The Assassin’s Mate
Another Loser

Finn went to grab us both a glass a champagne as I waited at the table watching for any sign of the piece of shit that I was eagerly ready to maul. I scanned between the entrance and the VIP section upstairs when I felt a hand brush across the top of my thigh. I turned to see a certain sexy Alpha gliding past me with a slutty brunette by his side and a cocky smile plastered on his face. Did he seriously just touch me while his date was hanging on his arm? I huffed and walked off to find that glass of champagne to douse the flame burning up my body from his touch.

I finally found Finn standing at the bar chatting up a busty thing in a green dress. I grabbed the champagne out of his hand and watched as the girls eyes double in size at my intrusiveness. I downed the bubbly mixture of relaxation and courage in a glass and shoved it in Finn's hand then turned around and walked off into the crowd. I didn't care that Finn had moved on so quickly but I was bothered that he kept doing this shit in front of my face.

I was so focused on getting away from him that I bumped right into the sleezey Rogue himself that I was there to eliminate. I nearly lost my footing but he grabbed me around the waist and held me to his chest with a devilish grin on his face as I suppressed the urge to rip out his throat right here and now.

"Oh, excuse me. I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." I said as I wriggled out of his hold and straightened my dress.

"Oh don't be sorry sexy. I'm glad you bumped into me!"

I blushed and excused myself but kept an eye on him waiting for the chance to put an end to his murderous ways. He continued talking to a group of men for the next hour when I saw his eyes glaze over, obviously from a mind-link, then he excused himself and walked out the door. I looked around making sure not to get caught by Finn or Alpha fantastic fingers and stealthily followed him outside.

By the time I rounded the corner, he was gone but I wasn't giving up that easily. I walked down the block to the tree that I had stashed my disguise by earlier that day and changed quickly while hiding in the bushes.

My ears perked up when I heard a muffled scream coming from across the road. I searched the area until I finally saw a women being held up by two men and then watched as a third man pulled up in a car and helped the others drag the women to it and threw her in the backseat. I watched as they took off down the road and I hurriedly jumped out the bushes and ran after the car. I noticed it turn onto the highway and I looked around for anything to follow them in when I noticed the woods butted up against it. I ran to the edge and stripped then shifted into my wolf and sprinted off along side the car. I must have ran for a half an hour before the car came to a stop outside a black metal building.

The same men from earlier got out the car to meet another man who drove up. When he stepped out my heart fell to my knees. It was him, the asshole who Damon told me needed to be exterminated. But what was he doing here? That woman wasn't anyone of importance, that I could tell, yet they kidnapped her and brought her to this place, to him!

"Were you followed?" He said with a cold hard stare.

"No sir. We took the long way and managed to keep her quiet with this." He said as he held up a small bottle with clear liquid inside.

"Well take her out! And she better be worth more than the last one or I'll have you losers locked up for two weeks."

The three men practically shook in their pants as they grabbed the lifeless woman from the car and brought her inside the building. My wolf was fuming and so was I, this was more than just a revolting wolf, this was a sex trafficking operation and there was no way I would be able to take them all out alone. I needed help and the only person I knew who could assist me was Alpha Tanner.

I rolled my eyes and turned around, running through the woods as my fur ruffled in the breeze. The need to kill that little piss ant had just increased 10 fold but I couldn't do it anything until we busted this underground injustice and I would need others to rally behind me in order for that to happen.

Once I was back at the gala, I changed back into my dress and fixed my hair then sauntered inside looking for Alpha Tanner. It didn't take long before I felt the same tingling feeling running up and down my arms and turned to where he stood holding a glass of brown liquid close to his plump juicy lips. He smirked as I began walking up to him then his eyes darkened as I grabbed the glass and downed it, placing it on the table beside him then took his hand in mine and walked around the corner.

We reached a door and I prayed that I would have the willpower to get what I wanted without him touching me but when the door closed I noticed the room was pitch black and soon I was pinned up against the wall.

"Hello, little wild one." He said as his lips came dangerously close to mine causing my breath to hitch and my chest to press against his with every pant that escaped me.

"A-alpha Tanner." The words slipped out in a raspy tone as I noticed that my voice and body had just betrayed me. This is not how I wanted this to go.

He growled lowly as he pressed his growing bulge against my belly and said "I love the way my name sounds coming from your mouth." Then he captured my lips in his and pressed his tongue against them demanding entrance into my mouth. He slid his hand down my side and squeezed my ass causing me to gasp giving him the perfect opportunity to slide it in. He tasted of oaky vanilla and almonds from the scotch he had been sipping and I could only guess I tasted the same although I doubt that's all he was thinking of savoring.

The fire ignited inside me and grew the longer he kissed me. My hands were pressed against his chest as he ran his fingers along the hem of my dress tickling the skin of my thigh making me moan. He moved his hand upward to my panty line and slowly pulled it aside exposing my dripping wet lips swollen with need. He brushed against them as he kissed along my jaw and down my neck.

My body was trembling as he explored my nether regions with his deft fingers. Then with his other hand he slid it behind my neck and leaned in harder against me pressing his hard dick painfully against my clit causing every nerve ending in my body to scream out in pleasure. He pressed against my entrance with his fingers when all of a sudden the door knob started jiggling causing us to freeze.

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