Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption ( Lizetta )
Shattered Illusions: Love Lies and Redemption ( Lizetta ) Chapter 362

Chapter 362 

Lizetta was steadied by Yolanda’s hand, her expression serene at last. 

She had made up her mind to join the dance troupe, and she had to clear the air with Remington, she couldn’t let him hassle the entire troupe over this. 

Trying to keep her voice calm, she said, “I know my own body. Before I got pregnant, I was dancing for over ten hours a day. I’m in great shape. 

Even after getting pregnant, I kept working and dancing in the water. Look, I got through the early stages just fine, and now I’m in the second trimester, everything’s even more stable. There’s no way there’ll be a problem. 

I’m Joy’s mom. No one loves Joy more than I do. I know my limits.” 

Remington looked at her determined face, yet his eyes betrayed his restlessness; he was unable to find peace. 

Hesterly, “No way! After the baby is bom, do what you want. But now you’re coming back with me!” 

He reached out for her, but Lizetta was not to be swayed, her patience wearing thin. She retorted coldly, “Remington, you have no right to control mel Joining the dance troupe is my choice, my freedom. You can’t interfere!” 

*Tm your husband, the father of the child you’re carrying. I have every right to interfere!” Remington said, his voice deepening as he stared at her defiant face. 

Lizetta chuckled bitterly, looking back at him with a wry smile, “Why even bother?” 

Stella was back in town, and it was clear he’d rather spend every moment with her. Why cling to her now? 

“Cut the nonsense. Come home with me, don’t make me come and get you.” 

Lizetta shook her head, “Don’t forget; we’ve already signed the divorce papers. You have no say over me anymore.” 

Remington was taken aback, his face turning sour in an instant. 

“You’re backing out?” 

“Yes, I regret it, and if I had known that you’d go to such lengths, even getting hurt as part of your scheme, I wouldn’t have given you a second chancel Remington, was deceiving me that amusing?” 

He’d rather get himself injured than quit playing batteredbody trick to fool her. 

He hadn’t expected her to know that his injury was a deliberate act on his part. No wonder she had become so defensive. 

Remington frowned, stepping forward to explain. “The injury was indeed a ploy. You were set on leaving the country, and I just wanted to tug at your heartstrings to make you stay.” 

Hearing him admit it only spread a dull ache across her heart. Standing in front of the ICU, thinking he might die, crying her eyes out she felt like a fool. 

Did Remington take pleasure in playing her for a fool? Her sincerity meant so little to him, just something to be tossed around and exploited. 

“Enough!” Lizetta raised her voice, cutting him off, and then turned to Yolanda. 

“Yoll, could I use your lipstick?” 

“Huh? Oh, sure.” 

Yolanda, slightly stunned, quickly dug out her lipstick and handed it to Lizetta, who twisted the lipstick open and approached Remington. 

Their earlier scuffle had left his suit jacket open, revealing his white shirt underneath. Grabbing his jacket, Lizetta pressed the lipstick against his shirt, inscribing few words with force

You’re Fired 

She finished quickly, stepped back, and looked at Remington with a cold laugh, saying. “What you said earlier was incorrect. You forgot, you were on probation as a husband, and I’ve never seen an inter perform worse than you! You’re fired now, and the divorce is happening 

With that, Lizetta turned, taking Yolanda by the hand, Yoli, let’s go 

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