Spreading her wings
Chapter 16

Sierra's POV

When I woke up this morning, I certainly never, for the life of me, would have guessed, that I'd be walking, hand in hand, with my boyfriend, Callum Inconeti.

After Trudi had dropped me home yesterday, I'd taken a long hot bath. The time was spent, going over what had transpired that morning, between Callum and me. After I had calmed down, it dawned on me, I may have overreacted a teeny bit.

The look on his face, was etched into my memory, the sadness in his eyes, still clear as day. I was so caught up in my head, that I never took into account, how all this was affecting Callum.

Waking up this morning, I had made a vow to find him, and talk things through together. As you can see, he found me first. We're walking to my locker, our hands still tightly joined. I get my books out, my boyfriend offering to carry them, I smile shyly as he kisses my cheek, grabs my books and drags me towards his locker.

What's waiting for us though, makes Callum tense up, there in all her glory, is Angela fucking Moore. Her head lifts as we walk up to her, she looks at me with so much hate. I frown, despite her obvious dislike for me, I can't help feeling sorry for her, she's obviously not over her ex-boyfriend, now he's got a new girlfriend.

Callum smiles at me, as he opens the locker door, I hear Angela sigh dramatically, trying to get his attention. Once he's got everything he needs, we head towards my history class, which we don't have together, unfortunately.

We are stopped, however by a very pissed off girl, who looks ready to blow. She points a pointy nail in his chest " why, tell me why you would leave me, for this loser who is probably still a virgin?". I can see a few people, who have stopped to see the Queen Bee, have a total meltdown.

To his credit, Callum remains calm, despite the bulging vein in his neck. He turns, to look her in the eyes and says," if I ever hear of you, or see you giving my girl a hard time, I'm going to fucking destroy you, do I make myself clear ". Angela stays quiet, which doesn't go down well with Callum, at all.

He gets up right in her face," I said do I make myself fucking clear?". His loud voice echoes against the walls. He raises an eyebrow at her, she nods, tears streaming down her cheeks and runs off.

I look at him, unsure what to think. He turns around, when he realizes I'm not following. The look on my face, makes him scoff," oh come on Sierra, you didn't seriously buy that fucking performance. Angela Moore has no feelings, for anyone, except herself. Don't buy her little act, she will be back to her normal, bitchy self in no time ". With a quick kiss on my lips, we walk towards our classes.

It's now lunch time, I walk into the cafeteria, I can see Trudi and tom, huddled up close at a table. I head to the lunch counter, grabbing my food, I make my way over to my friends. I feel an arm slip around my waist. Looking to my left, there's my gorgeous boy, smiling his dazzling smile at me.

We get to our table, sitting down, I start eating my lunch. A look passes between Trudi and tom. Placing my sandwich down I give them a pointed look " what?" I simply ask. Tom clears his throat " well, it seems you two have caused quite a stir, amongst our peers this morning", he says pointing at Callum and me.

I just shrug, continuing to eat, Trudi looks at me, oh I know that look, it's we're talking about this later look.

After we're all done, we wave goodbye to the other couple. Callum grabs my hand, dragging me out towards the parking lot. When we get to his car, he unlocks it, gesturing for me to get in. Once the doors are shut, he looks at me "what's your next class Tesoro?"

" It just so happens I have a free period next" I answer, he smirks "well it just so happens, I do too". Next thing I know, I'm dragged onto his lap, one of his hands on my hip, the other wrapped around my neck, pulling me in and kissing me.

His kiss is frenzied and passionate, his tounge exploring my mouth, while his soft lips, are moving against mine. He pulls back, resting his forehead against mine, his breathing laboured, "oh fuck Sierra, you have no idea what you do to me", his voice is husky. I giggle " well judging by the hard rod underneath me, I have a fair idea " I wiggle my hips, causing me to rub against his erection. He growls at me, slamming his mouth onto mine.

