Spreading her wings
Chapter 15

Logan's POV

I'm frozen on the spot, what the fucks just happened?. One minute, I'm knuckle deep In Sierra's hot, tight pussy. The next she's charging out the door, leaving me confused and a little hurt.

I'm not stupid, I know exactly what upset her, fucking Angela. Since I kicked her to the curb, she has been hounding me. Calling me , messaging me every day, telling me she misses me, how much we belong together.

I first met Angela Moore, when we were both in 6th grade together. She would follow me around everywhere, my friends teased me constantly, saying she was my girlfriend. I found her annoying, and a pain in my ass.

When we started freshman year, her family left town, apparently her dad was offered a job in LA. That was also the Year, I first noticed sierra. She was always alone, her nose in a book. I would often see her sitting outside, eating her lunch by herself.

Being the dickhead that I was, I never approached her, my popularity was rising, my ego got too big. Even though we barely said two words to each other, I had a huge crush on her . She went through a major change during the summer before sophomore year.

She wasn't this skinny, awkward looking girl any more. She had filled out, her tits were perky and big, she wasn't wearing the ugly, goofy glasses, anymore either.

I still remember the day, I had decided I was going to ask her out, fuck what anyone else said. When I'd gotten to school, I had spotted sierra by her locker. As I went towards her, a body had stepped into my path.

This gorgeous, blond girl was standing in front of me, Looking at her closely, I couldn't believe it, Angela was back and boy did she look fucking good. After that day, we were an item, my crush on sierra Bennett long forgotten.

Things with Angie and I, were great until junior year. Something had shifted between us, we were always fighting, breaking up, getting back together, it was a vicious cycle.

I heard rumours, that she had cheated on me, numerous times. When I asked her, the tears would start and we'd end up having sex, getting back together again.


My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of voices, I throw on a top and shorts, running downstairs. Opening the door, are my parents and sister. My mum smiles when she sees me,"oh Callum, I didn't know you were here, we tried calling you this morning, when did you get here?". I walk up to her, throwing myself at her, she wraps her arms around me. I breathe in the familiar scent of mum, she's always been my biggest supporter, often siding with me over dad.

She rubs my back, " is everything okay my son?", I nod, stepping back, a forced smile on my face. " I'm just really happy to see you guys, I thought you had a benefit this weekend?". Dad walks in with a few bags "we did, the mc got the flu, they couldn't find a replacement in time. So here we are, now get your lazy ass out to the car, and bring some stuff in .


My family and I, spent the weekend by the lake, enjoying just being together. We left early Monday morning, getting home an hour before school starts. As I'm getting ready to leave, I can't help feel nervous, I'm going to see my tesoro today and ......... Trudi!!!

Tom called me last night, warning me his girl's on the war path and I'm the enemy. According to him, Trudi thinks I'm the biggest piece of shit, this side of Texas

I get in my car, heading to school, I contemplate going past Sierra's house, but decide to approach her face to face. When I pull up in the school parking lot, I see my angel standing there looking fucking gorgeous . Her long hair is down, she's wearing black tight jeans, ankle boots and a red off shoulder top.

I park my car, mustering up my courage, I push forward, until I'm standing in front of the girl, I should have always been with.

She looks at me, surprise on her face, I can hear Trudi muttering under her breath. Ignoring her I grab Sierra's hands in mine, right here goes nothing. " Sierra, tesoro, for a long time, I was always worried about the opinion of others. I spent so long doing things for them, because that's what I should do. Then I got to know you, you're so different, to any one I've ever known. You don't give a fuck about what anyone else thinks, you live your life for you. I admire that, so much, that is why I'm here to ask you to be my girlfriend.?".

Silence, complete utter, humiliating silence. I look, to see a crowd of people, waiting for her to answer. I also spot Angela, her eyes glaring at me. I look at sierra, her face frozen in shock, she blinks, looking at me, " you want me to he your girlfriend, seriously?".

I nod, her smile makes my heart skip, she nods back at me ," is that a yes angel?" I ask, just to be sure. She nods, giggling " yes, oh my god yes". I punch the air, grabbing my girlfriend and kissing her luscious lips. I hear a scream behind me, I ignore it as I continue to kiss the most beautiful girl in the world.

A/N I'm sorry this chapter is a little short, I wanted you to know Callum a bit better . Hope you enjoyed it 😊

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