Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption ( Lizetta )
Shattered Illusions: Love Lies and Redemption ( Lizetta ) Chapter 361

Chapter 361 

However, Remington’s striking features suddenly tumed icy cold. 

A dark aura enveloped him in an instant. His lips parted slightly, his voice cold and reprimanding, “Lizetta, who taught you to touch other people’s stuff without permission?” 

Lizetta had braced herself for panic and excuses from his side. But anger and blame? That, she hadn’t expected. Of course, he didn’t care about her. 

He had brought her back solely because the baby she carried was his own flesh and blood, and more importantly, because there was a high chance the baby could save Joseph 

The one he truly cared about was Stella, Exposed by her, he wasn’t quilt–ridden, but embarrassed and furious. Even in his eyes, she was unworthy of touching those items, 

A cold breeze swept past, rustling few fallen leaves, brushing past their feet. 

Lizetta’s face turned ashen, a bone–chilling cold engulfing her. In that moment, her already dying heart seemned to scatter with the wind, leaving not a trace of warmth behind. 

“I’m sorry, I overstepped. Who am I to touch Mr. Dashiell’s cherished possessions? Sorry, can I leave now?” 

After a moment, Lizetta’s voice came out hoarse. In just a few words, it seemed she had used up all her strength. 

She tumed to leave, but Remington grasped her wrist again. 

“That’s not what I meant. Lizetta, can’t we have a proper conversation?” Remington said sternly. 

Lizetta’s emotions finally shattered under his grip. She swung her arm violently, her eyes blazing as she looked back at Remington. 

“Let go of me!” Her voice echoed across the empty theater square. 

She jerked her wrist as if she didn’t care if he twisted it. Remington’s heart sank, and he abruptly let go. 

Lizetta stepped back, her chest heaving, barely holding back the tears welling up in her eyes. Remington stiffened, his gaze dark and focused on her, his Adam’s apple bobbing slightly, lips barely moving. 

Just then, Yolanda hurried out from the theater. 

She had landed a role, and the filming had started the day before, though she was only a supporting role with not many scenes. Today she didn’t have to go to the set, yet she hadn’t expected to be called by Cassius so suddenly, who insisted she return to be stand–in of the lead actress for a steamy scene with him. 

Yolanda glossed over that there was something she needed attend to and couldn’t go to the set, suggesting Cassius play the scene with the lead actress. However that damn jerk threatened to kick her out of the set if she didn’t comply. 

After finally calming Cassius down over the phone, she went back to the concert hall, learning that Lizetta had been taken by Remington. Yolanda rushed over, immediately noticing Lizetta’s distraught state, 

“Badass Remington! What have you done to Liz now?! She’s pregnant, for heaven’s sake. A mother’s distress can directly baby. Can’t you act human for once?” 

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Yolanda supported Lizetta, glaring at Remington in accusation. The latter’s brows knitted together, a chill emanating from him. Seeing Lizetta’s pale face, he suppressed his anger, saying gruffly, “If you’re her friend, knowing she’s pregnant, you should advise her to rest and take care of the baby, not recklessly stir trouble everywhere.” 

Yolanda laughed angnly, “So, a woman should just stay at home once she’s pregnant? What about all the pregnant mothers out there working and striving? Mr. Dashiell, are you living in the dark ages?” 

“Nonsense!” Remington retorted coldly. 

He had no prejudice against pregnant women, nor did he believe they should confine themselves at home. But Lizetta wanted to dance. How could that be the same

He couldn’t understand. Lizetta had been obedient for the past four years, so why now, during her pregnancy, did she insist on returning to dance? 

Remington’s gaze darkened as he looked at Lizetta, “Do you care so little for your own health, or does it not matter to you if Joy could be at risk?” 


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