Chapter 0332 

Never in a million years would I have dreamed that Crista would jump into my arms like we’re long–lost lovers. There was a short time, over a year ago that we were, but that time is long past. 

I’m angry because I know that Grace must have felt it when Crista kissed me, but I don’t even have time to react before Grace sends her flying, her rage and possessiveness slicing through the bond. I’m pleasantly surprised at her reaction. I knew we’d gotten closer during our time on the run, but she’s never actually claimed me. At least, not until now. 

I move forward, wanting to soothe her, her aura is pulsing out of her angrily. I intend to tell her there is nothing between Crista and me, but Crista just has to open her mouth. You’d think after living so long on her own as a rogue that she’d have more self–preservation, but apparently not. 

When Grace.turns and I see it’s Maia, I have a moment to be shocked before she sinks her canines into my marking spot. The minute she does, I feel a rush of power like I have never felt before. I roar with the influx of energy and strength, one arm holding Grace against me while the other holds her head as Maia milks her canines into my flesh, pushing her venom into me, changing my scent to include hers. I can feel her need to show everyone here that I’m hers through the bond. She’s staking her claim. 

Generally, wolves mark each other during the mating process and there’s a reason for that. Having the strongest orgasm of my life in front of my pack. members that I haven’t seen in over a year wasn’t on my to–do list. Add to that whatever this crazy power surge is that I’m feeling, and I really wish I was in a bed rather than standing in front of my pack, getting reacquainted. 

All that aside, I wouldn’t change this. She marked me. She’s made me hers and she did it publicly in front of the entire pack. A sense of belonging and contentment that I’ve never felt before floods through my system

The bond, already stronger after I marked her, just snapped into place, stronger than before. Tonight, we’ll complete the mating process and then nothing can take her away from me. 

“Mine.” I hear her say through our mind link, still milking her venom into me. 

“Yes, baby, I’m yours.” I reply in our mind link as she finally pulls her canines. from my neck. 

I take her face in my hands and kiss her, opening our mind link and flooding her 

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with my love, admiration and pride. 

“Mine.” She says quietly when I pull back. It’s deathly quiet and I know everyone heard her. 

“From the very first moment that I saw you.” I tell her. 

“Eli?” I hear Crista whining. 

I pull back, looking past Grace. 

“Crista, meet my mate and your future Luna, Grace.” 

Grace turns but I keep my arm wrapped around her, holding her in front of me. If she walks away, the evidence of my orgasm will be on display for everyone. And while I’m sure all mated couples know what just happened, I don’t want the pups. and unmated wolves witnessing this. 

“Grace, this is Crista. She’s a member of the pack.” 

“Crista, if you ever lay a hand on my mate again, you will face the wrath of an Alpha female and Guardian. Am I clear?” Grace’s voice is deep, overlaid with 


I watch as Crista looks at me to see if I will intervene, but I have no intention of saying anything. Grace is my mate and the future Luna of this pack. I won’t undermine her authority in front of the pack. 

Carlos steps up. “Alpha, perhaps you and Luna would like to wash up after your long journey. Your room is untouched.” 

“Thanks Carlos.” I kiss the top of Grace’s head. “Come on baby, let’s go get cleaned up.” 

As we turn to go, Carlos stops me. “Alpha, you’re here to stay, right?” “Yes. I’m not going anywhere.” 

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