shameless, rutting with a complete stranger. It no longer mattered that I was born as a bastard daughter, with no true place to call home.

The only thing that mattered was that now I was free.

The captain grunted as he sped up his thrusting, becoming Sloppy and a bit desperate as he went at me like a dog. 

My head fell back as I felt my mind fogging over in delight, and my body tensed. Waiting for that feeling of euphoria to wash over me.

The captain's hold on my tightened as made on final, deep, hard thrust inside, Sending me over The edge as he cursed and pushed himself to stay As deep as he could inside of me. 

I gasped as completely bliss Washed over me. I clung to him like a lifeline as his Cock pulsed And spilled Into my womb. 

He ground his hips into me and we Both rode on the waves of mind numbing  pleasure that washed over us. Slowly the strength drained from me as the tension left us both and the captain laid atop of me panting. 

I closed my eyes, allowing myself to fall into the abyss and surrender to the peace this moment provided. as we both came down from our high. 

The door to the front of the tavern suddenly opened as a man came in and looked directly at us. “you must be joking…” 

The captain looked up towards the man, his chest Heaving as he smirked. “what? Just having a bit of fun…”

The man glared back at the captian crossing his arms over his chest. “We are supposed to leave before sunrise!”

The captain rolled his eyes and kept himself above me to keep most of me covered as I tiredly watched the interaction, slowly drifting into unconsciousness. The Buzz i had from drinking on top of my climax was making it hard to stay awake.

“Relax, we can still leave before the first rays peek over the horizon.” their Voices became distant as I fought to keep my eyes open.

I could hear the stranger ask something about who I even was and the captain replying with something about not knowing My name.

Something else was said and the man above me seemed to realize I was slipping as he cupped my face and patted my cheek trying to keep me awake, But I was just so…Tired.

Muffled incoherent Voices were all I heard as I passed out.

I wasn't sure how much time passed but as I briefly slipped back into consciousness, I found myself being carried by the man who turned my world upside down.

It was still dark out and he was carrying me through the street Of the town, While no one else was around. I also noticed my clothes were back in place…Mostly. 

As he saw me wake He paused and looked down at me as I struggled to keep my eyes open. “Tsk, you Are a lightweight, that's for sure, what's your name darling? Where do you live? I'm taking you back home.”

Home? “I don't have a home.” I tried to say But my speech was slurred and I couldn't focus. 

The captain jostled me a bit in his arms trying to keep Me awake and alert. “don't pass out yet, I need to know where I'm supposed to take you! I can't just leave you on the street– your familys gonna be worried sick.”

“No family, no home…just me now.” I managed to force out as I felt my eyes close. 

The captain just stood there silently, watching me as I slipped back under. He sighed and looked around unsure what to do. The Captain didn't say a word as he turned around and walked back.

I melted into his warmth as all My senses fell away and my mind was swallowed up by the abyss. 

((Note: ok i am curious what you all think? This is technically my first erotic short so im sorry if its cringy af 😅 doing my best, theres a few more chapters and plenty of spice to be spilled so stay tuned! I hope you all enjoy this in the meantime while waiting for other updates!))

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