Chapter 0331 

The last part of our trip takes us through the Blue Ridge mountains. It’s beautiful and I’m glad to be back in the Appalachian Mountain range again. When we get to our final bus stop, we grab our things and head out. 

“The pack lands are about a two hour run in wolf form.” Eli tells me. 

“Excellent! Maia is dying to stretch her legs.” 

We grab a quick lunch and then head into the forest range before shifting. I follow Eli as he keeps a steady pace. In this form, you can see more of the beauty of the mountains, the streams and everything that makes the mountain range majestic. 

I pick up the scent of other wolves a second before Louis howls our arrival. Within moments, patrols are in our way, guarding the pack lands. I hope this is a good thing. It either means that they have been managing the pack well in his absence or someone else has taken it over. 

Eli shifts and stands in front of the wolves. “Who is in charge here?” He asks. 

One of the wolves shifts, looking briefly at Eli. “I am. 

“He says 

before looking at me. “Guardian.” He inclines his head toward Maia. “My name is Jared. How can I help you?” 

“Is Carlos still Beta here?” Eli asks. 

Jared narrows his eyes. “He is.‘ 

“Tell him Eli is home.” 

“Alpha?” Jared asks. 


Jared inclines his head at Eli. “We had heard you were taken prisoner in a neighboring pack. We didn’t realize you’d escaped.” 

“I was released, and I found my mate.” He points to me. 

“If I may, which Guardian is this?” 

“My mate’s name is Grace, her wolf is Maia. Clint Nelson was killed in the vampire war and his Guardian spirit passed to Grace and Maia.” 

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Maia, Grace.” Jared says to me. I notice the other wolves are also showing deference to Eli and to Maia. 

“We’ll escort you to the packhouse Alpha. Everyone will be happy that you’ve returned.” 

They both shift and we run to the packhouse. 

It’s been a long time since I’ve been on any pack lands. It almost gives me a sense of déjà vu. As we get closer to the packhouse, I hear howls as people come running to see Eli. Wolves join our run and there is a happy yipping along with cheering from those in human form. This pack is happy to have their Alpha home. There is no fear, no anticipation, the only thing I can sense is happiness and excitement. 

As we run up to the packhouse, I see a man standing there waiting for us. I can smell that he’s an Alpha, but something is off about his scent. 

‘He has no wolf.” Maia says to me. 

‘A wolf less Alpha? Like I was?” 

‘Yes, but I don’t think he will get a wolf. His wolf isn’t waiting to awaken. I can’t feel a wolf in him at all.‘ 

This must be Carlos. Eli said his appointed Beta was a wolf less Alpha. 

Eli shifts and pulls on a pair of shorts before walking up to Carlos. “Alpha, it’s good to have you home.” Carlos says before the two embrace in a back–thumping hug. 

There are so many people that I’m uncomfortable shifting, but if I don’t, I won’t be able to talk. I begin to shift and immediately Eli is there with one of his large shirts, pulling it over my head before I can even stand. 

“And I see you’ve brought a Guardian with you.” Carlos says, stepping up to me.” Welcome.” He says. I can see right away why Eli would want this man to be his Beta. He may not have a wolf, but he oozes confidence, while also putting you at 


“You must be Carlos.” I say, holding out my hand. 

“Carlos, this is Grace, my mate. My fated mate.” Eli introduces me, stressing the fated part. “Grace, as you guessed, this is Carlos.” 

I’m about to say something more when I hear a squeal and see a woman running full out toward Eli. In an instant, she has jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and is kissing him soundly on the mouth. I have a moment. of stabbing pain in my chest before Maia takes over, ripping her out of Eli’s arms and sending her flying across the yard. 

+15 BONOS 

“Mine!” She says in a ferocious snarl, standing in between the woman on the 

ground and Eli. 

I feel Eli move behind me, his hands on my hips. “Shhh, Grace.” 

But it’s not me in control, Maia is out for blood and this bitch doesn’t know when to shut up. 

“I don’t see a mark on his neck, so he’s not yours.” The woman spits at me. 

Maia spins around and I have a moment to see Eli’s stunned expression. “Maia.” He says, just as she leans forward and sinks her canines into his neck. 


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