As Lina made her way upstairs with a tray of freshly made supper, she accidentally stumbled upon a scene straight out of a Hollywood romance - the master of the house, Remington, passionately embracing his wife, Lizetta, in his lap; their kiss seemed a fiery testament to their love.

Lizetta's hair flowed through Remington's fingers, adding an air of intimacy to the moment.

Feeling startled, Lina quickly turned around and retreated; as she was considering whether to head back downstairs, she heard Remington's deep voice echo from the bedroom, instructing, "Leave it outside." Lina promptly placed the tray on the small cabinet in the hallway and tiptoed back downstairs.

Back in the bedroom, Lizetta, with her cheeks flushing, gently pushed Remington away once she heard Lina's footsteps fade.

Remington, with a slight smile playing on his lips, caressed her flushed cheeks and teased, "Enjoyed the kiss?"

Lizetta shot him a glare; the reaction of her body betrayed her. She reluctantly admitted, "You're quite the kisser. Let's not do that again." Remington chuckled, and had his thumb graze her now swollen lips before he stood to bring in the dinner.

Now genuinely hungry, Lizetta anticipated the delightful flavors of Lina's cooking, which was known for its light and nutritious qualities.

As Remington set the table, the aroma hit Lizetta, and her stomach growled embarrassingly loud. She blushed, and Remington's smile widened.

"Seems like Joy is hungry too, protesting in there," he joked, referring to their unborn child as he sat beside her, and stirred the soup as if to feed her.

"I can feed myself, you know. The doctor only advised bed rest," Lizetta protested, her independence flaring.

But Remington, ever the doting husband, insisted on feeding her, saying, "Let me take care of my daughter. Any objections?"

"Who's your daughter?" Lizetta retorted; she was slightly annoyed yet amused.

"Joy, who else?" Remington raised an eyebrow; his playful tone suggested that he was teasing her for being as needy as a child.

Lizetta couldn't help but accept the spoonful of soup, while touching her stomach softly, "How do you know Joy's a girl?"

"Then we'll have a son next, to protect you alongside me. Our little princess is enough for now," Remington mused, hinting at Lizetta's temperamental nature.

As Lizetta opened her mouth to argue, she was interrupted by another spoonful of soup.

After the meal, Remington stood to call Lina to clear up, but Lizetta, concerned, grabbed his hand and asked about the injury she noticed.

"You care for me, after all?" Remington's voice carried a hint of vulnerability.

Lizetta insisted on fetching the first aid kit, but Remington reassured her, "Just lie down; I'll take care of it. Your concern is enough."

The next day, Lizetta was confined to bed rest, while Remington had Cedric bring work to Oakridge Heights so he could stay by her side. After dinner and a check-up from their private doctor, who confirmed Lizetta could move around, they decided to step out for some fresh air.

Arriving at Echo Ridge Villa by sunset, Remington carried Lizetta out of the car despite her protests, claiming the doctor's permission for her to walk a bit.

Since the incident, Lizetta felt like a damsel in distress, as she was constantly in Remington's arms; it was a situation both frustrating and endearing.

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