"Let's not go there again. I can't even begin to explain without you thinking I'm throwing excuses your way," she protested, attempting to rise from his lap.

Remington tightened his embrace, and rested his forehead against hers, "My little firecracker, seems like I've put my foot in my mouth again."

The endearment, dripping with an affection that seemed to pierce right through Lizetta's heart, made her skip a beat. Despite the warmth spreading through her chest, she clenched her hand, fighting the fluttering in her heart to stay grounded.

She wasn't about to let herself off easy, as she was not willing to forgive a man whose marriage was built on lies.

After all, lies, like infidelity and abuse, come either as a one-time thing or a recurring theme. Rebuilding trust was like trying to mend a shattered glass - it's not as easy as it sounds. "Get some rest. I'll take you to Echo Ridge Villa to meet her tomorrow. Then, you'll see.

And about me lying about being in a meeting, wasn't I actually coming from the hospital?"

Lizetta bit her lip, nodding. She had indeed seen Remington and Stella leaving the hospital together and heading towards the parking lot.

The frustration in Remington's eyes deepened as he lifted Lizetta's chin.

"I was rushing to a crucial video conference. Cedric had already kicked it off by the time we got in the car. I wasn't lying to you."

Lizetta was taken aback, her brows furrowing in confusion. Was everything just a big misunderstanding? Had she been tormenting herself for no reason?

Her world seemed to spin a little.


A sudden nip at her nose brought her back to reality; Remington's gaze sharpened with a mocking edge.

"What? Disappointed you couldn't pin the 'jerk' label on me more securely?"

Flustered and annoyed, Lizetta retorted, "Whether you're a jerk or not is still up for debate. Why wait till tomorrow for Echo Ridge? Why not clear things up now? Who knows what you're planning!"

A shadow passed over Remington's face; his grip on her chin tightened as he hissed, "Can't you trust me even a little? Must you always assume the worst of me?"

"I, mmph."

Before Lizetta could argue further, Remington's lips crashed against hers, silencing her protests. His presence engulfed her senses, making it hard to resist.

Remington reminisced about previous kisses where she remained indifferent, and her body was stiff with rejection.

This time, he was determined to stir the deepest desires within her, so he varied the intensity of his kisses, and denied her any chance to catch her breath or come to her senses.

Lizetta found herself pushing against his solid chest, feeling his heart beat as wildly as hers through the thin fabric of his shirt.

His breaths, heavy and filled with yearning, spilled between their entwined lips, sounding unexpectedly sexy in the heat of the moment.

Such kisses made her see a side of Remington she never knew - one that seemed genuinely captivated by her.

And in that moment, she fancied the ridiculous thought that he might be using his charms on her after a failed attempt at playing the victim.


"Lizetta, stay focused, or I'll kiss you into tears," he murmured darkly, and his voice was husky against her flushed lips.

Before she could protest, his lips claimed hers once more.

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