Rejecting My Lycan Mate: Finding My Wolf (Three Lycan Kingdoms Series Book 2)
Rejecting My Lycan Mate: Finding My Wolf: Chapter 71

Madeline’s POV

“Luna!” Macy exclaimed excitedly when I walked inside the diner.

I flinched a little. I wasn’t used to hearing that. I sounded weird. It sounded wrong.

‘Stop it,’ Skye growled at me.

I ignored her and smiled at Macy.

“It’s Maddie,” I said as I approached the counter. “Please don’t call me Luna.”

Macy chuckled and shook her head. I looked around the diner. A few people were eating their breakfast, but it was mostly empty. The people smiled at me and bowed their heads. I smiled back before sitting on one of the bar stools.

I could hear their thoughts. I couldn’t understand exactly what they were thinking, but I could hear them. I tried so hard to ignore them. I tried so hard to focus on Macy and shut everything else out.

I could hear her thoughts as well, but I ignored them. I didn’t want to know what she was thinking. I didn’t want to pry.

It was hard, though. It was so hard trying to quiet down those voices.

“What are you doing here, Maddie?” Macy asked. “You are not here to work, are you? Alpha will have my head if I allow his Luna to work.”

I smiled and shook my head.

“I am not here to work even though I wouldn’t mind working,” I said. “I came here to talk to you and say thank you for giving me a job.”

Macy stopped wiping and looked up at me.

“You are welcome, honey,” she said softly. “It was a pleasure working with you.”

She reached out and took my hand in hers.

“You will be an amazing Luna,” she said. “Your mom would be so proud of you.”

I felt tears in the corners of my eyes. Macy was the only one in this pack I talked about my mom with. She reminded me of my mom a little. Both of them were so kind and loving. Both of them made me feel safe when I needed it the most.

“Thank you, Macy,” I said, trying to swallow the lump in my throat.

The kitchen door opened and Seth walked out. I looked at him and took a deep breath.

“Hi, Mads,” he said quietly.

I could hear the sadness in his voice and it made my heart clench painfully. I never wanted to hurt him.

“Hi, Seth,” I said, my voice quiet and raspy. “Can we talk for a second?”

Macy let my hand go and I stood up. Seth gave me a small nod and opened the kitchen door. I walked toward him, rubbing my palms together and trying to calm myself down a little.

Goddess, why didn’t you give her to me?

Seth’s thought made me flinch a little. I gulped and turned around to see him close the kitchen door.

“He let you come here by yourself?” Seth asked as he leaned against the door.

If she was mine, I wouldn’t let her walk around without me. She is too fucking perfect for that.

His thought made me shiver. I tightened my jaw and forced my brain to shut everything down. I wanted to talk to Seth. I didn’t want to hear his thoughts.

“He did,” I said, giving him a small nod. “He trusts me.”

Seth nodded and took a deep breath.

“I am sorry, Seth,” I said quietly. “I didn’t want this to happen. I didn’t want to hurt you.”

Seth tightened his jaw and shook his head.

“You didn’t hurt me, Maddie,” he said quietly. “The Goddess did.”

She doesn’t have her mark yet. Did she reject him? Do I still have a chance? If she was mine, I would sink my canines into her neck the moment I found out she was my mate. He let her walk around without marking her? What the fuck is wrong with him?

I flinched and clenched my fists.

I pushed his thoughts away. I didn’t want to hear those things. I didn’t want to know what he was thinking.

My head started pulsating and my stomach twisted. I was already exhausted and it wasn’t long since I came to the diner.

“Where is your mark, Maddie?” Seth asked as he started approaching me. “Did you reject him?”

The hope in his voice made my heart clench. He stopped in front of me and gulped.

“I didn’t,” I said, shaking my head. “He will mark me soon.”

An unknown emotion flashed in Seth’s eyes. He tightened his jaw and gave me a nod. His eyes studied my face for a few moments.

I was a bit uncomfortable. He was standing too close.

She is beautiful. Why isn’t she mine? I will never want anyone except her.

“Do you really want him to mark you, Maddie?” Seth asked as he raised his hand and cupped my cheek. “Do you really love him?”

I tensed up and took a step back. His hand fell from my cheek and a look of hurt flashed in his eyes.

“I do,” I said quietly. “I love him. He is my mate.”

Seth tightened his jaw and nodded.

“I will be here if you change your mind,” he said quietly. “I will always be here, Maddie.”

I would take her even with his mark on her beautiful body. She would be mine and nothing else would matter.

I flinched and took another step back. Seth furrowed his eyebrows a little.

“I have to go,” I said, giving him a small smile. “Dimitri is waiting for me.”

Seth nodded and stepped aside so I could walk past him. I approached the door and opened it. I looked back at him and smiled again.

“Call me if you ever need help at the diner,” I said. “I will miss working here.”

Seth smiled and nodded. “I will miss it too, Maddie.”

I will miss seeing her beautiful face every day. I should have done something sooner. I should have kissed her sooner. I should have made her fall in love with me sooner. She would reject him then. She would be mine if I did something sooner.

My stomach twisted into a knot. I had to get out of there as soon as possible.

I forced another smile on my face before I stepped out of the kitchen.

“Are you hungry, Mads?” Macy asked and I shook my head.

“No, thank you,” I said politely.

I didn’t need food. I needed Dimitri. I needed him to hold me so I would feel safe. I needed him so the voices would stop. I needed him because I already missed him.

I said goodbye to Macy before I rushed out of the diner.

I couldn’t wait to walk into Dimitri’s arms.

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