Chapter 44


“What are you doing here?”

“What do you mean what am I doing here? The last time I checked, we are still married or aren’t we?” She walked closer with a grin plastered on her face.

“Married? I clearly stated to you that I don’t consider us married which is why I asked for a divorce, isn’t that it?”

“Oh come on. You know it’s till death do we apart and do you have to speak about that now and while you have a guest?” She asked, trying to touch me but I pulled back, preventing her from doing so.

“Alright. What is it that you were both talking about that involved my name? Do you want to share?” She folded her arms across her chest.

“Leave.” I stated firmly.

“What do you mean by that? I’m here to stay and besides I didn’t come alone. I came with my stuff so you better start getting used to it because we will both be living as husband and wife from now on.” She smiled.

“What? On whose permission did you bring your stuff with and you better be joking because you won’t be living here with me. We never lived together and now won’t be the start of it,” I replied.

She didn’t say anything but smiled harder instead. I walked past her to go check if truly what she said was true only to see, that some men were bringing in her stuff. I clenched my fist.

“What is wrong with you?” I spoke through my teeth.

“Seriously? Who says that to their lovely wife?” She batted her brows and I frowned at her.

It was evident that she had come only to provoke me. She wanted to see my bad side and I’d be sure to give it to her if she pushed me to.

“Don’t even start. Don’t.” I said through gritted teeth. It was taking all in ine not to raise my voice because I was already pi ssed as it is.

“Where are you going to?” I asked one of the men who tried to walk past me with one of Jade’s luggage.


“Take those stuff with you and go back outside before I make you regret it,” I demanded.

“Oh really? Are you going to do this now? I am your wife and you can’t treat me this way.” Jade spoke, slightly irritated.

“You think I give a f uck? How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t want to continue this marriage anymore? Just how many times?”

To think Raymond was just giving me a solution on what to do with her and she came in to make my life more difficult than it ever was.

What have I done to deserve someone like her?

“You won’t speak to me that way because you seem it well. It’s not fair to me. Ever since we got married, I have respected your privacy but now I cannot anymore. I want you to do your husbandly duties to me henceforth.” She stated.



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Chapter 41


I scoffed in disbelief. I didn’t even know what to say to her at that moment. I opened my mouth to say something but I just didn’t know what to say to her because it was evident she came with an intention and I didn’t know what.

“I will be staying here as your wife Logan. It’s either you accept it or just live with it because you have been treated unfairly by you for years and now should be your moment of change. I won’t be leaving here whether you like it or not so choose your poison because either way it would be in my favour.” She said confidently.

“I won’t be repeating myself anymore Jade. I will say it once and that’s it. Leave my house.” I stated sternly.

“Leave your house? More like my house since I’m your wife. Anyways I have nothing to say to you.”

“You can take my stuff in and don’t listen to him.” She told the men.

I glared at them and they didn’t make any move. They wouldn’t want their necks chopped off if they moved an inch.

“Alright. If you won’t take it then I would I’d love to see what he’d love to do to me.” She huffed.

She was daring me because she knew I wouldn’t do anything to do her and that f ucking pi ssed me off because, at that moment, I wished she was a man.

“You know what? Fine. Stay here if you want. It belongs to you. It’s yours. Enjoy it.” I walked past her in anger, not being able to tolerate her presence because she was infuriating me.

-Did you

u just see how annoying she can be Raymond?” I spat out the minute I stepped out of my mansion.

The only safe spot I had to myself suddenly

been taken by her.

“It seems she came with an intention. She has seen Isabel after all and she wouldn’t let you have any moment with her.”

Hearing Raymond say those words reminded me of what Jade had done to have me. She and her father and the cause of everything bad that has happened in my life.

“What will you do now?” Raymond asked.

“I will be leaving this place for her. If she wants it then she can have it. I refuse to be in the same space as her. I can’t her. I can’t stand her.” I uttered.

“How will you get her to divorce you now? She doesn’t seem like she’d back off anytime and she’s willing to tie you down with that.” Raymond remarked.

“I honestly don’t know but now that this has happened, it’s more reason for me to use any means to get rid of her. She’d do anything to make my life miserable and that’s why I’d do anything to get her as far away as possible from me.” I stated firmly.

“Where will you be going now?” Raymond inquired.

“To a hotel. You came with your car right?” I asked.

“Yes.” He replied.

We walked towards his car. We got in and he began to drive. While he drove, I thought of what I could do to Jade and her father because the only reason she had this much guts was because she had him behind her.

“I finally got it!” I uttered in excitement.

“What?” Raymond asked.



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11:14 Fri, May 10

Chapter 44

“I know just how to deal with Jade,” I replied.

“And what will you be doing?” He asked.


“Jade’s strength comes from her father. She knows that her father got her and the reason she goes this far to make me angry without fear is because she has her father behind her and that is why I will be getting rid of her father.” I smirked at the brilliant idea.

He has been doing too much for a very long time and it was time to finally get rid of him. Since he loves to play dirty then I will make sure to deal with him through that dirty means.

“What’s the plan? Let me know. I’m curious.”

I smirked. “How do you deal with toxic people? You deal with them in a toxic way because that’s the only way you can deal with them.”

“So what’s the plan? Let me know. I’d love to hear it.” Raymond urged.

The plan is that I will get rid of her strength. It is time that Hade’s father is put in his place. The other day he came to office to warn ine. He said that he would stick by his daughter and he wouldn’t allow me to treat her badly.” I explained.


“What? They have some guts you know. I’ve never liked that man and I’m not surprised he does something like this. That’s something he’s good with.”

“And that’s why it’s time for him to be taught a lesson. He has been doing too much for a long time and I think now would be the best time to teach him a lesson.”

I hardly hurt people and 1 hardly came for people but for this case, I would do whatever is necessary to get rid of Jade from – my life. Indeed when Raymond said dealing with her the hard way was the solution, it was.

The fact she had the guts to move into my house and is adamant in saying says a lot and I wouldn’t be tolerating any disrespect from her.

“Instead of driving me to a hotel, why don’t we go for a long drive?” I suggested.

“That would be nice. So where do you have in mind?” He asked.

“Just drive in any direction,” I answered. I’d be able to think more about how to deal with Jade and her father.

Dealing with them the easy way wouldn’t be good and that’s why needed the most excruciating method to deal with them.

While Raymond drove. I thought hard. The only thing that gave me the motivation to keep going was the thought of reuniting with my children and making a family with Isabel.

I cannot wait to reunite with them and have that life I’ve always wanted but was deprived of

“Are you good?” Raymond asked.

“I’m good. I’ve never felt this way in a long time I replied, smiling hard.

“It’s good to know you are good. I’m at your service anytime and anywhere and I wouldn’t miss showing up for you when you need it.” Raymond said.

“I know you are Raymond. I know.” I said to him.


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