The Assassin’s Mate
Behind Closed Doors

He placed his finger on my lips and whispered in my ear "Don't say a word, wild one."

I stiffened as I felt his hand fall from my lips and skim down the middle of my chest before he pushed the silky material of my dress aside uncovering my breast and pulled on my hard nipple. I jumped but kept my mouth shut as his touch sent shock waves through me. He proceeded to lower his head and before I could push him away he sucked my nipple into his mouth and twirled his tongue around making it impossibly hard for me to keep quiet. A quiet moan left my lips causing him to bite down harder sending a jolt of painful satisfaction to my core.

He kissed back up to my ear and said "Good. Now what do you want, wild one?"

I still couldn't respond but my body craved his touch and his kiss, while my wolf wanted to throw him down and show him what I wanted. Like you know what you want Li. You've literally only been touched by two men and you act like you're an expert. My eyes opened at the sudden realization, shit I never did anything like this before to know what I wanted.

He kissed softly along my collarbone while he asked in between pecks. "Do. You. Like. It. Soft? Like this?"

I leaned into his touch as he continued kissing up my jaw and to my ear where he whispered roughly into it gripping my neck firmly daring me to move.

"Or do you like it rough? Like this." He placed open mouth kissed down my neck sucking and biting my soft supple skin as he left love bits all along his path.

My breathing became erratic as his dominance spoke to something deep in my soul making me fist his hair in my hands and pull on it as he descended down to my enlarged globes begging him to touch them.

He smiled against my skin as he pushed my dress up and ripped my lace undies to pieces. He grabbed my hands from his hair and placed them behind me holding them firmly while he dropped to his knees and stuck his face in between my legs. I shifted from foot to foot with anticipation as he began circling my clit with his expert tongue. He dove his finger inside with his free hand, pounding in and out as he licked and sucked my sensitive bud. He kept up his assault causing my body to shake as the force of a promising explosion ripped through my center.

I closed my eyes as the fireworks started to detonate behind my lids and my legs involuntarily gave out from under me. He quickly stood up and held onto me as the ripples of delight coursed through me kissing me hard and rough while I came down from my high. Once the rush of my orgasm disappeared he pushed two fingers into my wet pussy and slammed them in and out of me as he bit and sucked on my breasts. My moans of joy were threatening to escape but I bit my tongue to keep them in.

"Fuck, little wild one, your pussy is so fucking tight." He hissed through clenched teeth as he brought me back up into the clouds of ecstasy. "Tell me what you want!" He demanded as his eyes flashed between his wolves metallic bluish greys and his beautiful browns.

"I, I d-don't know." I said as I continued to moan in delight, rocking my hips and meeting his thrusts with my own. "I've never been touched like this." I said in a whisper.

"You mean this perfect little pussy has never been touched like this?" He said as he hooked his fingers inside and pulled me by my lady parts leaving just my back and head against the wall.

I tilted my head back against the wall pushing myself further onto his hand as he pushed and pulled his hand up and down keeping his fingers inside me. My orgasm was coming fast and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to handle it at the rate he was going but I wouldn't stop him, I couldn't. There was this magical pull that kept me in place, waiting for him to give me my release and let me come undone all over his hand. And with one last flick of my clit he had me free falling into the unknown as I shook violently from the enthralled feeling of him.

"Fuck, yes. Oh my goddess, yessssssss. Fuck, Tanner."

He slowed his rhythm causing a tantalizing sting to replace the pressure that was once in my core, and helped me back up against the wall as he placed soft gentle kisses all over my face before making his way to my mouth.

"Fuck you're so perfect." He said as he whispered against my lips.

A tinge a guilt and shame ripped through my mind as I said "Tanner, I've never been touched, at all."

"I know and I don't ever want anyone touching you but me. I stopped myself tonight because this isn't how I want to take you but mark my words, the next time I won't be able to hold back."

He placed his finger under my chin and lifted my face to meet his as he kissed me with a promise that he meant what he said. Next time?

There was no doubt I wanted this man and everything that came along with him but I couldn't hide my emotions and I knew I was bound to get hurt. I pushed him away and tried to fix my dress as best as I could in the darkness. Then I opened the door and walked out as I said over my shoulder "There won't be a next time!"

I rounded the corner, hoping to not get caught leaving out of the room with him and just as I thought I was in the clear I ran into Finn.

"Mila! There you are. I've been looking for you, where have you been?" He said as he glared at me with worry. Then his eyes landed behind me as a certain cocky Alpha walked out adjusting his jacket and growled as Finn's hand resting on my hip.

I brushed his hands away and continued walking as he stormed off after me and Tanner stood watching the interaction through narrowed eyes. I inwardly winced at the mess is just created, knowing that this man would not back down easily but I had to remember why I was here and that after everything was said and done, I would be going home and someone would end up dead.

"Mila, did he hurt you?"

"No." I said as I continued walking to the bar.

"Then where have you been? I've been looking for you for two hours."

"Really? Because it seems to me like the only thing you were looking for was down the dress of some busty bimbo!"

I waved my hand at the bartender to get his attention and ordered a triple shot of bourbon while Finn stood next to me trying to come up with an excuse for his flirting game.

He grabbed my arm lightly and spun me to face him. "Are you jealous? Because it seems to me that the Alpha over there seems to be taking up a lot of your attention or are we just going to keep talking about my mistakes?"

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