Seven: Mate


I somehow managed to keep my distance from Dustin all day. I was telling the truth when I told his mom I was already looking for a new place for the three of us. I didn’t expect his cousin to tell us that we could stay there within the pack’s borders. I knew it would be the best place for the girls, but I knew I wouldn't be able to control my feelings. I have to keep this professional between us and push my feelings aside. The girls are my main focus. My happiness and personal life are not important now. I already knew where I stood with him after this morning when he walked out of the room without saying anything to me. Lani and Natalya took the girls and me shopping for clothes and necessities. Thank god for my inheritance, or we would be so screwed right now. I also went and got a new phone. I had left my computer at work, so thankfully, that was not lost in the fire. I was sitting on a lounge chair on the balcony outside of Dustin's room when a glass of water was set down in front of me. It made me jump. I didn’t even hear him come in.

“Sorry beautiful, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He told me.

“It's ok, I was lost in my thoughts and didn’t hear you come in. I wasn't trying to invade your room but I needed a quiet spot to think.” I explained my presence in his room.

He gives me one of his sexy smiles, and I feel myself melt a bit. NO, KEEP IT PROFESSIONAL! Damn my treacherous heart! I look back out over the land, and it is beautiful here. I started to think living here would be amazing. I know that it can't happen, but I could always wish. I was lost in my thoughts again when a jolt of electricity travelled up my side. Before I knew what was happening, I felt his lips on mine, and a small gasp escaped into the kiss. I feel his tongue slip into my mouth. I melt into the kiss. I can’t deal with this. It hurts so much; he was so angry this morning now. I gently push him back and get up. He grabs my hand before I can walk away.

“Mykayla, I..” Dustin begins to say.

“I can't handle this anymore. You're my boss, and I just can't. You were so mad this morning and just walked out, and now this. My heart can't take it.” I tell him without looking at him.

“I'm sorry about this morning. When you asked about my pack I was caught off guard. I wasn't expecting you to know about us. I am very aware that I am your boss.” He explains to me as I feel his hands on my hips.

He guided me back into the room and against a wall at some point. I am trapped between him and the wall. I have no choice but to put my hands on his bare chest. DAMN THOSE ELECTRIC JOLTS! I feel him move closer and feel his breath on my neck.

“Yes, you are my employee but also my mate.” He whispers gravely into my ear.

“Dustin, I am human; how can I be your mate?” I quietly ask. My voice doesn't want to work.

I can feel his lips moving up my neck and his hands slowly around my body.

“I don't care that you're human. I felt as soon as I saw you sitting at the cafe. Do you know how hard it has been to not sit you on my desk at work and take you?” He admits.

All I do is take a deep breath and tremble a little in his arms. I feel his hand grab my ass and the other slide up under the back of my tank top.

“I love you, Mykayla.” He confesses as he continues to kiss my neck, slowly moving down my chest.

“Dustin, I love you,” I tell him.

He pulled my tank top over my head, unclasped my bra, and tossed them somewhere in the room. He pulls me close, and I can feel him against my breasts. He picks me up under my ass and carries me to the bed. He gently lays me down, never breaking the kiss. He climbs on top of me as he slips one of his knees in between my legs spreading them apart. He returns to kissing down my neck, leaving a tingle sensation as he goes. He continues his journey down, and I hear a low growl when he comes to my chest. I forgot that he was unaware of my piercings and tattoos.

“MMM, what a pleasant surprise.” He huskily says as he captures one of my nipples in his mouth and sucks.

I arch at the sensation and push my breasts towards him. I feel him gently tug at one of my nipple rings as a loud moan escapes at the sensation. It feels amazing to have his mouth on my body. His hands are roaming over my curves, leaving tingling sensations as they go. I can feel myself getting wetter and wetter, and I know my panties are soaked. My core is throbbing. He continues to lavish attention on my breasts and teases me with my nipple rings. I don’t even realize he has removed my shorts and panties until I feel his hand move smoothly down my side to my hip. His hand travels down my hip and around to my ass, where he grabs it and presses closer to him. I can feel his rock-hard cock against my inner thigh. I move my hand down and slip it under his sweatpants. I gently grab his cock. OH MY FUCKING GOD, HE IS HUGE!!! My brain screams as I start slowly stroking him. “Mykayla, god baby.” That is all he can manage to say.

His head is buried in the crook of my neck, and I feel him leaving small nibbles as he works his way down my neck to my shoulder. I move both my hands down his muscular back feeling his muscles jump and twitch as I go. I slip them under his pants and grab his ass. He bucks his hip when I grab his ass which causes him to grind into me. I moan out his name as he attacks my neck again. I then slowly push his pants down over his hips as far as I can. He lifts himself up and kicks them the rest of the way off. He kisses me deeply again. Suddenly I felt his finger rub my clit, and I let out a small scream of pleasure.

“You're so wet for me, beautiful.” He seductively says.

He keeps rubbing my clit with his thumb. I feel his other finger running through my dripping folds. He then slips one of his thick fingers into my slick pussy. I arch my back and push his finger deeper into me. GOD, THIS FEELS SO FUCKING AMAZING!! My brain and body are on fire with all the pleasure he is giving to me. I have never felt this way before.

“You're so tight around my finger, beautiful. I can feel your juices running down my hand. I can't wait to feel how tight you are around my dick.” He growls out, and the rumble from the growl enhances my pleasure.

“Dustin please don’t stop. You feel so good, it feels so good.” I gasp out.