After a thorough make out and groping session, we head back into school. We part ways, me promising to meet him after school. As I turn the corner, I see Angela and Reece locked in a passionate embrace.

I quickly go past them; thankful they don't see me. I get to class, just as the bell rings, as I sit down, I see Sonja giving me a dirty look. I hide my smile, behind my hand. Oh, karma's a bitch, and she's about to get a big dose of it.

After school I grab my things, heading out to meet Callum, when trudis smiling face appears in front of me. She grabs my arm, steering me in the opposite direction. I start to protest, her look shuts me up, "I've texted Tom, the boys will meet us later.

We walk to her car, driving off towards her house. Once we get there, she drags me through the door, up to her room. When we're inside her bedroom, she closes the door, her arms crossed over her chest.

I sit down on the bed, my friend still waiting for me to speak. She throws her hands up , "oh come on, spill or else I'll torture you", I start laughing, her face set in a mock scowl.

She sits down on the floor in front of me, her eyes twinkling, "so tell me Sierra Bennett, have you and Callum, you know? ". She wiggles her eyebrows, I shake my head, no. "We've only been a couple for a day, give us a chance would you". She gets up, sitting next to me " well Tom and I did last night". I snap my head to her, "oh my fucking god, why didn't you start with that".

She giggles, her face going pink" oh my god girl, that boy sure knows his way, around a female's body. The things he did to me, holy fuck, I'm still tingling ", she sighs dreamily.

We talk for a bit more, until we hear a knock on her door, she gets up, opening it to find our guys, standing there looking sheepish.

Callum walks up to me, leaning down, he kisses me slowly, "fuck I missed you", he whispers against my mouth. We all go downstairs for some food; I notice the time. Shit I'm going to be late for work.

I grab my bag, Callum asks if I'm okay, I tell him I need to go. He grabs his keys, we say goodbye to Trudi and tom, heading out to the car.

After he drops me off at the diner, Callum says he'll be back in three hours, to pick me up. I walk into the diner like I'm walking on air. Loretta notices me, her brows raised in question. I just point outside to where my boyfriend is, still parked out front.

She nods in understanding, i grab my apron, ready to start my shift. An hour in, the door chimes, I look over to see, Angela and her friends walking in. Her eyes never leave me, as she sits down, leaning over to whisper something to Sonja. They both start tittering like witches.

I roll my eyes, here we fucking go. I plaster a smile on my face, heading to their table to take their order. They look at me, their smiles menacing. Keep it together, I mentally tell myself...

Smiling at them I ask them what they'd like. They give me their orders, I walk up to the cook, handing him the slip of paper, when i feel a tap on my back. I turn to see Sonja, glaring at me, "is there something else you need?", I ask her.

" Stay away from Callum, he's meant to be with Angela, once he takes your virginity, he'll be back with her. Save yourself the embarrassment and walk away now ".

I'm lost for words, who does this bitch think she is? I have a moment of self-doubt, then remember what Callum said to me this morning. Squaring my shoulders, I look her straight in the eye " why don't you ask your boyfriend, and best friend what they were doing together, after lunch today!!".

Her face drops, she looks over at her table, Reece and Angela are sitting close, whispering to each other. Sonja looks back at me "what are you trying to say, bitch?". I just shrug, walking to another table.

I'm taking an order when a loud noise, grabs my attention, I see Sonja slap her best friend, well ex best friend now, right across the face, "how could you, you're meant to be my friend, you deserve each other, I hate you both", she screams, running out the door.

I chuckle, serves them right, that's what you get for being assholes. After the dramatic exit, Reece and Angela leave too their food untouched.

When my shift is over, I look up to see my gorgeous man, he's waiting by his car. I say goodnight to Loretta and cliff, running outside I jump in his arms. He kisses me, "well, I'm happy to see you too Tesoro", he says, chuckling.

I wink at him, climbing into his car. We drive off, my hand in his, as I tell him about the dramatic night.

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