He stopped and looked at me like I had just grown three heads.

"You will be sleeping upstairs and I will be downstairs." He said while pointing his fingers in each direction with his words.

"Uh no you aren't. I don't know what you think is going on here but we are not living in this house together." I folded my arms over my

chest and immediately felt his gaze fall to my cleavage. I quickly placed my hands on my sides and continued glaring at him as he redirected his attention to my eyes.

He gave me a cocky smile and continued walking up the stairs along with my bags. "Yes I am. Julius' orders. I'm your bodyguard and it's my job to make sure you're safe at all times."

"Well why can't you live in another unit, you know like close by?"

He reached the top floor and started laughing "Well then I wouldn't be your bodyguard, would I?"

"I can damn well take care of myself, Mr. O'Donnell so I would watch myself if I were you. This is my area and downstairs is your. The utility room, kitchen, living room and patio are all communal ground. Got it?" I said as I yanked my bags from his arms and walked off to my bedroom. Slamming my things in the floor I growled and threw myself on the bed. This is going to be harder than I thought.

It took my no time at all to unpack especially since everything I could possibly need was already stocked in my room, including all kinds of clothes in my size and tons of different toiletries. I looked through the lotions, soaps, bubble bath and shampoos that all contained girly smells and salon quality brands. I rolled my eyes, obviously this moron forgot that I was an assassin not a geisha doll here to be married off to the hottest bidder. Where is the head and shoulders and what the hell is body butter? I walked into the closet exploring the tons of clothes that were hanging on racks and folded on the shelves. There were shoes of every style and height. How the hell do women walk in these things?

Deciding to take a dip in the pool I quickly looked through the drawers and found some bathing suits, all of which were extremely revealing and obnoxiously colorful but I managed to find a modest one that was a black and white one piece with open sides. It fit perfectly and I wondered how they knew what size I wore because this was probably the first tine I could ever remember wearing something like this.

Grabbing a pair of sunglasses and some sandals I walked back to the bathroom for a towel. Once I had everything I needed I headed out the patio doors and placed my stuff on one of the lounge chairs. I connected my phone to the Bluetooth and set my playlist to shuffle. I walked down the steps slipping under the water and swam to the side where the waterfall was. Swimming was probably one of my favorite things to do so I wasted no time doing laps from one side to the other.

The sun was starting to go down so I decided to relax on the sunning ledge when all of a sudden I caught a whiff of cologne. I opened my eyes and saw him leaning against the wall under the patio covering with his bathing suit hanging low on his hips and his bare chest glistening in the what little light was left of the sinking sun. A slow burn ignited in my belly the longer we stared at each other but I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

He pushed himself off the wall and sauntered over to me. "Mind if I join you Mila?" He said in a low husky voice.

I know I heard him but my mind and my mouth were on two different planets so the only thing I could do say was "Mmmhmm."

He chuckled and I internally face palmed myself realizing what just came out of my mouth. Smooth Li, real smooth! He sat down next to me and placed his arms behind him on the ledge while I moved as far away from him as I could. My fingers were vibrating they were tingling so bad and my core was burning from the heat within my insides. Get it together Li. I took a few deep breathes in and out before the feeling passed thanking the moon goddess I was underwater when it happened.

"So where are you from Mila?"

I pulled my glasses down and sighed then said "Mexico. You?"

"I'm originally from Canada but moved to the states when I was 10. My family moved around a lot but we mostly stayed in the North. I've been in Michigan for 3 years now, until this job came along." He said as he made small circles in the water with his hands. What else could he do with those hands? What the hell is wrong with me? I mean it's not like I've never seen a guy before, my pack was full of them. Grant you none of them were as fine as Finn but still. I gotta calm down.

"I've never been anywhere besides Mexico." I said roughly as I tried to think of anything other than his biceps twitching as he slid off the ledge and into the water. He treaded through it like a pro and it took all my self restraint not to watch as he took his turn doing laps in the pool. I closed my eyes and laid back on the ledge to distract myself from his body but it was too hard because now the burning heat from earlier was now spreading into my chest. I jumped up and ran for my towel, trying not to draw attention to my flustered state, and made some ridiculous excuse to leave.

Once I was in the house I walked over to the bar and poured myself a glass of bourbon. I picked it up and threw it back then slammed the glass down before returning to my room to change. The drink didn't calmed my nerves quite like it should have, in fact it only made the fire inside me grow and spread throughout my entire body. I needed to fix this fast before I did something I would regret. I quickly changed into a tank and leggings then grabbed my shoes and ran out the front door. Running always seemed to surpress my feelings for a while so I took off within the gated community.

The cool night air felt good against my heated skin and the slight mist it provided caused goosebumps to form all over my chest and arms. I ran faster trying to erase my thoughts but they always went back to his amazing body. I grunted out in frustration as I pushed myself harder and harder to the point of pain. My legs were screaming for me to stop but I couldn't until I knew this feeling was completely gone.

I don't know how much time had passed but when I got home all the lights were out and Finn's Jeep was gone. Thank goddess he left. I ran upstairs and quickly showered then jumped into bed hoping to put today's weirdness behind me. I couldn't let something like that happen again.

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