5 short days later, I was packed and ready to board a plane to Oregon. Romero and Damon were there to see me off and to make things even more awkward they both hugged me goodbye. These two men have shown zero emotion from the moment I walked onto their property and to actually receive a hug from them was the weirdest feeling ever. I waved goodbye as I walked away embarking on the most dangerous mission I would ever take.

Once I found my seat, I placed my carry on in the compartment above my head and then set my backpack on the floor in between my legs and sat down. I reached into my bag and took out my phone, ear buds and a book. Within minutes we were taking off down the runway and flying into the air. The flight was only 4 and a half hours long and as soon as we touched down my stomach started doing flips. This was it, this is what all my training and hard work was for.

After the plane was taxed into our gate, I gathered my things and waited to be ushered out. Romero said the bodyguard would meet me outside and drive me to the condo I would be staying in for the next two months. I walked through security and then down the corridor to the exit hoping this guy would be easy to spot. I turned to the right and looked around for someone with a buzz cut wearing a suit and sunglasses but what I found instead was not what I expected.

Standing in front of a lifted black Jeep wrangler with mud grip tires, was a dirty-blonde haired guy with aviator glasses and a black leather jacket. His jeans hugged his muscularly sculped legs so well that it seemed they were painted on rather than actual material. The sign that was hanging in his hand read Ms. Wade while his other was busy scrolling through his phone. Great, he already looks bored. I don't have time to waste waiting for him to notice me so I march right up to him and clear my throat.

He looks up in annoyance but quickly places his phone into his pocket and takes his glasses of placing them over the neck of his hoodie letting them hang over his chest. He straightens up and says "Ms. Wade?"

I nod and walk past him heading for the back of his Jeep. I place my suitcase and bag against the seat and close the door. Then I walk to the passenger side door and hop in, all while he stands their in shock. He plasters on a smile, puts his glasses back on his head and shakes it while walking to the drivers side and getting in. Once he started the Jeep and drove off the realization that we are extremely close hits me and I smell his cologne filling up the front seat.

"The names Finn O'Donnell." He says as he looks over at me.

"Mila Wade." I say as my eyes never leave the road in front of us.

"Mila, that's a beautiful name."

I stiffened as my fake name rollded off his lips like velvet. I have never heard anyone sound so desperate before in my life. Did he really think I was one of those girls who would fall over with a simple compliment.

I turned to him with narrowed eyes and said "Let's get one thing straight, Mr. O'Donnell, I'm not your typical girl so trying to win me over with bullshit like that will never happen. I am here for one thing and one thing only and it's not to fuck or babysit my bodyguard. Go it?"

I watched as his jaw pratcially dislocated from the force of which his mouth dropped open. He stuttered a few times looking back and forth between me and the road before turning his attention to the front on the car and kept it there for the rest of the ride. I smiled internally knowing that I could put him in his place so easily and filed it away in my brain for safe keeping.

The drive was a short one but it was laced with tension and dominance, both of which were emitting from each of us. He may have been sexy as hell and could probably make me feel things I never dreamed of feeling but I knew deep down that I wasn't good enough for my own damn self, let alone somebody else.

We pulled up to a well gated community and stopped along side a guard shack. A frumpy little bald man came out and talked with Finn as I looked around at the scenery. This place was way different from the mountains that held my gaze from sunrise to sunset but it was still beautiful none the less. We were given an envelope containing two key cards which would be used to access the gate and once we had our directions to the condo we pulled through and continued on.

"2873. Here we are." He said with a smile and got out the car to retrieve our bags.

I sat there staring at this massive building in front of me as thoughts of my home crept into my mind. I hope Romero and Damon take care of themselves but I already know they were racked with worry. I was doing this alone, without them, I mean the baby bird has to leave the nest eventually, right. I sighed and opened the door turning without looking and ran right into a hard warm chest causing my hands to involuntarily land on his firm pecks, steadying myself.

"Be careful go hálainn." He said with a cocky smirk.

I ripped my hands off his perfectly sculpted torso and turned on my heel towards the front door of the condo and stood there waiting for him to unlock it. He walked up to the knob, placing his bag on the ground and took a key out of his pocket. He unlocked the door and pushed it open gesturing for me to go on first. I rolled me eyes at his chivalry and stomped in like a child but as soon as I reached the stairs I stopped.

My eyes wondered around the large open room soaking in the view. The floors were made of hard wood and looked like antique barn slats that spanned through the entire ground floor. The walls were a light grey with intricate crown molding along the baseboards and ceiling. A crystal chandelier hung from the foyer entrance and sparkled like little diamonds. The living room was filled with brown leather furniture and a 75" television encased in a white antique entertainment center. The kitchen was all white with floor to ceiling cabinets and stainless steel appliances but the most beautiful part was the white and grey marbles quartz countertops. The island has four chairs and there was a farmhouse kitchen table in the middle. There were three sets of French doors leading out to an enclosed patio with a grill and a pool.

Finn walked up behind me and startled me when he said "You can take the top floor and I'll sleep down here in the bottom bedroom." He said as he turned and started climbing the stairs.

I nodded still mesmerized at the sight before me until I realized what he said. I took off behind him and shouted "Wait, WHAT?"

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