“I don’t plan to stop. I plan to make you cum with my fingers, my mouth, and my dick multiple times. I want to hear you scream my name all night. Don’t worry I will be gentle, I know you are a virgin.” He rumbles out.

Hearing his words made me moan even louder. I actually forgot about me being a virgin with everything he is doing to me. His finger and thumb keep working my pussy as he slowly moves down my body with his mouth. I start to feel the tingle in my pussy, and I can tell I am close. I moan his name, and I hear a deep throaty growl. I can feel myself starting to constrict, knowing my orgasm is on its way.

“Cum for me beautiful. I can feel you're getting close, you're dripping pussy is starting to squeeze my finger oh so tightly. Let go beautiful. I want to feel you cum around my finger.” He practically commands.

Between his dirty talk and this finger thrusting in and out of me, my orgasm hits me hard. I scream out his name as my back arches. I have my hands buried in his dusty blonde hair. He continues to thrust his finger bringing through my intense orgasm. My back slowly touches the bed again as he slides his finger out of my pussy. I look down to see him sucking all my juices off his finger. DAMN, THAT IS HOT! I bring his face back up to mine and give him a deep kiss. I can taste myself on his lips. He returns to his journey down my body, kissing, licking, and running his hands everywhere. I feel like my body is going to explode. I let out a gasp as I felt his tongue wrap around my clit as he sucks into his mouth. I grab the sheet with one hand and bury the other one in his hair. He wraps his arms around my hips and places his hands on top to hold me still. He releases my clit and runs his tongue down my slick folds. He then starts fucking me with his tongue. My back arched so high that I felt as though it might snap. I can feel his tongue thrust deep into my pussy while his thumb rubs my clit. I can’t hold back my screams of pleasure.

“That's it beautiful, I want to hear every moan, scream, and sound you make. Don’t hold back, be as loud as you want.” He commands.

I place both of my hands in his hair and push his face deeper into my pussy. I hear him growl when I do this, and he continues to twist and roll his tongue deep inside of me. I could feel the sparks running throughout my entire body. I could feel another orgasm building. I was being so loud, and I could care less if the whole house heard me.

“Dustin, I'm so close... please.” moaned, unable to finish my thought.

“Let go, beautiful. I want to taste every last drop of you.” He breathes out.

My orgasm hits me as I grab his hair roughly, causing my back to arch again, and all I can get out is a scream of unimaginable pleasure. I feel him wrap his tongue around my clit and gently bite down, and another monstrous orgasm surges through my body, drawing another scream out of me laced with his name. He continues to suck my clit, guiding me through my orgasm. He slowly kissed and licked his way back up my body.

“You taste delicious. I could spend all day between your thighs with my tongue deep inside your dripping pussy. Would you like that beautiful?” He seductively whispered in my ear.

“God yes, Dustin!” I pleaded.

“HMMM, maybe tomorrow, but now it's time for me to make you mine. It'll hurt at first but promise that after the initial pain, all you will feel is a pleasure.” He whispers in a deep and raspy voice into my ear.

I had not heard him sound like this before. I looked at him; his normal crystal ice blue eyes were a dark navy and intensely staring into mine. All my brain can scream is HIS WOLF IS TRYING TO SURFACE! A new wave of sparks shot through my body.

“Dustin, please I need to feel you deep inside of me.” I moan into his ear.

I hear him give a deep growl, and that's when I feel him thrust into me in one long hard thrust. I dig my nails into his back and let out a small scream at the sudden pain of losing my virginity. He stilled once he was fully inside of me.

“Breath, beautiful it will only get better now.” He tells me.

He rubs his hands up and down my thigh, and I start to relax. He slowly began to move, and where there was pain, now there is the most amazing feeling I have ever felt. His speed increases, as does his depth. Soon he is taking me hard and deep, and it feels amazing. I have never felt so full in my life, and I could feel him hit my cervix with every thrust.

“You're so tight and wet around my dick, baby. You feel amazing!” He pants out.

He lifts himself off of me and pulls one of my legs up to his waist. The new angle has him hitting a new spot deep in my channel that makes me see stars.

“Dustin!!” I scream and run my hands up his chest.

His pace quickens, and I can feel another orgasm coming on quick. He braces his other hand on the bed's headboard and starts to thrust but rotates and grinds his hips as he pushes himself deeper into me. He is slamming so deep into my pussy that I know I will be sore tomorrow.

“I feel your pussy tightening around me beautiful. I know you're close. Let go, beautiful I want to feel you cum around my throbbing dick.” He growls out forcefully.

I don’t know if it's the strength or depth of his thrusts or the dirty talking, but my orgasm hits me like I was hit by a semi-truck. The scream of his name that came out of me probably woke up half of the town. I have dug my nails into his sides as my back arches like it's going to snap in half again. He is still thrusting, but they are becoming very erratic. I know he is close.

“Cum for my Alpha, I want you to fill me with your seed.” I moan out.

“Fuck, Mykayla, I am going to fill you so full. Going to put my pup in you.” He roars out as he cums hard.

I feel his cum shoot into me like a fire hose. It feels so good. I can feel him coating my walls with his seed, and it just keeps flowing. Finally, after what seems like minutes, I feel him spurt one last time before he is finished. I continue to run my hands up and down his chest as he is propped up with one hand on the headboard. He lets go of the headboard and lays back down on me. He kisses me passionately, and I feel him pull out of me. I don't like the feeling. I feel very empty now. He rolls himself off of me, pulls me close, and straps his arm around me. I cuddle closer and lay my head on his chest.

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