Rejecting My Lycan Mate: Finding My Wolf (Three Lycan Kingdoms Series Book 2)
Rejecting My Lycan Mate: Finding My Wolf: Chapter 72

Dimitri’s POV

“You let her go alone?!” Will exclaimed. “Are you crazy?! He is in love with her!”

I looked up at him and sighed.

“I trust her, Will,” I said. “I can’t keep her locked up in here. Trust me, I would be happiest if I could lock her up and keep her to myself, but that’s not possible.”

Will rolled his eyes and sat down.

“I don’t trust him,” he said. “He could try something.”

I flinched and I had to hold back a growl. I would rip him apart if he tried something.

“How is that your concern?” I asked, trying not to show how annoyed I was.

Will looked at me and rolled his eyes again.

“She is my Luna,” he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I swore to protect her the moment I became your Beta. She is my priority and you know that.”

I did know that. Protecting Maddie was the most important part of his job. If there was an attack and our lives were in danger, Will had sworn to save her, not me. He swore to protect her from everyone, even me.

“Seth won’t hurt her,” I said. “He is a good kid.”

I was sure of that and it was one of the reasons I let her go alone. I knew he wouldn’t hurt her. I knew she wouldn’t do anything to hurt me and I knew that she would tell me everything he did or said to her. I trusted her with every part of my body and soul.

“Will she be back soon?” Will asked.

“I told her to be back in an hour,” I said, looking back down at the paper in my hand. “I can’t be without her longer than that.”

“Is that a new contract for Doctor Jackson?” Will asked and I nodded.

“Yes,” I said. “I will offer him a job here at our pack.”

“When will he be here?” Will asked and I looked at the watch on my left wrist.

“In about four hours,” I said. “He called as he was leaving his house.”

“Will you talk to him about Maddie?” Will asked, making me look up at him.

I took a deep breath and nodded. I was nervous to talk about it with him, but I needed to do it. I needed someone to help me figure out what was going on.

Will gulped and bit his lower lip.

“I have a confession to make,” he said and I narrowed my eyes a little.

“A confession?” I asked with confusion in my voice.

Will nodded and ran his fingers through his hair.

“I talked to Ellie about it,” Will said, his voice laced with guilt. “She said we should talk to a healer, not a doctor.”

Will looked at me apologetically. I sighed and shook my head at him. I wasn’t happy with the fact that he shared that secret with her, but Ellie was one of the people I trusted the most. She was smart, kind, and loving. She was an amazing wolf and a huge asset to my pack. If she was older than Will, she would probably be my Beta.

“I know that I shouldn’t have talked to her without your permission, but it’s Ellie,” Will said. “You know I can’t keep anything from her.”

I rolled my eyes at him. He was right, though. He always told her everything.

“I know and it’s annoying,” I mumbled, trying to stop myself from rolling my eyes again.

“She is excited to meet Maddie,” Will said with a small smile on his face.

I smiled a little. I was excited for them to meet too. I knew that they would get along great. They were a lot alike.

“When is she coming back?” I asked.

Ellie was in a training facility just outside our pack. Will often ran to the border to see her and talk to her.

“In a few days,” Will said excitedly. “She is almost done with the program.”

She was in a training program for elite warriors. Mike was the one who started training our wolves, but the word got around and other packs were interested in joining. Mike and I decided it would be good for the Kingdom to have a few selected elite warriors in each pack. Ellie was one of those who earned the spot in Mike’s program and I was incredibly proud of her.

“I was thinking about making her Maddie’s personal guard,” I said and Will nodded immediately. “I trust her completely and she is not a male so Skol won’t be so uncomfortable leaving Maddie with her.”

“I agree,” Will said. “Ellie will be great at it. She is already so excited to meet Maddie and she is already so protective of her. She almost lost it when I told her about what Savannah did.”

Skol growled when Will said that bitch’s name.

“I really want to exile her,” I said angrily. “I just wish she would tell me who the father is. I don’t want that child to grow up without at least one parent.”

Will sighed and shook his head.

“She will never do that,” Will said. “She knows that’s the only thing keeping her here.”

I knew that and it was pissing me off so fucking much. No one wanted to take that child and I wasn’t so cruel to separate him from his mother and put him in an orphanage. I didn’t want him to grow up as a rogue either.

“So, the healer?” I asked, changing the subject.

Will took a deep breath and nodded.

“Ellie said that the healers could know more about that type of magic than the doctor,” Will said.

That made sense.

“We don’t have a healer in our pack, though,” I said.

Will smiled. “Leave it to me. I will find one.”

I nodded. “We should still talk to the doctor, though.”

“Of course,” Will agreed. “Maybe he knows someone we could talk to about this.”

I nodded again and took a deep breath. I glanced at the watch on my wrist. Maddie left about thirty minutes ago, but I already missed her so fucking much. I wished that she came back immediately. I wished that I could hold her and kiss her. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to wait an hour for her.

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