The Alpha's Mate Is A Spy
Chapter 10: A Nice Bath

He moved me up to the highest tree that he could find and settled there. Strangely, the spider was also out of my tail.

I glanced at his mask.

The only problem left was to deal with Alpha Derek, who was wearing a mask and dark casual clothes that made his muscles pop.

Or maybe I am the dangerous one here?

When he carefully placed me down, I took that moment to wrap my arms around his neck. His eyes widened, and I felt his body stiffen in shock.

"Let go of me." He says in a low voice.

At that moment, I realized that it was the perfect chance to use my ability to make him submit to me. Yet all hopes got lost when I couldn't suck a single grain of energy from his body. Is my ability not working on him?

I bit my lower lip in irritation, "Why is my luck worst whenever it's you?"

"Get away from me, or I'll throw you from this height." He threatens.

"Do it then. Who's the idiot who'll save a person than kill them later on? Is it some fetish?"

His eyes started to darken in anger, yet I still didn't stop and got closer to him. It's strange. Though he was acting angry, his body was saying the opposite.

He's nervous.

I wanted to expose him right away, but maybe now isn't the right time. I'll let him play the role of being a mysterious competitor. I don't know why he's here anyway, and it's not like he'll tell me. He'll just run away if I say I know that it's him.

"May I know the name of my savior?" I smiled.

"No need," He pushed me away, "The situation was unexpected, so I had to save you. It's too early to thank me. We just got in Arndon woods, who knows how long you can survive here without-"

I clasped my hands together in sarcasm, "You're so kind! You want to accompany me till the end of the forest!"

"What when did I say that-"

Placing my index finger on his lips to silence him up, I grinned. "No need to be shy. I also want good company. Things can get lonely here, you see?"

He growled as he brushed my hand away. "You're crazy. Stop assuming things. I don't plan on accompanying you. You can die for all I care."

I rolled my eyes. Why are all alphas so damn irritating?

Seeing that he had no intention to stay with me any longer. I took the risk of wanting to rile him up. I know he can't sense that I'm his mate, but I still bet that his instincts would still scream to help me, just like he did earlier.

I hope this experiment is worth it.

"Is that so? Then can I die now?"

Brushing my hair behind my ear, I let out a smile before I stared down at the ground. The tree was high enough to kill me or injure me to the state of being disabled. I don't know why, but the atmosphere up here made me more comfortable than down there.

Or was it because I'm just here beside my mate?

"What are you doing? You're not planning to jump from this height, are you?" He stood up immediately, he tried to come near me, but I took a step back.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't care? You won't know, maybe I can survive this fall. After all, you were able to carry me all the way up here."

"That's different! I jumped several tree branches to get us here! Even if you're a werewolf, you won't survive if you fall from this height! Are you crazy? The competition just started, and you're trying to kill yourself?"

"Then let me come with you, just until the end of the forest."


"Then-" I took another step back, only one step more till i fell.

He reaches his hand out in worry, "Wait! Okay! Okay! You win! I'll let you come with me!"

I smirked. "Promise you won't take your words back?"

"Are you a kid? Making promises like this?"

"Promise me," I demanded. "With a kiss on the forehead."

His eyebrow furrowed in confusion. I knew that he was a bit taken back that I was asking a stranger to kiss me on my forehead, but I just had no choice since I had to take any chance that I could take to make physical contact with him.

I have to retrieve my essence back!

"Did I hear that right? You said to kiss you?"

I nodded. "That's odd. Don't we have a great hearing? why can't you understand, I didn't even whisper?"

"You're out of your mind."

I squinted my eyes. He was pushing me away again. This time, I got so irritated that I unconsciously took another step back. That's when I realized that I dug my own grave at that point.

Oh no.

My eyes widened, and everything went slow. Our eyes locked with each other. His expression turned as he gazed at how my body slowly fell. It took him about a second before he jumped down with me. He wrapped his arm around my body and faced his back towards the ground.

The moment we landed on his back, his whole body cushioned my fall, so I didn't sustain any damage. Yet the fall was hard enough that he groaned in agony, I heard his ribs broke, and blood came out from his mouth.

I stared at him. He was barely conscious as he looked at me with a relieved expression. It's strange. I felt a strange warm jittery feeling around my heart whenever our face got close like this.

Especially when I realized he decided to save me again.

"You.. are you okay?" He pants.

I sat up, "Don't talk. You have bad injuries."

"Who's fault is it?" He chuckles bitterly, "So this is what I get from not kissing you?"

"Do you regret it then now? Not kissing me, that is."

"No." He slowly got up, his hand supporting his right side. "I'd rather fall from this height than kiss a weird she-wolf like you."


Of course, he doesn't care about me. He must've saved me because his instincts said so.

I was angry, but I knew that he wasn't in the state to receive my anger. So I secretly released a sleeping powder to doze him off.

He blinks a few times before he finally closes his eyes. After that, I tested if he was really out by tickling him or even slapping his cheeks. Nope, he's out cold.

"I thought I was the most cold-blooded person out there. It looks like I just found my match."

The night had already come. Resting usually isn't an option when we are being tested for survival, but I took that chance to drag him towards the cave behind the waterfall because I had to heal him. I didn't have any supplies with me, so I removed his shirt as a bandage to stop some of his bleedings.

After finally healing him continuously for 2 hours straight, I just knew I deserved a nice bath.

"Ugh. my back hurts," I murmured.

Since the water was in front of me, I didn't hesitate anymore as I soaked myself down the spring. I didn't even care if there was some water demon on the water.

After a good wash, my senses perk up when I sense someone. I turned around.

"After almost killing me, you still had the leisure to relax?" The cold-blooded Alpha says, his back laid on the side of the cave.

"You're alive, aren't you? You should be thanking me instead of accusing me."

"Did you remove my mask?"

"Should I have?"

"Even if you want to, you can't remove it easily."

I smirked.

Well, I didn't have to remove it since I knew who you were from the start. I just shrugged off the thought and rose from the spring.

"Fucking hell..." He avoids my eyes, "Don't you have any shame? At least warn me!"

"Being naked isn't something uncommon for us."

When I had finally worn all of my clothes, I looked at him and noticed that he was still wearing an annoyed face as he tried his best to avoid eye contact with me. His sweat was dripping though the cold breeze of air passed through my cheeks.

I didn't completely understand his behavior, so I tried to confront him. My feet mirrored to him. I tilted my head to level my eyes with him.

"Don't tell me, are you horny right now?"

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