Eight: Morning


As I wake up, I realize I am very comfortable and feel safe for the first time in years. I try to stretch but realize I have a heavy arm draped over my waist and a hand resting just under my breast. I freeze, and then the memories start flooding in from last night. I HAVE FUCKED UP BAD! I SLEPT WITH MY BOSS AND TOLD HIM I WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM! My brain was screaming. Now not only was I going to have to look for a new place to live but also a new job. It's my own fault. I feel a hard wall of muscle begin to move behind me, and the hand moves up, encasing my breast in his large hand. My breast is given a gentle squeeze while I feel him kissing my neck. I involuntarily let out a soft moan. I can't help it; his touch feels so good.

“Good morning, beautiful.” He tells me his voice is still raw from sleeping.

“Good morning,” I said shakily.

He rolls me onto my back and leans upon his shoulder to look at me. I can't look at him. I feel very embarrassed that I let this happen. Not very professional of me. I don't regret it happening is what bothers me the most. I feel his fingers under my chin, and he lifts my face to look at him. I can see the concern and worry in his eyes.

“Beautiful, what is wrong?" He asks with a worried tone in his voice.

I try to get up from the bed with the sheet wrapped around me, but he won't let me go.

“I'm sorry.” That is all I can manage.

He looks at me when the realization hits him as to why I am acting this way.

“Do you regret it, because I don't? I meant every word I said last night.” He explains, running his thumb over my cheek.

“No, I don't regret it, but I am sure things were said at the moment,” I tell him looking into his crystal ice blue eyes.

All of a sudden, his lips are on mine. I feel his hands on my hips as he pulls me to straddle his waist. His hands glide down my hips to my ass, and he gives it a firm squeeze.

“I love you, Mykayla, and I'll keep telling you that until you believe me.” He confirms.

I don't get to answer as he is giving me a deep kiss, and I feel a hand on my breast tugging gently on my nipple ring. I moaned into the kiss, and I felt him growl into the kiss. I slowly push myself up, slowly running my hands down his chest as I go. I sat straight up and began rubbing my pussy against his rock-hard dick. I am already dripping wet for him. I look at him, and he is staring at me. His eyes are a dark navy. His hand began to run up and down my body. I arch at the contact. His touch drives me wild.

“You are more than just my mate; you are my whole world.” He gasps out as I run my nails down his chest.

I feel him slip one of his fingers into my dripping pussy while rubbing his thumb on my clit. I start moving my hips in time with the motion of his fingers. He slips another finger inside of me, and I let a moan escape. He starts to move his fingers faster, and I increase the grinding of my hips. I can feel my orgasm approaching.

“Cum for me, beautiful; I love it when you tighten your hot pussy around my fingers.” He tells me in that damn voice of his.

I keep grinding on his fingers, and when he inserts a third finger into me, my orgasm hits. I arch my back and moan out his name. He keeps thrusting his fingers deep into my pulsing channel. I finally come down from my orgasm, and he slowly pulls his fingers out of me and licks every last bit of my juices from his fingers. I lean down and kiss him roughly, and he responds by grabbing my ass hard. I am still grinding against his throbbing dick. I feel him grab my hips and start guiding me back. I feel the head of his dick at my sopping entrance. God, I want to feel him deep inside of me again. I slide myself back and slowly lower myself down his dick. I sit there for a second and adjust to his size. HE IS HUGE, BUT I TAKE ALL 11 INCHES! I slowly begin to move, and he feels amazing inside of me. His hands are on my hips and thighs. I keep moving faster and faster.

“God, beautiful, you feel so amazing around my dick.” He moans out as he starts thrusting up into me.

He is matching my movements perfectly. I lean back and place my hands on his thighs, and the change in angle makes me scream his name. I feel his hands travel up my sides, latch onto my breast, and start massaging them while pulling on my nipple rings, which adds to the sensation. I can feel another orgasm building, and I speed up my pace and start dropping down on his dick harder.

“Dustin, I am so close.” I practically scream out in pleasure.

“I know beautiful, I can feel your deliciously wet pulsating pussy tightening around my dick. Let go, I want to feel you cum around my dick and your juices run down my dick.” He partially growls and partially moans out.

I lean further back and keep up my speed. I am dropping down his dick hard when he thrusts up, and my orgasm hits me hard. I scream out his name, and my pussy clamps down around his dick hard. I just sat there for a while, feeling him fill my channel with his seed. GOD, I LOVE HOW IT FEELS WHEN HE FILLS ME FULL! I know I actually believe him when he says he does love me, but I am still scared. I feel him pull out of me, and I lay down on his chest. I can hear his racing heart. We lay like that for a while before I knew it was time to get up. The girls will be getting up soon and looking for me. I know the door is locked, but I sure don't need them walking in on this. I climb off him, pull a blanket around me, and walk to the closet. I had my stuff put in his closet after the shopping spree yesterday. Thankfully I still have one more day till we have to go back to work. Great now things at the office are going to be uncomfortable. I grab a pair of shorts, a bra, and a t-shirt. I go into the bathroom and lock the door. I just need a moment by myself without him to think. I turn the shower on and wait for the water to warm up. I get in and wash myself and my hair. I get out and fry off. I grab my coconut lime body butter and rub it into my skin. I dress, apply light make-up, and put my hair in a messy bun. I walk out and see Dustin sitting on the bed, staring at me.

“You are so beautiful, I am so lucky you are my mate.” He smiles at me.

“What is it, baby? Why are you so quiet? You still don't believe me when I say I love you, do you?" He sighs and places his head in his hands.

