The Alpha's Mate Is A Spy
Chapter 11: They're Mates


"Alpha, did you really let her go just like that?" Ryan asks, his forehead knitted in worry.

It's only been a few hours since she escaped us, Ryan just woke up from consciousness yet he still had the energy to barge in here just to ask for her wellbeing. He still wore hospital clothes, his chest rising up and down from exhaustion.

Looks like you made a good friend, Venus.

I shook my head in vain, "Let her go? You don't get to choose to set her free, if Venus wants to go. You know no one can stop her."

"What? Then why did you have to go all the trouble to scold her?"

I sighed.

"It's because she needs to be at least aware of her situation. You're the closest to her, you know she's smart strategically, but since she's devoid of emotions, she tends to make mistakes in judging a person's character. For her, emotions are something she can copy easily. She takes it too lightly that I get worried."

"It's not her fault that she's like that."

"I know."

Venus is a lonely child. When her father left her to me, I saw how Venus watched her father leave her for the last time. She wasn't crying, nor wore a sad expression. She was simply wearing a blank face, that even somehow scared me at some point. When I came up to her, her words that escaped from her small lips broke my heart.

{"Shaka, When will father come back?"}

As if she was used to how she gazes at her father back, it was understandable wny she asked such a question. In the past, I could only try to comfort her, even though she didn't understand why I was doing it. I never got to tell her the truth. She'd ask the same question every day. But hearing the same answer from me, she eventually started to avoid the question too.

My heart tightened in pain, "Bad luck would always tangle itself on her, especially since she was born from a taboo relationship between a witch and a werewolf. I wanted to keep her to my side until I die, but the oracle said she was bound to meet her destiny, which is something I can't avoid."

"What if she dies?! We're talking about Crescent Moon here!" Ryan says in a panicked voice.

"I can't do anything about it. The only thing I can give for now is a home she can go back to. hopefully, when she retrieves her emotions back, she'll be able to understand me a bit better than before."

"...But what if she couldn't?"

I frowned, "That's not an option Ryan, if she doesn't retrieve her essence back, she'll die either way."

"What do you mean... die?" His eyes opened. "Venus will die? Why have I never heard of this before? If that was the case, then you shouldn't have sent her away!"

I sighed heavily.

If he wasn't injured in the first place, I could've sworn I would have already kicked him out in a literal way. I slammed my fist on the desk, the table trembled, and the wind blew stronger in our direction. "Don't push your luck kid. I'm still your alpha, don't you disrespect me in this way!"

He kneels immediately, "I'm sorry Alpha, i.. I was worried for Venus. She may be strong but she's still a kid. Can I request that you send me too on the same mission?"

Send him too? It's too dangerous to send two spies at the same location. It's always been a rule, so why did he bother asking anyway?

"No." I replied.


I growled, not taking any more complaints from his mouth. "Is our rules just for display? You dare ask a ridiculous request! If you do come with her, what happens?! You'll get her caught in no time!" "Then, at least let me protect her from a far-"

"Ryan, Just where is this stubbornness coming from? Last time I checked, you have a mate waiting for you at your house every day."

"No, Alpha, it's not that I like Venus in that way. But I genuinely think of Venus as my younger sibling. I just.. don't want her to lose her life meaninglessly without having to live her life normally." He frowns. Does it have to come to this? looks like he won't back down until I tell him the truth. Seeing no other choice, I stood up from my seat and walked towards his front.

"You don't have to worry about her losing her life in Crescent Moon. After all, Alpha Derek is Venus's mate."

He immediately froze on the spot.


"Don't tell me, Are you horny right now?"

My eyes twitched in anger. Has she finally gone crazy? Did she just ASKED a person who she barely knows such a question?!

I was so annoyed that I couldn't stop my hand that cupped her cheeks, her eyes widened and she tried to struggle away from me.

"Listen here, you little punk. You've been trying to get on my nerves. Has nobody ever told you not to trust strangers so easily? I'll rape you and kill you right here." I threatened.

But, instead of getting scared. She froze for a short while then reverted back to her expressionless face. I was expecting something else, but what she did completely threw me off. She tries kissing me, so I held her face between my hands even firmer.

She's crazy!

"What are you doing! Didn't you just hear what I said?!"

"Yeah, I did. What's wrong? didn't you want this?"

"W..What?" I said in disbelief.

"Let's do it, I want to try something."

Was she joking? I just threatened to humiliate her, yet she agrees nonchalantly! I tried looking for evidence that she was, but she just looks even sincere than any criminal I've studied before. "What?" She arches an eyebrow, her purple eyes staring back into mine.

That's when her scent hit me. The smell of Rosewood Vanilla started to fill our surroundings. Everything became blurry except her body so close to mine. Her wet hair was strangely turning me on. I gulped, shit this feeling again!

It was starting to get hot that I had to release my hands away from her. I took a few steps back, turned my eyes somewhere else, and panted hard.

Damn it, what's wrong with me? And why is my body acting so weird around her?

I hate this. Staying near her was a bad idea!

I growled. "We part ways here, don't let me see you again!"

then I ran away in a hurry.

Going through the Arndon woods within an hour, I've vented all my frustrations to all the monsters and creatures on the way. I didn't even realize it was a problem until Easton called it out. "Alpha? You're back?" He eyes me up and down. "Am I seeing things right?"

I froze. When I looked down on myself, I was covered in monster blood, which should have never have happened since I just decided to get in, to surveil the testing site. It was never my intention to even talk to that woman!

What did I just do?

"Shit, I just cleared a pathway for the participants." I cursed as I removed my mask.

He slaps his forehead in frustration. "Oh God, How many did you kill for you to look like that, Alpha?"

"Um.. a few."

"How many is 'few' for you?"

"About 50..70- anyway they were on the way," I said, making excuses. When the truth is, Easton knew very well how I'm aware that I could get through the forest without harming any monster along the way. He just made a duck face and agreed with the stupid excuse. "Whatever you say, Alpha. Anyway I have something to report to you."

On our way back to our base camp, Easton dictated every report sent to us from the borders, there wasn't much of a problem only that some outsiders tried to inquire about the people who already died on the entrance in Arndon woods.

For werewolves, Someone you have a connection to, or your alpha in particular can feel something like a rope breaking when they die. Though I understand their feeling of loss, it was something inevitable since they signed a consent form.

"Send them all away, if someone tries to resist kill them on the spot."

"Yes Alpha." He nods, "Oh, right. Alpha Seff went backdoor a few hours ago. He asked about the background of each participant, I already sent him the files."

My eyebrow arched. Did he ask for something like that? What is he up to now?

"Where is he?"

"About that... he also entered Arndon Woods just now."


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