“Yes, I do believe you. You have to understand this is new to me. I have never been in a relationship before. When I should have been starting to date, my whole world changed, and I had to take on the responsibility that no 17- year-old should have. I'm scared, everything I love seems to get taken away. I don’t know what to do Dustin, with everything that has happened in the last 24 hours.” I admit to breaking down.

I guess all the shock and stress finally got to me. I feel like I will never be able to give myself or the girls a normal life. I feel strong arms wrap around me and hold me tight. I cry into his chest.

“I know, beautiful, but know that you are no longer alone. My cousin is right; you and the girls are welcome to stay here. I want you here. I want them here. I want you as my mate and my personal assistant.” He explains, trying to comfort me.

“You still want me to work for you, even with us being us,” I ask, surprised.

“Of course I do. You're the best personal assistant I have ever had. Work has never run smoother. You being my mate and girlfriend, is not going to change anything. Well, we might have to have a few more personal meetings just the two of us.” He says, giving me a naughty wink.

I just slap him on his chiselled abdomen and turn red in embarrassment. He just laughs, walks away to grab some clothes, and heads to the bathroom. He grabs my ass as he passes me, and I give him my best glare. He gives me one of his fucking sexy as hell smiles and clothes the door. Damn him and his sexiness! I leave the room and head down to the kitchen to find Bree and Araya already eating breakfast. Kaleb, Nate, and Natalya are also there eating. I sit down by Araya and start to load my plate with food. They have some damn good cooks here. The girls are eating and talking away, which is weird. They tend to both be shy around new people. That's when I realize that they are comfortable here, and so am I.

“Good morning, everyone,” Lani announces to the room.

“Good morning Aunt Lani.” Natalya excitedly replies.

“Why are you yelling, Natalya?” A man asks, raising an eyebrow,

I remember seeing him but don’t know who he is. I think back, and he was there the night of the fire. I don’t remember who he is, though. Lani sits down beside me, and I give her a smile. She gives me a side hug, and it makes me feel warm. She reminds me of my mother. The man smiles at me and I notice he has the same crystal ice blue eye as Dustin.

“How are you feeling Mykayla?” the man asks me warmly.

“I am still a little in shock but better,” I say, smiling back at him.

“Mykayla can we live here in one of the houses?” Bree asks me out of nowhere.

Well, how in the hell am I supposed to answer that question. Araya is looking at me, wanting an answer. I can see that they are both excited about my answer. I know they want to stay, I can tell.

“Yes, you can live here but you won't need to stay in any other house but this one. There is a set of rooms from the one you are in now that share a bathroom. Each one of you can have one and decorate it however you want but still be close to each other. The two of you can attend the school that is not far from here and is one of the best in the city. How does that sound?” Dustin explains, smiling.

“Are you Mykayla's boyfriend?” Araya asks, smiling.

I choke on the coffee I am drinking and begin to turn red. I can’t even look up at anyone at the table. This is embarrassing. I can't believe either one of them would ask this. They literally just met him 24 hours ago under stressful circumstances.

“Do you want me to be her boyfriend?” He asks with a smirk.

“YES! You are super hot, and the two of you look super cute together.” They both yell.

OH FOR FUCK SAKE. WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO THESE TWO? I am so red that I can't even raise my head. I am not even sure when these two learned what any of what they just said meant. I hear Kaleb and Nate laughing at these two. I would also be laughing at them, but I am too busy being embarrassed by what they are saying.

“Then yes, I am her boyfriend.” He answers triumphantly.

I just roll my eyes, but I secretly smile. No one sees it since my head is down. Lani scoots over, and Dustin sits down beside me. I can hear the girls talking about the new developments in their lives. Well, I guess we just moved on to the pack's land. I feel a hand on my thigh and look up to his smiling face. I see the man smiling happily at me, and that's when it hits me that he's Dustin's father. Seeing him with his parents makes me sad, and I stand up and leave the table. Bree and Araya don't notice, which I am thankful for. I walk out back and sit down by the pool. I have come to realize that this is a nice calming place for me to think. I have been sitting out there for about five minutes, not even realizing I have started to cry.

“Mykayla, what's wrong, honey?’ His dad asks curiously.

“Sorry just seeing you all together...." I trail off.

Pretty sure he doesn't want to hear my sad life story.

“Don’t be sorry about missing your parents.” He tells me, drawing me into a hug.

I break down, and all the built-up emotions from the last two years come to the surface. He just holds me and lets me cry on his shoulder, just like any dad would do with their daughter. We sit like that for ten minutes before I feel like an idiot. I apologize to him, but he won't let me.

“You may have lost one family, but you have gained a whole new one.” He says, cupping my cheeks and kissing me on my forehead.

“I think my son wants his mate back now. I'll leave you with him.” He says with a smile in his voice.

I see his eyes change colour and realize that he is probably doing that mind thing I know that werewolves can do with each other. I don't move from my seat. I feel Dustin sit down by me and pull me into his arms. I lean back against him, and it does calm me down.

"You ok beautiful?” He asks with a worried tone.

“Yeah, just seeing your whole family together made me remember everything I don’t have. I guess I have been holding in the last two years of emotions.” I explained, looking into his eyes.

“Well like my dad said you have a whole new one now. Like I said yesterday morning you and the girls are safe here.” He says with a serious tone.

I lean and press my lips to his. I pull back, wrap my arms around his neck, and lay my head on his shoulder. I know we are safe and that everything will be alright.

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